Siete acusados del asesinato de Giorgio Scanu son enviados a prisión
17 Jul 2021 / 05:43 PM /
Dos personas, también involucradas en el hecho están prófugas y tienen orden de captura.
Choluteca, así lo informó hoy el Poder Judicial.
Los imputados también son acusados de los delitos de incendio cualificado y allanamiento de morada. Responden a los nombres de Elmer Gómez Aguilera, Isaac Moreno Guillén, Óscar Erazo Cruz, Carlos Gonzales Maldonado, Christian Merlo Álvarez, Edwin Méndez y Elmer Guillén.
Dos personas, también involucradas en el hecho están prófugas y tienen orden de captura.
A 24-year-old Southampton man was arrested for DWI after he reportedly fled the scene of an accident in Flanders early Saturday.
Police said a caller reported hearing a loud bang outside around 3:45 a.m. and saw a vehicle had crashed into his mailbox. He told police he saw a man flee from the vehicle and also help the driver out, according to a report.
Officers were able to locate the men nearby and arrested the driver, Julio Xajap Sinai, for driving while intoxicated as well as third-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance, fifth-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance, first-degree aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle and several violations.