3 Reasons Christians Should Stop Worrying about the Mark of the Beast
Clarence L. Haynes Jr. 3 Feb
There seems to be a lot of worry, grave concern, and fascination over the mark of the beast, especially among Christians. This fascination over the mark has only grown with the Covid crisis and the introduction of vaccines. Many people are trying to tie the mark of the beast to the vaccines, fearful that if they take the vaccine they are taking the mark. Some are even worried they may be tricked into taking the mark without knowing it.
Today I want to put your mind at ease because none of this is true. In fact, if you are a true follower of Christ, I want to tell you to stop worrying right now. I will even take it a step further and tell you that you are concerned about something that you really don’t need to be the least bit concerned about. You can literally put any fear you have about the mark of the beast completely to rest.
This conviction was held by two friends who wrote some of the most iconic fiction of the twentieth century: C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. After the great battle at the end of Lewisâs
Chronicles of Narnia, the characters discover that the new Narnia has been their real country the whole time, and they have nothing left now but to travel further up and further in. Tolkien, in
Lord of the Rings, enlists Sam Gamgee to ask, after the ring has been destroyed, whether everything sad would come untrue. Tolkien even coined a term for a sudden happy turn in the story toward this blissful resolve: