వెబ్డెస్క్: సీజన్స్తో, సంక్షోభాలతో, సమస్యలతో సంబంధం లేకుండా డబ్బు అవసరమైన వారిని ఆదుకునేది ఏదైనా ఉందా అంటే అవి బ్యాంకులు అనే చెప్పుకోవచ్చు. ఎందుకంటే చిన్న చిన్న అవసరాల నుంచి మొదలుకుని పెద్ద పెద్ద అవసరాల వరకు, పెళ్లి లాంటి శుభకార్యాలు మొదలుకుని ఇంట్లో ఏదైనా వస్తు సామాగ్రి కొనుగోలు కోసం బ్యాంకులు పర్సనల్ లోన్ ఇస్తాయి. అలాగే, కొత్త ఇల్లు కొనుక్కోవాలి అన్న హోమ్ లోన్ ప�
Credit-wary women up home loan share
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Credit-wary women up home loan share
TNN / Updated: Mar 9, 2021, 05:25 IST
MUMBAI: Women have sharply increased their share of home loans, but have turned averse to personal loans and credit cards in the wake of the pandemic. Women are also more closely monitoring their credit scores, according to a study by TransUnion Cibil.
A report released by the credit bureau on Women’s Day shows that in 2019, women accounted for 23% of consumer loans. This dipped by 400 basis points (100bps = 1 percentage point) to 19% in 2020. Similarly, credit card enquiries by women dipped from 13% to 12% during the same period. However, when it comes to home loans, women have increased their share to 11% from 9% in 2019.
Women more credit conscious than men: Report
With 4.7 crore active woman borrowers, 61% of the women consumers have a credit score greater than 720, whereas only 56% of male consumers have a CIBIL score greater than or equal to 720, according to the latest report by Transunion Cibil.
In terms of types of loans, Women demand is more for personal loans and consumer durable loans with 38% of enquiries by women coming for these two loan products during calendar year 2020.
Women are turning out to be more creditworthy than men as they have a higher credit score of 720 on an average compared to a score of 709 for the male population, according to a report by credit bureau Transunion Cibil, which says women monitor their credit scores more regularly. Also, the number of women borrowers have grown at a faster pace than men over the last six years.
Read more about SBI cuts home loan interest rate by 10 bps to 6.7% linked to CIBIL score on Business Standard. Sanctions loans worth Rs one trillion till date in FY21
EXCLUSIVE: Bankers may be working all 31 days of March with the government looking to double the loans doled out under the PM SVANidhi scheme
EXCLUSIVE: Bankers may be working all 31 days of March with the government looking to double the loans doled out under the PM SVANidhi scheme
Prabhjote GillMar 5, 2021, 10:14 IST
The Indian government is asking bankers to work on holidays to double the loan disbursement under the PM SVANidhi scheme before the end of MarchBCCL
Regardless of whether it s a Sunday, Holi or Mahashivratri, public sector banks employees in certain parts of the country may be working all 31 days of March.