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Continuing safe yellow fever vaccination efforts are critical during the COVID-19 pandemic. A yellow fever outbreak amidst a pandemic would devastate already strained healthcare systems and lead to unnecessary lives lost. CDC, CDC Foundation, and their partners have been critical to ensuring public health professionals and vaccine recipients have access to resources needed to continue the global fight against yellow fever while reducing the risk of COVID-19.
CDC works globally to combat the threat of mosquito-borne diseases, including yellow fever which kills an estimated 30,000 people annually. As a World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Arboviral Reference and Research, CDC’s Arboviral Disease Branch contributes to WHO’s Eliminate Yellow Fever Epidemics (EYE) strategy. This strategy aims to end yellow fever outbreaks by 2026 through improved laboratory and epidemiologic surveillance, as well as improved vaccination coverage for people living in at risk areas. CDC staff provide technical assistance, conduct training and research, and seek funding for yellow fever vaccination campaigns in endemic countries, as needed.