Before we ponder the specifics of the 2021 MM+M/HealthLink Dimensions Healthcare Marketers Survey, letâs start with the obvious. First: Oy, what a year. Second: Considering the canceled conferences, shuttered mailrooms and pandemic sorrows, budgets held up remarkably well.
Indeed, amid everything, healthcare marketers earned their agility badges, finding better ways to get product messages to the right audiences.
Annual marketing budgets remained stable in 2020, at $7.7 million. A slim majority of respondents (51.9%) spent more, while 27.9% spent less and 16.3% spent the same. Overall, respondents devoted about 59% of total marketing dollars to reaching healthcare professionals and about 22% to consumers and patients.
Rhode Island Medical Imaging earns recognition for media campaigns
RHODE ISLAND Medical Imaging Inc. earned four separate honors this year from Healthcare Marketing Report’s first-ever digital marketing awards. / COURTESY RHODE ISLAND MEDICAL IMAGING INC. WARWICK – Four of Rhode Island Medical Imaging Inc.’s media campaigns have received recognition from the Healthcare Digital Marketing Awards. The national awards, launched this year by Healthcare Marketing Report, received nearly 300 entries for its inaugural competition. Award categories included health care websites and campaigns using digital, mobile and social media and electronic communications.…
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