Simran Jeet Singh:
Thank you for watching the Religion News Service series, “Anti-Racism as a Spiritual Practice.” I’m your host, Dr. Simran Jeet Singh. And this episode is part of the second season of our series, which we filmed late in 2020. The first season, which was entitled, “Becoming Less Racist,” can be viewed on We thank Columbia University and Trinity University for their support in making the second season possible.
So, I’m ready to introduce Lisa Sharon Harper, who is incredible for, for a lot of reasons. She’s, she’s a prolific writer, activist, thinker. I recently, most recently I’ve come across her in many different walks of life and have admired her work from a distance. She has an organization called Freedom Road, which is fantastic. She’s a fellow with Auburn Seminary. And most recently, well, let me say, over the pandemic, I started following her Instagram Lives, which are just so compelling and so insightful. And occasionall