Advanced Modular Reactors are unlikely to be available before 2045 if ever – much too late to be any help in tackling the climate emergency. .….
Small Modular Reactors s will only proceed if the risk to RR money is minimal. That means RR will only put serious effort into design development with government guarantees given now, before the design exists, and it has been reviewed by ONR, a demonstration plant has been completed, and costs are known.
SMRs will only proceed if the risk to RR money is minimal. That means RR will only put serious effort into design development with government guarantees given now, before the design exists, and it has been reviewed by ONR, a demonstration plant has been completed, and costs are known.
/PRNewswire/ Former National Technical Director at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), in Oak Ridge, Tenn., Dr. Kurt A. Terrani has joined micro-reactor.
Canada / Power Companies’ Feasibility Study Says SMRs Can Be Economically Competitive
USA Preparing To Lead Advanced Nuclear Fuel Supply, Says Korsnick
China Gives Green Light To New Russian Nuclear Units To Cut CO2 Emissions
Zimbabwe Inks MOU with Russia to Set Up Nuclear Power Station To Ease Power Shortages
USA Awards Space Propulsion Contracts to Three Firms
Canadian National Laboratory Successfully Fabricates Advanced Small Modular Reactor Fuel
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Fully Ceramic Microencapsulated (FCMTM) fuel pellets
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL), Canada’s premier nuclear science and technology organization, is announced that it has successfully fabricated Fully Ceramic Microencapsulated (FCMTM) fuel pellets, an advanced and proprietary reactor fuel designed by Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation (USNC) for their Micro Modular Reactor (MMRTM). Ultra Safe notes on i
autoevolution 16 Apr 2021, 14:21 UTC ·
Back in 2017, a University of Hawaii telescope discovered a strangely-shaped object we ended up calling Oumuamua. Some claimed it was an alien spaceship, others just a piece of interstellar rock that just happened to wander into our solar system, but the sad reality is we’ll never know. 1 photo
That’s because the damn thing was too far away to see properly. When first detected, it was at a distance of 21 million miles (33 million km), but it was already on its way towards the Sun and fast. We presently have no spacecraft capable of chasing it and taking close-ups.
14 April 2021
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) has fabricated proprietary advanced fuel pellets for Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation s (USNC) Micro Modular Reactor (MMR). This is the first time that a TRISO-based nuclear fuel has been manufactured in Canada.
FCM fuel pellets contain TRISO fuel particles, illustrated here in blue (Image: USNC)
CNL s project to produce fully ceramic microencapsulated (FCM) fuel pellets has been funded through the Canadian Nuclear Research Initiative (CNRI), a programme launched in 2019 by CNL to accelerate the deployment of small modular reactors (SMRs) in Canada by enabling research and development, and to give SMR vendors access to the laboratory s expertise to help advance the development and commercialisation of their technologies.