The historical antecedent of man is inundated with changes
orchestrated majorly by man s quest for a better and easier
means of survival. Starting from the era when according to Thomas
Hobbes, t
he life of man was solitary, poor,
nasty, brutish, and short to the modern
technological age, change has remained constant in almost all
spheres of life. This quest for change led Satoshi Nakamoto
1 in
2008 into developing a new technology offering, Bitcoin
Blockchain . It is widely believed that Blockchain (BC)
could potentially be a significant driving force behind the next
wave industrial revolution,
2 due to its versatile and trust
The industrial complex for repairing cars in Damascus’s Qadam neighbourhood remains only partly functional, despite claims by the government that it has been rehabilitated. The fate of the complex is unclear in light of the government’s intentions to restrict all car-related occupations to a car expo centre complex under construction in Al-Dweir, northeast of the capital city.
The car repair complex extends over four hectares of land within the Qadam neighbourhood at the southern entrance to Damascus. Construction began in 2000, with the aim of removing car repair shops and associated businesses from the city centre and restricting them to one centralised location. The land used for the complex was expropriated for the state and was rented out for unlimited terms as per Syrian rental laws. This type of rent contract is called “furough” in Arabic There were 450 small and medium facilities within the complex, all focused on various aspects of car repair.
Guatemala: Industrial Sector Recovers its Dynamism
After bottoming out in the second quarter of the year, Guatemala s industrial activity index reversed its trend as of July, and in September 2020 registered a 6% drop.
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
According to analysis by Central American Business Intelligence (Cabi), because the mobility of people in the country is not fully restored, some sub-sectors are still affected.
In the current scenario, it is predicted that the Industrial Activity Index will close 2020 with a year-on-year variation of between 0% and 1%, and it is expected that by 2021 the sector s production will increase by between 9% and 11%.
Paulo de Leon, Cabi s consultant, told that