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Reader Question: Is America in a housing bubble? We think today s out-of-control real estate market is crazy. We are attempting to downsize our lifestyle with a smaller home. In two instances, we made an offer and someone outbid us. Our home is free and clear, so we are cash buyers. We don t want to sell until we know we ve got a place to go. Unfortunately, there are not many homes to look at, so we don t want to sell our house first and end up compromising on our new home. Home trade-in programs and iBuyers are costly. What other options are available to us? Author note: We addressed this question in a recent column on April 5, 2021. Here is another option.
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The Absentee Vote Logic of the New York Times
News Analysis
By making accusations of vote fraud he was not able to prove, both before and after the election, Donald Trump made it easy for his critics to dismiss as dishonest any and all concerns about election integrity. Typical was a New York Times “fact check” from late September denouncing as “false” GOP claims that expanding access to absentee ballots and voting by mail facilitated election fraud.
“There have been numerous independent studies and government reviews finding voter fraud extremely rare in all forms,” wrote Linda Qiu. That includes “‘absentee ballots’ and ‘vote-by-mail ballots’” between which there is “no meaningful difference.” Not only are both “secure forms of voting,” according to Qiu, they are considered the “gold standard of election security.”
For Years, The New York Times Reported Absentee Voting Boosts Fraud Until Donald Trump Agreed
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By making accusations of vote fraud he was not able to prove, both before and after the election, Donald Trump made it easy for his critics to dismiss as dishonest any and all concerns about election integrity. Typical was a New York Times “fact check” from late September denouncing as “false” GOP claims that expanding access to absentee ballots and voting by mail facilitated election fraud.
“There have been numerous independent studies and government reviews finding voter fraud extremely rare in all forms,” wrote Linda Qiu. That includes “‘absentee ballots’ and ‘vote-by-mail ballots’” between which there is “no meaningful difference.” Not only are both “secure forms of voting,” according to Qiu; they are considered the “gold standard of election security.”