Your Opinion: Unhelpful analogy on climate change
Dear Editor: Recently, an LTE spoke of (and I'm paraphrasing) putting a child in a car seat, even on short trips and in a life vest if they go on the water, no matter how unlikely an accident is to occur is like how we should address climate change.
Jul. 15 2021 @ 11:05pm
Nelson Otto
Dear Editor:
Recently, an LTE spoke of (and I'm paraphrasing) putting a child in a car seat, even on short trips and in a life vest if they go on the water, no matter how unlikely an accident is to occur is like how we should address climate change. Even if we don't think it will occur, we should prepare for it to protect the children. Putting a child in car seats and life vests are smart things to do, but it is a terrible analogy when it comes to things like a carbon tax/dividend.