Outside of st. Paul and when i say white bear lake, this is a lake you cant even see snow covered, frozen down. I mean were literally thats our rental car driving on the lake. Take look at some of the ice fishing going on. Vikings fans i tell you they are a different kind of breed. Theyre out here in subsere row wind chills for eight or nine hours a day in these fishing shanties. The other thing i noticed about vikings fans they are not very confident about their team this weekend. As a matter of fact, some of them say theyre actually scared to come to philadelphia. Listen to the warning theyre sending to Minnesota Vikings fans. You decide. The first thing you better understand is that you are in foreign territory. If the vikings win i would take off any colors. Were almost talking about gangs but no joke down in philly. It really isnt. Reporter can you believe that . Theyre talking about gang colors. Thats the kind of reputation we got. Any way, nice group of fans up here. We actually ran into a couple philly fans. Well talk to them and well bring you back here at 10 00 oclock on this is literally, when they say frozen tundra take look. They got snow mobiles. They got their Cross Country skiing out here. This is the frozen tundra up here in minnesota. Iain, hopefully well be back here in a couple weeks when eagles are back here for the super bowl. Exactly i think we will be february 4th. Chris, stay warm check in with you later. Fox 29 where you want to be all week long. Leading up to the nfc championship game youve seen our coverage im guessing you want more. Lets talk about sunday good day at 7 00. Game day live at 10 00. Fox 29 news on at 4 00 before the fox pregame show at 6 00. Kick it off at 6 30 basically dont even change the channel sunday. Lets check in with now with your fox 29 winter wet authori authority. Thankfully those flakes have stopped falling but its still cold as we take live look at doylestown. Kathy is here now. Kathy, of course, every once wants to know whats the weather going to be for the game sunday. Incidental wal was that lake he called it again. White bear lake. 25 degrees with wind chill of 15. So chris is loving that. [ laughter ] take look at the fox cast, iain. Tailgating comfortable for tailgators with temperatures in the 50s for game day. Kick off partly cloudy and 48. Thats actually above normal. Even for the daytime temperatures. A cool evening for our fans in the stands temperature 45 degrees. You cant beat that for football playoff weather especially in philadelphia. Few snow showers left moving offshore. Otherwise were talking about everything ending but refreezing v poconos had winter storm warning. 6. 9inches Lehigh Valley three to 4inches. Newark, delaware, 1. 2. Mt. Laurel 1. 2inches snow. Great weather for skiing in the poconos but cold tonight with temperatures in the 20s and some teens and those wind chills that are going to go way down into the single numbers. Right now it feels like 15 in philadelphia. It will feel like in the single numbers come tomorrow morning. Well talk about that big warmup iain coming up later in the broadcast. All right, kathy, thanks. Weve seen the impact of the Opioid Crisis in our community and its not good. Now, the city says someone needs to own up to the problem and theyre pointing the finger at the drug manufacturers. Fox 29s jeff cole has more on the big lawsuit just file. Reporter the brutal winter seems no match for the lure of opioids of heroin in kensington where sale and use of the drug seem brisk wednesday. Jack, are you using . Yes. Reporter you use heroin user as well. Yes. Reporter can you kick it in any way you think . Are you going to be able to kick it. Ive been shooting heroin for 30 years. Reporter kensington in the grips of the most severe Opioid Epidemic in philadelphia. Philadelphia leaders believe this nightmare has been forced on them by big pharma the companies who make opioids and falsely marketed them as pain relief without at diction. The city currently in the grips of what can be termed as a Public Health nightmare. Reporter nightmare thats cost millions for police, First Responders and treatment of the addicted. So the city has turn to the courts to get its money back. Filing wednesday a 160 page lawsuit to match the size of the problem. Today were asking the companies that sell these drugs to stop pushing these drugs in philadelphia. And to start helping us clean up the problems they have caused. Reporter named are ten big drug makers like johnson johnson, Perdue Pharma and Endo Health Solutions and janson pharmaceuticals. Theyre accused of deceptive marketing and sale of prescription opioids. The city has linked with private law firms to do the heavy legal lifting in return for one third of any payout. I sell syringes to support my habit. This way i dont have to rob and steel or anything like that. Reporter back in frigid kensington, jack hawks his wears even in the cold. Business is strong. Its bad. Reporter gotten better at all. No. Not at all. Its bad. Reporter losing friends yes. Oh, yeah. I lost a lot of people in the last year. Reporter fox 29 has contacted the Companies Name in the suit perdue farm in a vigorously denies the allegations and looks forward to. ing its defense. Allergen says it supports the safe possible use of prescription medications. Janssen says the allegations in the lawsuit are both legally and factually unfounded. Im Jeff Cole Fox 29 news. Jeff, thanks. Upper Providence Police are looking for group of men posing as electricians to get into ho homes. One homeowner says two men came to her door last friday and said they needed to install a new electrical line. Once they got in, they cut the power to the womans home thats about when she and her daughter heard a third person inside. Filing final they will took off in gray toyota tundra. So far we dont know if they stole anything. Scary scene in West Philadelphia when two boys were shot with a pellet gun. Their ground mother says theyre just days away from leaving the area because of all that violent. Our joyce evans has this story. Reporter iain, they are a hardwarning familiar until a tough neighborhood. Struck by the very violence that theyve done everything anybody could do to protect their loved ones from. I cant upped how this happened. Because rashaun and zamir they are good children. They are good children. And this shouldnt happened to them. Reporter grandmother theresa hold away could hardly get the words out but told us she had to speak out after seeing rashaun powell, 12, and his 15yearold brother zamir like this. They was just coming from they girl friend house little girl that is they play with and they just gunned my babies down. Reporter they were just four or five doors away walking to their grandmothers house when police say what appeared to be three young people dressed in all black and Wearing Masks fired on the brothers with some kind of pellet gun. We both was upstairs. We heard four or five shots. By the time we came downstairs, one of the neighbors they kick the door in. Reporter smears of blood mark where zamir was carried inside. Shot twice in the chest and once in the hand. While they called for help, another neighbor yelled out. Theres another one out there. Thats when we ran out there and seen the youngest grandson laying down on the ground shot as well. Reporter rashaun was shot in the neck. Thank god mines didnt die. Reporter ironically, theresa and thomas were just days away from moving from the 6,000 block of ludlow street. They say to offer a better environment for the boys to visit. Its just like we just wasnt quick enough to escape it. You do all he can are do you care and it seems like its not enough. Reporter they say running away is really not the answer. Fighting back is. All we doing is killing each other. If yall black grabbed mother and a mother like me yall need to tell these kids to put the guns down. Please, stop the violence. Reporter good news the boys are in stable condition tonight. Police are working to track down they b beebee gun that was used and detectives say some of the neighborhood children are cooperating telling them something about fight between two groups but so far no word yet on what if anything those two brothers had to do with it. Iain . Joyce, thank you. New jerseys new jerseys new November Gore enters office with his Party Controlling both chambers of the state legislature but that doesnt mean his agenda will face smooth sailing. Former wall street exec phl murphy wants to raise the garden states minimum wage from 8. 60 an hour to 15 bucks. But Senate President and fellow democrat Steve Sweeney of Gloucester County says not so fast. Businesses especially farming extremely price sensitive could suffer if wages are forced up too quickly. He sat down with our bruce gordon. I see at the best scenario that we start that wages would start next year, next january 1st, tennessee and progress forward so with this year and the four years that im looking at this is my opinion it will be five years before you would get to 15. But then thats clear al slower timetable than what the new governor has in mind. Yeah. Yeah. But listen, again, definitelys in the detail. Sweeney also says hes ready to hit the pause button on murphys plan to raise the state income tax on Million Dollar earners. He says that tax hike along with new bill from washington could leave wealthy new jerseyan toss leave the state. As we celebrate the eagles, well take a look back at first football title. And the know is out of here. Warmer temps are on the way. Kathy all this talk of a possible eagles super bowl appearance has us thinking about the birds first ever nfl title 70 years ago. Our bruce gordon joins us in studio much blues, things were very different back in 1948. Oh you got to right iain. Leather helmets no face guards, no international hoopla. Just philadelphias very first pro football world championship. A snowy wednesday in january. Bah how about blizzard on a december sunday back in 1948. Here we are out at shy park. That was the scene now watched by thousands on youtube for the nfl championship game bean eagles and then chicago cardinals. Ray didinger says the nfl was no sporting goliath back in those tase. Pro football wasnt as big as college football. So it wasnt a big deal. There was no national tv contract. The game is underway. Reporter but there was a National Radio contract and so despite that raging snowstorm the game was played on schedule. Eagles star running back Steve Van Buren woke up in on the morning of the game he look out the window and saw this ridiculous snowstorm and he just were not going to play today and he went back to bed. Reporter phone call from his coach greasy kneel convinced him his services were needed at the park. He took mass transit to get there as for the game the two games slogged their way through the snow for three scoreless quarters. The birds recovered a fumble. Van buren punched in it from the 5yard line. Once they had the lead in that game scored the touchdown, kick the extra point. Just a master protecting the lead. They did. Winning by a final score of sevenzero. Fans at the stadium went crazy but there would be no parade down broad street. Just a private team party at a center city hotel. Van buren skip the festivities taking mass transit home. The next season, didinger reminds us the birds beat the Los Angeles Rams 14zero for a second state nfl title. Back to back shut outs in the champion shim. It had never been done before. It has never been done since. All the members of that 48 title team passed away. The team had also appeared in the finals in 47. Lost to the cardinals. He believes those birds of 47, 48, 49 were among the greatest pro football teams ever. Iain . All right, great stuff, bruce, thanks back to your fox 29 Weather Authority now. As we take a live look at allentown lean high county what difference a couple of hours makes. That snow is out of here and stopped the mild air is on the way in. Kathys got your forecast in 15 seconds. What day. The snow is gone. The temperatures are falling and we got about 7inches in the poconos. Look good the snow guns are going with temperatures only in the 20s much this is camelback. You can see right here we have a snowboarding jump so theyre really enjoying the weather after we had rain last week and icy conditions there. The temperature is 25. It feel like its 15. The winds out of the north northwest at ten. But its cold. When you have temperatures below 30 degrees, those feel like numbers go way down quickly. You can see on ultimate doppler some snow to the south virginia, northerly carl but we are in the clear with falling temperature. Its 12 in the poconos. 18 in lancaster and 22 in wilmington. The whole country for the most part under the deep freeze with the exception of phoenix, las vegas and San Francisco and portland even salt lake but look at the whole eastern id say 80 of the country. 32 in wichita. 23 in st. Louis. 20 in chicago. 19 in memphis. New orleans its only 35 degrees. Its actually warmer in philadelphia than it is in raleigh. The jet stream though is going to lift to the north and as it does, we will see increasing warm temperatures. Were talking about 30s for tomorrow. But after that, were on our way up overnight 19 in philadelphia. 14 in pottstown. The poconos nine. The skies clear and the winds will calm down a little bit. 19 in dover and waking up to 19 degrees in wildwood. That temperature taking at rio grand. The wind chills 8am will feel like four in the poconos. 15 at the bus stop in philadelphia. Any walkers in wilmington will feel very cold with a wind chill of only 15. So bundle up with hats and scarves and the mittens tomorrow. During the day tomorrow, deep blue skies with very low humidity. High pressure builds in but its to the northwest that means cool em tow hers. 35 degrees with winds out of the west about ten to 15. Those wind chills are going to be in the 20s and that chilly breeze will continue into the afternoon. On your seven day forecast, heres the warming trend. Friday temperatures right around normal. It should be around 42 for this time of year. We jump up to 50 by saturday. Sunday for the eagles game 53. Monday a chance of an afternoon shower, tuesday mostly sunny and by wednesday, parly sunny. So lets focus on game day. Kick off time about 6 40. Kick off temperature 48 degrees with a southwesterly wind. Temperatures stay up were it that wind. A cool evening by the Fourth Quarter 45 degrees. That beats wind chills in the teens. Doesnt it . What do you think, kristen . Yeah, that definitely beats wind chills that were experiencing outside. Im not going to need this beanie for sunday. Thanks kathy. Coming up nick foles talks about playing against his former teammate in case keenum plus the eagles dee finance talks about your daughter wants to stay organic. Your husband wants to stay free from artificial ingredients. You want to stay free from artificial preservatives. And your debit card wants to stay on a diet. Fill your cart with Small Victories like giants natures promise brand. Great prices on over 1,300 items. Eat well for less. Only at my giant. If you knew it was going to be nick foles and case keenum leading the way here in the nfc championship to tart the game then i want your lottery numbers because i dont think anyone else did. Foles and keenum were teammates for the rams back in 2015. Theyve gotten very familiar with each other. Being at this stage now just a few years later, nick foles says its been quite a trip. I mean its pretty wild. Absolutely. We were on the same team not too many years ago, and but thats where like i know i is he over and over again cases success and the way he plays doesnt surprise me because him and i were together and we prepared together. We were around each other every day. But i think the big message there no matter what happens, you just got to keep believing in yourself. Keep working hard and just, you know, never give up. Because of that back up quarterback label a lot of people wrote off case keenum this season. Eagles defense have not. Some of these guys have played with keenum before. Others just from watching film of keenum says hes a very shifty guy and theyve gone as far as to compare him to some pretty great names. Hes slippery. He reminds me a of russell wilson. When i say that, you know he moves around and throw the ball and tuck it and run. I seen him duck a lot and guys just reaching for him and he slips out of peoples hands. I played with case. Hes a gun slinger. He kind of reminds me of a little mini brett favre or something. Thats the way i think about h him. Great competitor. Really good player and hell be tough. Fox 29 is the only place to watch the game this sunday unless youre over here at the linc. Good day philadelphia at 7am. Fox 29 game day live at 10 00. Special fox 29 news the chase for the championship at 4 00. Then fox nfl pregame. Kick off over here at linc at 6 40. Can you feel it, iain . Nfc championship game right around the corner. Looking forward it to. All right, kristen thanks. Going to be lit. Former pennsylvania governors ed rendell and Mark Schweiker urging candidates running for office in 2018 to prioritize pre k programs. The governors Holding Press Conference in doylestown trying to get support for publicly funded pre k to improve pennsylvanias economic competitiveness. We all know about the cognitive science. What goes on between age when theyre born and five to great extent its not being mellow drama if theyll have a shot in academic performance sense and even in professional sense and in a community sense, how you treat and nurture them at those ages goes a long long way. Report by the institution pre k for pa says only about a third of eligible kids around the state get high quality publicly funded pre k. Join us tonight on fox 29 news at 10 00. Just scary in fishing outing in the distance another boat speeding towards them live and death decision they had to make. Join us tonight to fine out how that ends. That looks incredible. That will do it for us here at six. Page sick followed by dish nation at 7 00. Stay tuned for tmz right now on page six tv, who got ann curry to open up about today show firing and what did she confess about matt lauer . Whats behind the racy announcement about baby number three . When did they find true love for the first time . Where can you find a house with its own olympic size luj track . And kiera into therapy. Right now on page six tv. [cheering and applauding] welcome to page six tv. Im sean. Here are todays top stories. In fact, the only story that matters, america, our economy finally got what it needs most, another kardashian. [ applause ] yeah. Kim and kanye welcomed their new baby girl into the world. I have so many questions. Are they getting paid for the photos . Will they name the baby kaching . Did chris get 20 of the umli

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