From the column: "I say good riddance to 2020. Here’s to happier, healthier days in 2021."
Written By:
St. Louis County Administrator Kevin Z. Gray |
8:00 am, Jan. 3, 2021
Among the lessons I think we all learned in 2020 is not to put too much stock into predictions. This has always been a theme for me, and it’s never been truer than this year. Situations, and life in general, can quickly change beyond what any of us could imagine.
Having said that, it does seem safe for me to predict that no matter what comes our way in the new year, your St. Louis County government — the County Board and staff — will rise to the occasion to continue serving our citizens’ needs. This pandemic has stretched our resources and capacity across departments county-wide beyond anything we’ve ever experienced. And yet our services continued. Even when buildings were closed to ensure the safety of residents and staff, we offered services via phone, email, drop boxes, and new virtual means. Our County Board held all its regular meetings and even a few emergency sessions. Calls to 911 were still answered and responded to quickly. Assistance dollars and vouchers were still distributed. Road and bridge construction projects were completed as scheduled. Planning permits were issued in record numbers. Assessments were done. Vital records were issued. Elections took place. And public health came to the forefront.