Shares of Zensar Technologies extended gains to the third straight day on Friday and climbed nearly 6 per cent after the company announced a strategic partnership with US-based Claimatic. Following this development, the stock of Zensar Technologies jumped 5.70 per cent on the BSE in intra-day trade to touch a high of Rs 290. However, the scrip pared some gains and was trading 2.73 per cent up at Rs 281.85 around 9.55 am. At the same time, the BSE barometer Sensex was down 67.6 points or 0.14 per cent at 49,678. "Zensar has entered into a global strategic partnership with US-based Claimatic.
This partnership combines industry-leading, intelligent decisioning software of Claimatic with Zensar’s world-class strategic consulting, enterprise delivery, and implementation services," the company said in an exchange filing post the market hours on Thursday.