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You stop at your local florist to buy some flowers on your way home from work. You exit the store and as you are walking to your car, you are clobbered from behind by someone illegally riding a shared electric scooter on the sidewalk.
Knocked to the ground, you are in shock and your leg hurts. You look around and see the person who ran into you pick up the electric scooter and ride away. At least you saw the color and brand markings on the scooter. A good Samaritan helps you get up, but you can’t walk due to pain in your knee. Your spouse arrives and takes you to the hospital where you are told you’ve torn up ligaments and cartilage and will require surgery followed by weeks of therapy. You won’t be able to return to work for six to eight weeks and you likely will have degenerative changes in your knee that you otherwise would not have had without the trauma.