Windows Server 2003
Represents HTML declared type (e.g.: XHTML 1.1, HTML 4.0, the new HTML 5.0) Character set and language of the site. The language of as detected by CoolSocial algorithms. Type of server and offered services. Operative System running on the server.
Site Traffic trend during the last year. Only available for sites ranked 100000 in the world.
Referring domains for by MajesticSeo. High values are a sign of site importance over the web and on web engines.
Facebook link
A Facebook page link can be found in the homepage or in the robots.txt file. The description of the Facebook page describes website and its services to the social media users. The type of Facebook page. The total number of people who like website Facebook page. Facebook Timeline is the new layout of Facebook pages. The URL of the found Facebook page. The total number of people who tagged or talked about website Facebook page in the last 7-10 days.