York selectmen endorse warrant articles ahead of town vote
By Dan Bancroft
YORK, Maine — In preparation for the town's May 22 vote, the Board of Selectmen has recommended that voters approve 72 draft warrant articles dealing with the municipal operating budget and special general referendum.
The selectmen took preference votes Monday night on the articles, which were previously discussed, debated and recommended by the Budget Committee or, where appropriate, the School Committee.
Among the warrant articles considered were No. 5, to raise and appropriate up to $130,820 for the salary and benefits of the elected Town Clerk/Tax Collector position; No. 52, to appropriate up to $750,000 to replace lighting throughout all York school buildings with LED fixtures; No. 62, to approve funding up to $550,000 for construction improvements on Southside Road; No. 64, to approve funding up to $425,000 for the Long Beach Seawall and Sidewalk Replacement project; and No. 70, to authorize the selectmen to negotiate and enter into an agreement with the Friends of York Dog Park to construct, operate and maintain a community dog park at 17 Bog Road.