Integrity of Métis Nation is riding on MN-S election results, says candidate
The battle that has been waged between the Métis National Council and Métis Nation-Saskatchewan is now being fought in the trenches as MNC President Clem Chartier is among those challenging MN-S incumbent Glen McCallum for the position of president.
Chartier holds that the direction McCallum is taking the MN-S, particularly with the formation of a tri-council with the Métis Nation of Alberta and Métis Nation of Ontario, will send the MNC back to the days when it served as a pan-Aboriginal organization. He contends that the MNO, with the support from MN-S, has extended its membership to include people well beyond the Métis homeland who do not fit the definition of Métis adopted by MNC and its five provincial governments, which includes MN-S.
Integrity of Metis Nation is riding on MN S election results, says candidate
May 13, 2021 Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
The battle that has been waged between the Metis National Council and Metis Nation-Saskatchewan is now being fought in the trenches as MNC President Clem Chartier is among those challenging MN-S incumbent Glen McCallum for the position of president.
Chartier holds that the direction McCallum is taking the MN-S, particularly with the formation of a tri-council with the Metis Nation of Alberta and Metis Nation of Ontario, will send the MNC back to the days when it served as a pan-Aboriginal organization. He contends that the MNO, with the support from MN-S, has extended its membership to include people well beyond the Metis homeland who do not fit the definition of Metis adopted by MNC and its five provincial governments, which includes MN-S.
Métis Nation-Saskatchewan donates Chromebooks to Sask. Rivers
The Sask Rivers Education Centre/ Daily Herald File Photo
Recently the Saskatchewan Rivers School Division received a donation of Chromebooks from the Métis Nation-Saskatchewan (MN-S) and has been distributing them over the past two weeks to schools in the division.
Superintendent Jennifer Hingley explained that they were received and then processed before being sent to schools.
“We received 400 Chromebooks from the Métis Nation-Saskatchewan (MN-S). That is a lot. It was a very generous donation,” Hingley explained.
Hingley explained that the division appreciated the thoughtfulness of MN-S thinking about what students need. This will help the division address challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
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The Metis Nation–Saskatchewan (MN–S) launched its Vaccinated Metis Strong campaign on Friday, partnering with the Saskatchewan Health Authority to hold a pop-up COVID-19 vaccination clinic at the new downtown MN–S building in Saskatoon.
The clinic, taking place Friday and Saturday, has offered appointments to MN–S citizens ages 50 and up in Saskatoon, starting with the eldest. In a release on Friday, MN–S said interest in appointments was so high that all times had been booked before the clinic could widen its scope.
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Construction of a new affordable housing project for Métis elders is officially underway.
Local politicians and delegates were in attendance to break ground on the Round Prairie Elders’ Lodge, a 26-unit in the Pleasant Hill neighbourhood Friday.
Métis Nation–Saskatchewan (MN-S) President Glen McCallum is hailing the project as a big first step to broadly provide affordable housing for Metis people.
“Investing in the Round Prairie Elders’ Lodge project brings us one further step forward in our MN–S Government housing capacity building strategy for all MN–S citizens. Our elders are our experts. Our elders have worked hard to be able to establish the well-being of our nation and we must care for their well-being also,” he said in a statement.