Laurus Labs on Thursday said that Satyanarayana Chava, its Founder Promoter, CEO & ED, sold 52 lakh shares of the company. The shares were sold on Thursday at an average price of ₹368.59, ag
Laurus Labs Q3 net up four fold
Share Article
Drugmaker Laurus Labs has reported ₹272.85 crore consolidated net profit for the quarter ended December, which is nearly a four fold increase from the ₹73.47 crore posted in the corresponding period of previous fiscal.
Revenue from operations increased 76% to ₹1,288.42 (₹729.59 crore), while total income at ₹1,295.35 crore (₹731.51) was 77% higher.
Founder and CEO Satyanarayana Chava said all the divisions contributed to the growth in revenue. The generic API division recorded a growth of over 100% for the quarter. It was led by higher growth in ARV API business and higher volume of 1st line products.
Laurus Labs Q3 net profit zooms to ₹273 cr
January 28, 2021
× Laurus Labs Ltd posted a record increase in net profit at ₹273 crore in the third quarter ended December 2020 compared to ₹73 crore in the same period in the previous fiscal.
The company’s revenue grew by 76 per cent at ₹1,288 crore as against ₹730 crore in the year-ago period.
“Our Consolidated revenue for the quarter increased by 76 pc driven by growth in all the divisions. we have been able to sustain our EBITDA margins, and our profitability has also improved to ₹273 crs for the quarter
, Satyanarayana Chava, Founder & CEO, Laurus Labs said in a release on Thursday.
Laurus Labs Ltd posts consolidated PAT of Rs. 272.85 crores in Q3 FY2020-21
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Laurus Labs Ltd has reported financial results for the period ended December 31, 2020.
Financial Results (Q3 FY20-21) - QoQ Comparison
The company has reported total income of Rs.1295.35 crores during the period ended December 31, 2020 as compared to Rs.1143.96 crores during the period ended September 30, 2020.
The company has posted net profit / (loss) of Rs.272.85 crores for the period ended December 31, 2020 as against net profit / (loss) of Rs.242.27 crores for the period ended September 30, 2020.
The company has reported EPS of Rs.5.07 for the period ended December 31, 2020 as compared to Rs.4.50 for the period ended September 30, 2020.