WWF India's One Earth One Home' programme concludes in Assam
The WWF India'sOne Earth One Home' programme has concluded in 16 States and Union Territory for the session 2020-2021.
| 25 Feb 2021 3:46 AM GMT
GUWAHATI: The WWF India's 'One Earth One Home' programme has concluded in 16 States and Union Territory for the session 2020-2021
The programme was launched on September 10, 2020 to inspire children to adopt pro-conservation attitudes and sustainable household practices towards a greener living. Students from Class I-VIII from government or
government-aided schools across the country took a well-guided digital journey ensuring that learning, wellness and actions go hand-in-hand.
The OEOH programme in Assam has been adopted by schools impacting students across the State. Assam OEOH Closing Ceremony was successfully organized virtually on January 29.