The Philadelphia Eagles are super bowl champions. The eagles fans every where, this is for you. Let the celebration begin. I found myself in the shower crying, dreaming of this moment. Your Philadelphia Eagles are now, super bowl chapel beyonds. It sounds good, super bowl champions. Look at karen in her eagles kelly green. Good morning, it is so exciting. Just pinch yourself. Are they go to go take ate way from frustrates. Tough looking at people last night going we won the super bowl. We won the super bowl. Well, we cannot contain it. So, Justin Timberlake, we just cant stop this feeling. I do too. Jt. Really you cannot stop the feeling. No, you cant. Apparently, were not going to stop dancing for the rest of the week. We have to dance through a parade. And, the noon today, in minneapolis, and atlanta, down in south philadelphia. Yes, do it. Look at this. Oh, yes. Wait for it. It is hard to shake this feeling. Who would want to. We have waited all these years franchise started in 1933. Never won a super bowl. We got one now. We got it now, baby. We got that one. Stop it. Speaking of dancing did you shoot the video of this guy dancing in the street. I was walking on Chestnut Street coming off broad street and these cars were driving past. They pull up the car. He hops and does this. We have sound. He is good. Yes. I mean, it was amazing. Yes, that is great. I said that is how you dance when you celebrate the super bowl. Speaking of. He loves it when we do that yes. Hey, hey, hey. He thinks it is so fascinating. Yes. And that is my jam. Yes. Never say that. I never say that. Dont make me lose cool points. You say hey, yeah. When you saw the guy on the pole what did you say. Hey. I was like oh. Not the pole. That thing is greased, baby this is when i first got to broad street. I was a house party, near or on broad street. This was in the beginning of the night. And so that is how it started, somebody up there, cheering them on, just loving it, we dont care about greased poles , and then later in the night, and, look at that. And, knock over another pole. It is like pole bumper cars or something. This is why the Philadelphia Police grease up the poles so the poles dont come down. And then we have been talking about the ritz karl toran the awning. Yeah. Im concerned for people at awning because i was over there in that area, and jumping off and doing all kind s of stuff. Now we are seeing videos. I hope they are okay. There is a video so violent we cannot show it to you. It looks like he broke his back, or something. It looks really bad. So, you have to be careful when when you celebrate. Karen. We had fun. My brothers birthday weekend. Nothing like he loves more than the eagles. He was so excited. That was his reaction when they won. He was like yeah. So, that is best ever, rob, happy birthday to you. And, my sister celebrating with their streets pouring out like everybody else. Shes the blon. And then, my husband actually lucky enough to go to the game he was so happy. He was in minnesota. 50yard line that is where he was. Oh, my god. Brian. E didnt want to bring you well. Well, you know. Who did he go with. He had some friends that got him a ticket. He could not get a ticket for me. Did you want to be here. I would rather be here with you and alex, and come together. Did he tell you about the celebrations. I want to know how they reacted the eagles fans in minneapolis were they running in the street. I havent talked to him. He flew back in last night. So, he called me and we were on the air oh, brian. Wow, charter, i was like i didnt think they had flights that late. Yes. I have to see what the reaction in minnesota was, newspapers and stuff like that , it would be interesting their take on eagles fans. It sounded like a home game. Did brian say it was 70 percent eagles fans in the stand. More eagles fans and one of those where it was loud. My brother was you have a chance to change the whole game when you go. You have to be loud. You have to be like three people. You know kitkat kline, you know, kitkat kline, cried. Cried. I can believe it. Yes. After waiting so long, it is like you feel like you cannot have nice things. It is so true. You see these videos that are coming out though and say you cant have nice things. It is in the punching a horse, it is something else. I dont know if it was a bet or something but let them eat poop. It is north filing. I just cant believe it. There is video, so it actually happened. As you know, i live over at the art museum area. The fairmount, by the barnes museum. I could not get a uber. I walk with everybody else. There is a sea of people. It is like marching toward the sea but it was toward city hall. And then somebody sent this to me. Here it is. This is on the parkway. Just human after human, like a sea of people just walking down the parkway, where should we get. Give me somebody to hug. Lets go to city hall. Lets go to walnut. Broad street. And they all made it down there. So, and then check this out. I dont know how many selfies i took but at one point i thought i had broken ribs. You said my ribs hurt. Did you fall. No, hug ago lot of people. The trash cut, look at that , eagles fans all over this trash truck. They are trashed. People just want to scream, they want to come together, celebrate and scream as loud as you can. Then police say, it is time to go home, mike. When i was driving into work they were still out on the parkway and every which way. So, along Market Street at one point this guy is walking in, he has his under dog. Im behind him. I said dog really came through for us, didnt they. That was our theme. Under dog, were under dogs no more, we are top dog, folks in the nfl. How about that, top dog. I like how that sounds. Lets get our shirt ready to go, parade, hats, modells is opened, they have been opened all night, we happen to be at cherry hill with jenny. Hey, good morning, guys, so slim picking is here at modells in cherry hill. Take a look, table completely empty, selling out, through the loudness of the sound system. Robin from haddon township. Were you over here looking at womens. There is hardly anything left. I know. You said you watched the game last night. Yes, didnt go to bed until 1 00. My son out there. Your sonnies out there. Did you talk to him he called me after the game. He said 75 percent eagles fans i heard that. He said every bar was eagles fans, it was location. Most amazing thing. It work. Well, he has a friend that lives out there, minnesota van and brought him out. Fantastic. So you will go, on the hunt to another store. Yes, i am. And i mean this is a great sign we are seeing fans coming out this morning. Everybody is so excited. Did not know what would happen last night. That last play it was like my god did he catch it, did he not. Thanks so much for sharing mike and alex, back to you. Just real quickly then the shirts you have the ring one left because people have been asking me, gray one that says super bowl chapel beyonds. The gray one are you talking about for women. The one across the way. Yeah were trying to see what was left that one and the one with the rings. And, there is a lot of those, but in terms of actual womens sizes there is not lot and just, everything is going fast. People are saying there is a lot more on the tables tomorrow. It was philly all night long not only winning super bowl but from the very beginning, leslie odom junior sang america the beautiful. For amber waves of grain for purple mountains majesty that was version so good bring in another version, pink for the national anthem, pink. Flag was still there. Oh say does that star spangled banner yet wave, ore the land of the free and the home of the brave by the way, fly over, you cannot see it, anyway, i was told, she had flu and we all knew she had a flu. I thought she did it well. What did she just spit out. She spit out a lozenge trying to get her throat nice and moist. Big show was just continue timberlake. What do you think of this. Well, we will talk about your opinion of the show, but it was kind of interesting. Everybody was waiting for what is the surprising to be . Will they have a prince hologram, no a big sheet that fell down. People of minnesota, this one is for you. I think it is cool when they have a due it. Even though prince no longer with us. You know where i think this whole thing went wrong is when people thought, word got out we were going to have i hologram come out which makes it look like he is alive in 3d. And then they put down the sheet with his image. That is not i hologram. They are still upset at the thought of the hologram. Or just the thought, about to show the moment when they turn the whole city purple. I thought that was amazing. How do you do. Wow. Was that graphics or did they do that, what is happening. I didnt notice until that very moment right there if you cannery rack that, megan. To me, it is just, computer. Okay. Making all of the white snow turn purple. You cannot rerack. I never noticed they project prince logo. That is what it was. Instead of the streets around the stadium. It was logo. The fact that he showed up in so many different places i did think that was cool. He didnt just stay on the stage, he was every where. When he went in the crowd did you see the kid he ended up being next to. He was on his phone. Justin timberlake walks up and starts singing with you do you get on your phone. That is not what this kid did. Look at that. Wait, i think i got it. This is going to be so great. That is where we are in the world right now, instead of just absorbing something live, you have to videotape it or take a selfie, is it a way of missing out on life. That selfie has been re tweeted so many times. It was pretty cool. There is some memes, i got this one too it was funny. He is googling Justin Timberlake. Tony dungy, his son, asked the question, at the press conference at half time show of Justin Timberlake. I happened to be talking to him before it started and i was like you ask him a question . Yeah. Were you nervous. Timberlake. I dont really listen. I dont really know his stuff. That solves your problem. You cannot be nervous. So cute, that kid. I dont know who Justin Timberlake is. We talked to him on friday. He came on the show he said he had plans for super bowl, he would go. He was standing right next to Justin Timberlake but they are like, this is national news, so, you know, people all over the nation, it became a twitter moment for people and i dont know, they are like who is that guy with two phones. That was a trending thing. Who is that guy with two phones. Were like it is freddie mitchell, guys. Fourth and 26, that is freddie man. Twitter takes these, most popular conversations and puts them all in one thing so you can scroll through and see what everybody is talking about. The topic was who was the guy next to Justin Timberlake. Freddie mitchell. What are the odd of that. That is great. You know who i was most happy for, Corry Clement, because we have got tone know him from glassboro. He was so close to not being in the nfl, nobody wanted him, nobody drafted him, eagles almost cut him. We did that story in the beginning of the year. Was it pomp friday or corry they made that decision. We will show this play where corry scores. You know what the play was Corry Clement scores, a touchdown, he is a super bowl champ and scored a touchdown. Man, did he play hard. So we will go to Glassboro High School today. Heres corry. Philly, philly, philly that was all for you. Thank you. See you at the parade. Drops mic. We are about to take to you Glassboro High School, hi, lauren. Reporter hello, glassboro, make some noise. All right. Heres the deal, corry claimed his fame in seventh grade. I will show thaw in a second but first coach craig when you saw him score that touchdown last night, and, great catch that he had, really threaded the needle i knew he would come down witt. You could tell it was a catch the whole way. It was a great feeling for me and my brother. When they saw it happen in practice tell me what you thought earlier when you said it went through your head. I could see him twitching his hand and play like he didnt know what was go confetti much. I could see it going to the line of scrimmage. Something would happen. I saw foles drift out in the flat there. And corry handed off to tray and it was just a surreal moment for him, and for us, it was neat to watch. Great job, coaching him. Seventh grade advisor, tell me your name. Im sophie. I love it. You have a card in your hand that made me teary eyed, tell me what it said. It is corrys first day of school card from seventh grade when i first saw him and it says when i grow up i want to be an nfl football player. You do it right from the start he knew it before that but, put it into writing and he is someone who just follows through. He probably had hundreds of those, what made you keep corrys. There was just Something Special about him. And, driven person. He makes goals. He follows through. And if anything gets in his way he just rides the bus. Anything in his way. Just makes magic happen. Gets you emotional, choke up, everyone here excited, i know, glassboro is celebrating with the best dancer ever. Can we get a Party Started here before we toss things back to the studio. Yeah. Everybody is loving that song. Perfect day, right. Yes. Dance, dance, dance. Bobs still dancing when he took over an entire town called bensalem. Lines out the door, everybody showed up. Good morning, everybody, sister it is mike, sue, jen, the whole gang, alex. Look a phillys in the building im so glad, that will has spent time on instagram about a month ago. And i love to see them so pumped. He posted this like after the first touchdown, so light out, it is still daylight but i thought it was pretty cool. Yes. He is hilarious. How about our kevin hart really wanted to be on the super bowl podium. He was so pumped, inside the stadium there that he tried to get up on the podium with the lombardi trophy. They were like, no, no. Not going to work. No. That is great. He about the size. But did he get on a stage, he was talking to one of the shows. Nfl network grabbed him, come on, talk to us a little bit and he did, and he consumed some beverage. Yes. He dropped an f bomb. It was fletcher cox, fletcher and he just took the mike started talking and they said take him off, as soons dropped it, all right, come on , you are done, funny. And then they kept taking shots, nbc did Bradley Cooper in the owners box, you see him a lot. He was so pumped up. Looking good. He made it down to the field too eventually. Just after a touchdown there. Just love the soup ever fans. He has always been showing love for the eagles. He is even narrating some of the hype video. Yes, his voice, someone told me that is bradley coupe are. So he sad with the owner, of course, Jeffery Lurie. Jen is celebrating in media this morning at Glenwood Elementary School, why . One question, one question . Who let the dogs out, who let the dogs out. Who let the dogs out. We will be right you want to hear from Doug Pederson . Do you want to hear from nick foles and eagles there. That is a live shot from minneapolis. Were getting, we have been in that room, as a matter of fact , over at the hilton. They are setting everything up, a backdrop. Is that the super bowl backdrop . Our coach is standing in front of that, nick foles will address the media . We will take it live to you in seconds. I wonder if they are select at all. Zero. Jens Glenwood Elementary School in media, delco, jen. First of all i have a question, for you. And, and, did you hear who won the game. Who won the game. Eagles. All right. My mans here they had under dogmas being are we still under dogs. No, not anymore, right. You have a jake elliott jersey why did you want his jersey. Because i play football and im a kicker, and he made a 61 yarder, i wanted his jersey. Amazing team, right. Yes. So cool. You guys you had a tailgate , you had a tailgate on friday, all of the kid, why sit so important to get these kid loving it. It is philadelphia. Were in philadelphia. Of course, you are, wow. All right, all right. One of the Amazing Things about this team is that they give back. You as a principal, you want the kids to know chris longs giving back, lane johnsons giving back, what are you guys doing here for your community. At glenwood community, i challenge them to give a thousand canned goods to our local Media Food Bank and they met the challenge and i had to dye my hair green and my goat t and the kid say you did it last week we have to do it this week again so here we are , Glenwood Elementary School, showing off pride for the eaglesy know jaylen mills would be very happy. Listen, did you believe in them all the way. Yes. Why did you think they would be able to pull this off nick foles, get the ball to his receivers. It is amazing, right. All right. You guys love this team. What is so amazing about this team. How did you know they were going to beat the patriots. Since they perseverance. They have perseverance. They have great teammates. They have great teammates. They are nice to each other , we love it. We love it, so much. We have fifth graders, and fourth graders, and third graders, and kindergarteners, so exciting. Did you ever think that you would wake up on this morning and see that your eagles are the world champions. Probably not. Probably not. How good does it feel. Very good. Really fun. Yeah. Do you think they should do it again and again and again. Yeah. There is a lot of grown ups in third grade were wishing for this and they waited their whole life and you are sharing it with them, your parents are excited too. Pretty cool. Yes. I feel like we need a fight song, yes. Yes. Yes. Whenever you are ready, now is there one season Ticket Holder here, you got to be so proud. Absolutely. This is a great group of people making it a great team for philadelphia to represent us and win the big one. We won the big one. Lets have a fight song, lets go. Glenwood elementary. Fly eagles fly, on the road to victory fly eagles fly, score a touchdown 123. You know how this song end. We will be hearing it so much more too. Before we go, we are waiting on a press conference. The minute we hear from our coach and nick we will take you out to minneapolis but real quickly here kobe bryant, i knew he was an eagles fan but man was he showing it last night on the gram. This is him racking to us winning final second of the game. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. That is so good. He is tip towing. He is dancing like you have to pea. Yes. Just like that. 9 34. Lets take a quick break so we dont miss any of the press conference in minneapolis. Everybody in minneapolis is a little groggy so we are not going to the press conference yet. A tshirt company, a tshirt company in massachusetts was forced to switch gears after eagles beat patriots pop tops sportswear is the company and blank sports, and, patriots logo super bowl champions for sixth time, and eagles won they had to switch the presses how painful is that, they had to wear their patriots hat our mayor, mayor jim kenney , said no official word but he had to guess, the day of the parade it would be thursday because of the sue serios forecast of the rain, cold rain, on wednesday. Nobody has time for that. We dont want a time for that. Tomorrow may be too early even they it looks like it will be thursday. But not official. Not official. But you will know as soon as we know. They are now not ready for press conference just yet wait, we are ready lets go to minneapolis, coach peterson and super bowl mvp. You know, i was just telling, you know, you are the first to three touchdowns and catch one. That is a pretty good combination. Nick, come on up, get your mvp trophy. Put it up here for you. Okay. We have hand held mikes. Is the mike on. Nick, i dont think it is backhanded compliment that there is a lot of people surprised with your level have play the last four weeks, ae you surprised at your level of play and if so at what point. It is not a backhanded statement at all. Im in the surprised. It goes back to Everyone Wants to point out one individual, im fortunate to be mvp of this game. As you have seen we have so many mvps, different guys stepping up, and it is just a great honor to be here to accept this but on behalf of the Philadelphia Eagles. Im fortunate to be part of the great team, great players, great Coaching Staff and i think just the play the last several weeks was a team thing we kept working. Kept game planning. I kept talking to doug about what i liked, and him and Coaching Staff built it around what we were doing and it is a reflection on the execution on the field and playing for one nother just like we have been all year. So on that it wasnt necessarily me but everyone around me that did an amazing job and outcome was we were successful and now we are world champions. Nick, Michelle Tofoya that drew brees text had you and what was his message and how helpful has he been for you in your football career. Drews someone we both went to west lake high school, he was a guy i always looked up to and still do. He just does it the right way. One of the greatest of all time. The big thing was go nothing to this game he reminded me it is just football. It is a lot of things going on , you know, pregame, longer pregame, big half time show, but at the even of the day, the game will settle down and it is just football. He was right. We were, you dont know. Never played in the super bowl biggest stage there is in this game. You dream about as a kid. You dont know how your body will rack or your mind will react. But, i was able to settle down really quickly and get the ball moving. Nick Kristin Rodgers fox 29 in philly. You talk about relying on the support of your wife and daughter. What was that moment like seeing them immediately after the super bowl. Those questions get me emotion. That is what it is about. This journey, you know, getting to see my wife and my daughter. My daughter wont know anything, shes seven and a half months old. Just looking in her eyes the whole world, slowed down. Just seeing her looking at confetti and embrace my wife and just know that i get to spend the rest of my life with her. She has been there. But then all around us, my teammates, my coaches, their loved ones that is what it is about, when you can just enjoy it, the love, the joy, everything, you do with one another, the support. I cant say enough. I necessity dougs the same way that is what it it is about. Nick right here, clarence hill, west lake quarterback, tweeting a video of you running that same super bell trick play, in west lake do you remember running a similar play like that in high school in your experience doing that. That was actually sam running that. I know the clip you are talking about. Sam, you know, university of texas quarterback, tremendous player, but, you know, difficult see that clip and it was very similar to what we did. He made a great catch. I guess it is a west lake quarterback thing. It is really cool. Nick. Yes. Good to see you. What did you do last night, can you walk us through what you did after. After the game. What you did after the bus departed started from the stadium. We had a Celebration Party i went to for a little bit. My daughter had to get to sleep. So shortly after that i wanted to go see them. I had 20 plus people here, and i was able to get back to our hotel and just sort of spend the time with them and reflecting, hanging out, eating, and then that is it, simple. Running out of fumes, lieutenant of adrenaline, excitement, we have a lot to be thankful for. Just staying in the moment and enjoy the moment. Ruben frank nbc sports philly. What would you like you had a unique journey here what would you like people to take from your journey in the last few years and kind of be inspired by. I think big thing is dont be afraid to fail. I think, you know, in our society, instagram, twitter it is highlights, all of the good things but when you look at it , you know, you think like wow you have a rough day your life is not as good as that. You are failing. Failure is part of life. That is part of building character and growing. Without failure who would you be. I wouldnt be up here if i had fallen a thousand times and made mistakes, you know, we all, were all human. We all have weak necessaryes and throughout this you know just being able to share that experience. I know when i listened to people speak and they share their weak necessaryes, because i can resonate. Ims not perfect. I might be in the nfl. I might have just won the super bowl. We still have daily struggles. So, but that is where my faith comes in, my family comes in. I think when you look at a struggle in your life just know that is just an opportunity for your character to grow. That is just really a simple message. Something in your life struggling, embrace it because you are growing. Nick, jamie apody six abc philly. We were lucky enough to be on the field when you shared an emotional moment with your dad when you embraced him for the first time. What was going through your head during that moment. My dad has always been one of my here owes. Him and my mom, embrace them. I didnt have an easy life growing up. For him and my mom to play this game to provide for us as kid, to watch him just through adversity throughout his entire life overcome it. He didnt even graduate high school, you know, he has been very successful in his career path. I got to watch him as a young kid, come home i dont know midnight, smelling like a kitchen because he was working in the kitchen, trying to get, Restaurant Business isnt easy trying to get it up, just to watch him as a kid just to give meehan opportunity to play and never really realize until i got older how many him and my mom sacrificed for me and my two younger sisters. To share that all those emotions that is something you just, you cherish forever and so happy that i know his emotions are crazy. He lives or dies every play i play. I was pretty relaxed. He was pretty stressed. It was a really special moment hey nick, i think a month ago people looked at you and thought you settled to being a backup in the nfl. Have thought at all about last month and a half has change your life and changed where your career could be going from here. No, im not really worried about my future right now. Im grateful to be part of the Philadelphia Eagles. I said when i signed with the eagles, im grateful, content in this moment. Im staying in the moment. There will be a time and place to handle all that but i take a lot of pride wearing the Philadelphia Eagles jersey and i just enjoy being here, such a greata excited for carson wentz to come back healthy. I getit erythe doodies a stud. Im just living in the moment. I not thinking. Chris generals st. Paul press. Can you talk about how valuable your quarterbacks coach, john dephilipo was getting you ready late in the season after wentz went down and during the bye week before the playoffs, just throughout the process. Coach flip does a great job entire Coaching Staff they work together. Coach pederson, coach reich, coach flip, we have an amazing staff, ton of exquarterbacks that played the game but coach flip, you know, he works, he is a grinder, barely sleeps, just fundamentals giving us game plan and all of our checks, extremely detailed. Im grateful for him. He has done an amazing job this year. It is not easy when your franchise quarterback goes down and the great thing about our team and our Coaching Staff is they work so well together and they do it all together and we sit there, we talk, great communication were very fortunate players to have such a great Coaching Staff. Thank yall, appreciate it. Immediately, here, we will just hang with this, and just an empty shot, but it is important to stay with this, there is roger goodell. Congratulations again to the eagles, to Jeffery Lurie and everybody back in philadelphia who i know are enjoying this game. What an amazing turnaround for this organization, as you know , they finished last in the nfc east last year and to turnaround and win the super bowl is an incredible achievement. Coach pederson who i think one of the most great lead hours demonstrated that throughout the year and overcoming adversity in leading his team through that is one of only eight coaches to win the super bowl in the first two seasons which is truly a remarkable achievement, so coach, congratulations, come on up. We can pick it up if you want it, sure. Good morning. No questions, i like it. Hey, doug, you had a little bit of time to reflect. Not much. Not much. You guys did this without superstars, without hall of famers does that make it special and do you think that is one of the reasons, because there were no superstars. I do, i think this team is full of great character men. It wasnt about one individual as i kept saying to the team this entire season particularly this last couple of months and you know, leadership of the locker room, you know, part of the messag putting it back on the players the players own it. The players own their jobs own their responsibilities and not having selfish coaches and selfish players gives us a chance to win this game. Doug you mentioned previously how you went back and looked back at nick foles film what he did well and looking comfortable. Looking back now how crucial was that week or two week period to get him ready for the post season. It was definitely, you know , valuable experience to just watch nick and understand what clicked with him and what made him successful a couple years ago. Change good. We didnt to have tweak a lot of the offense but i wanted to make sure we had plays and ideas and concepts in the game plan that he was comfortable in executing and running. It was a, you know, i had a lot of conversation with nick during that period. It was just a matter of him spending time with the guys. It will take sometime. It will take repetitious in practice. He miss add lot of Training Camp obviously with the guys and when carsons playing he misses regular season reps. We knew in the building that we were going to be okay with him. We just needed time. Doug was there a moment after all the excitement and celebrations when you guys sat down and let it sink in and what whether your thoughts when you realized what you have accomplished. It hasnt really sunk in completely yet. I can remember back even as a player winning this game and what it felt like, what it meant but i think it is a little bit more special waking up, today knowing that you have accomplished something that you set out way back in april and really when i was hired two years ago when mr. L urie hired me in philadelphia that this is the game that we wanted to eventually be in and play in and winnie know it will take sometime but it is, kind of surreal right now. These next few days will be a little crazy. We have lieutenant to do still but just excited for the guys and we will remember this is rest of our lives. Doug, you were, nick was asked if he looked at himself any differently after going through this process the next month or so. You have been around him a long time. Your first time here. You have been with him since spring, every day, do you look at him any differently. As much as you might get to know a guy when you get on this size stage and still performs do you look at him differently or reflect differently as time goes by. Nicks been the same guy that i can remember going back when we drafted him. He does not change. The things that he did, back then when we had him, in philadelphia, to today, you know, he is just a better quarterback today, smarter quarterback, veteran quarterback today but nicks nick. Nickys who he is. You saw how genuine he is, and , i have a lot of guys on that roster just like nick and very unselfish and call it roll players, backups, these guys, these guys helped us win this game and this championship and my hats off to nick for what he has gone through for what he has had to ordeal and sort of, block out this past two months and excited for him and his family and well deserved. Hey doug can you take us through what you did after you last saw you last night, and at any point did you get to have a moment with carson and what was that like. I had a chance to talk to carson on the field, after the game and just told him to take this in, enjoy this moment. He is a great quarterback. I told him you are a big, big of why this team won this champion ship and won this game. I told him, that, you know, hopefully we will be back in this game with him leading the way. Just after that it was just about spending time with our families, and with my boys, having my boys down on the field with my my wife, my mom was here, brother, sister, and just reflecting you know, about the game, spending time at the party with the teammates and players, and coaches, and, just a crazy whirlwind of a night. Hey doug i know you are so quick to praise all your players but as a coach when you have this many key players go down throughout the season all this adversity how trying is it as a coach. It is tough, it is tough. It is something that you spend a lot of time thinking about how you want to talk to the team how you want to present your messaging to the team, how will the team buy into losing, as many starters as we did this season and you know, really again it was part of just trusting the players a little bit. Great leadership with some of the veterans players and just allowing them to sort of embrace it and next man up mentality and just as coaches, hats off to my Coaching Staff for preparing our guys, getting our guys ready each week abe it didnt math shore was in there we were going to coach them up and get them ready to play. Doug, you mentioned last night you knew you had to have a touchdown on that last drive where ertz got in the end zone how frustrating was it and did you and jim schwartz have spirited discussions about the fact that the patriots scored a touchdown every time they had a ball in the spending half until the final two minutes. It wasnt frustrations when we score the touchdown and i mean we knew and i knew we were going to have to score. We were going to have to score a field goal wasnt going to do us any good obviously. It is part of the ebb and flow of the game. It will happen that way. You will be in the game where either offense is struggling, defense, maybe special teams is struggling and you just keep fighting, you keep throwing punches and, you know , you battled until the the even. It is a 60 minute game with the patriots and that is how i challenge the team before the game at half time, that we got to continue to play. You know that last couple minutes in that game challenging the defense, everything that you got, everything you got, and we got , you know, we got the strip sack, fumble, and then obviously the last play, so much, the last play. And, our fathers are such an influence in our lives. Nick mentioned that. When you came to the eagles during that period of time you who your dad. How much do you think about your dad, after the game, and, what it would have been meaning to him. Difficult think about him, having my mom here. He would be so excited. I remember, you know, all of the browbeatings i took through athletics, and life lessons, that sports can teach us and the good and bad, and he would be smiling and looking down on us and looking down on me and very happy and very proud obviously. I miss him. This would have been a special moment to have him here. Last question. All right, coach congratulations. Thank you. I know you havent had much of an opportunity to think about this at this point but is carson wentz still your starting quarterback will you have an open competition in Training Camp can a super bowl mvp go back to being a backup. I knew i could not get off this stage without that question. We will enjoy this moment, tell you right now. We will enjoy it. Get on this plane, get back to philadelphia, celebrate with our fans, and, and, were just going to enjoy this moment. Im happy for nick, happy for the team, it is not about one guy it i

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