Your Money Will Be Digital. Will It Be Smart?
Apr 26 2021, 6:07 AM
April 26 2021, 3:58 AM
April 26 2021, 6:07 AM
(Bloomberg Opinion) -- Itâs fun to watch young children learn to handle cash by buying an ice cream and giving us back the change. But there will be nothing adorable about being surrounded by machines that need equally patient hand-holding when it comes to using money, like making sure our refrigerator stocks up the right vegetables in correct quantities before it pays the delivery robot.
(Bloomberg Opinion) -- Itâs fun to watch young children learn to handle cash by buying an ice cream and giving us back the change. But there will be nothing adorable about being surrounded by machines that need equally patient hand-holding when it comes to using money, like making sure our refrigerator stocks up the right vegetables in correct quantities before it pays the delivery robot.