Short. They say, man you are supposed to order a size up. I did. Holiday eating. Does it come in your size. I dont think they do. How are things over at gap kid. I need a new gift card you are right, the way, with the climate in this country these days, i took off, naughty and nice and i will wear something more appropriate. Before i put this on you, as a double sweater, do you know who jillian m el e. Yes, she works at news channel. Now she works for our network, up in new york city. Yes. Shes a great dresser. Yes. She just called me a little while ago. She said i dont know how you got this but she wants her dress back because she need it for monday show. Wow. That is great. Did she steel my eagles dress. Well, she had it on, two days ago and now you have it on so what is going on. That girl, it is, secret, news anchors across this entire area, there we go, hi. It is rent the rye way it is a dianne, i will return this and get right back in the mail and new dresses all week long but it is a perfect eagles dress you may be wearing her dress. I think it is. She is wearing it, returned it and then i got it. That is how rent the runway works, right, they send it back, they clean it, supposedly. Yes. This hasnt been cleaned. It is hers. But every anchor woman in america is wearing the same dresses because they rent the runway. It saves us tons of money for dresses they have it for guys now too. Do they. I ordered a dress to wear, my super fabulous Holiday Christmas dress. It didnt come. I dont have a sweater. Slide into this as we go to our toy drive still underway at Sterling High School where steve is. How is it going so far. Well, so far, pretty good. Look we are staying until 10 because we want to see people donate during the show but we will go until 4 00 oclock. You you can see toys, filling up. Santas up and working to the right of greg. We will talk to santa, and give you some pictures and hopefully when we come back here on warrick road in somerdale right off of 295 we will draw more people out of the houses and cold air or frosty eras we like to say this time of the year. The frosty air. Hey steve. From histy air. People out there to help you, you dont to have get out of your car. I feel one in the same. You guys are one in the same. Cant escape. We have never been so close and you dont always like to be so close and, there is a hand. The a mowing point your jingle bells, just try to keep it to a minimum. Yah. Okay. What is that. Sticker from the sweater. I dont know. By the way, if you want these i got this at jc penny. One season, two friend. Thank you so much for joining us, send in your pictures we love to sianni share and join in our sill iness and fun you know i like to keep your relationship going, i fashion myself, throughout all these years thomas on the show, you can call me mike. Were all family. I have tried to keep your relationship on track, okay. How is that working out . Look to me to improve your relationships. Ladies if you want to be happy unload that husband of yours. Do it now before you get too old new National Health Service Study that said woman grow happier the older they get. And they are at their happiest in their 80s. Get out of here. Im not kidding. They are happiest in their 80s, because they are husband have died. Can you imagine. Poor women. We have to just out live them, were just going to out last you. Why do we make you so miserable, karen. We do all this stuff we have to cook dinners, meals and finally in your 80s and i can see this, they dont to have do anything for anybody they can say whatever they want and they dont care and in one will tell them something. That is right, they said, everybody they interviewed said they are enjoying their retirement women are more miserable then men for almost their whole lives. They say they are more miserable around the age of 30 that is when kid leave the house and to have take care of the parents. Yes. Empty nest syndrome, see, and they have no responsibilities. It is a positive report, dont you. No. No matter how miserable you are, happiness is on the way. At 80. Well, yeah. I always say it is never too late to accomplish anything but 80 years old. The opposite is worse. You have a good two or three years. Eighty years of misery. Just kill us off. Would it be better to be more unhappy the older you get this is a positive report. You are looking happiness in the face, just after your husband is dead. In your lifetime you get 2 percent happiness, in your happiness who said that. That is what you are saying if you have wait until post 80 in your lifetime 80 percent living to a hundred, the opposite way. It is itchy. I have never been this close to you. There is no denying that halle berry is one beautiful woman. Karen. Yes, people are always hate her out there they question he relationship and why she has had so many struggles. I have said this all my life that shes one of the most Beautiful People i have ever interviewed. Like looking in the sun. Her personality. Yes. Really, really nice but she has been unluck any love. I mean she was married to that baseball player for pirates for a while david justice. That was in 1992. They get divorced five years later. Then she married eric benoit. He had the problem though. He admitted to being a sex addict. Then gay bree an aubrey here they were married for a while. They have a daughter together. So from 2013 to a couple years ago she had a relationship with oliver martinez. Right. Yes. And in case you havent heard she just broke it off with her latest, boyfriend alex dakid. They were only dating a couple months. Now shes done with love. What she has decided to say is just quit, give up. That is usually what he you say, im done with love, that is it. You dont think she will stick to this. Type that has to be in ahe relationship, not necessarily a serial dater. You can marry two together. She has to be in the relationship. People question her. The haters out there is she the unstable one. Well, she is the common denominator in this. Those relationships all last four or five years. I agree with thomas though, she, you say, you say you are done with love until next person you fall in love with, meet next monday an an you love, love again. Im starting to of feelings for you. I have never. I feel like a third wheel on the date, you are in the back seat and watching two people make up. No. It is like okay, i shouldnt be here. I remember when i was, young my sister would try to sneak out of the house inn she would take me to the movies. Often time she was just dropping me off soso she could within her boyfriend. Did you ever squeal on her. No, i was a good brother. Yes. She would always squeal on me. I could getaway with anything. I i was a good brother. I dont know where i was going with that. I feel like im cheating because thomas is my co hoe from four to six. He is my first tv husband. Mavis my other bay you you are beau. Im cheating. Only in the dark and when sun comes up. Then we are exposed. My tv wife is in europe right now. Is she really. There is no playing when the real co anchor is away. Okay. Save the date, thomas, because you like fancy events, the Royal Wedding has been announced it is may the 19th. Kensington palace on announced this, right. Harry and rachel. Her name is megan. Her real name is rachel. May 19th. Held at Saint Georges chapel at windsor chapel. They announced the big news. They met about a year and a half ago on a blind date, so, a year and a half later. Some of the best dates are blind dates. Yes. It will take two years from the blind date to be married. I think that is great, it is g they will be, they will have baby first and then the big wedding. This is a fun season and new era. Is she pregnant. No, his brothers baby they had to wait until baby was born. They do. In april. They planned it. They will not allow them, you knew that. Everything is coordinated with the royals. Did you see yesterday, that megan has been invited to the Christmas Party and normally you dont get invited to the Christmas Party unless you are married to one of the royals. I dont know if you watched the crown but how much times have changed and the queen has been through where her uncle advocated and which is why her dad became king which is how she rose into power and all of the problems they had with, princess di an, camilla. They would never allow him to marry camilla in the first place. Now, by the time you get in your 80s you are like whatever, go ahead, i dont care. Give me secret word when you start feeling uncomfortable. Safe word. Mike called you in the office and i think we necessity why. Hi, yes. All right. So yesterday im Walking Around in the cold and i go by seven and sansom that is jewelers row over there. There is a Jewelry Store on the corner. It is saffian. It is called safian. Yes, i was saying it wrong after all these years. Safian. They wouldnt let me inside you are right. Rodolph. Randolph. Yes. Anyway they have a bench out front. If you had are having issues in your relationship, you go, sit there and it is permanently there at seventh and samson. You talk burr relationship. It is you and me. You and me. Yes. That is great. Well, jewelers inside, gave away two Engagement Rings yesterday in the freezing cold you know what the people did who won. What . They immediately got engaged to the person standing next to them. Because of the ring. Yeah. Now, of course, watch this. The win of the safi an rodolph diamond give away contest goes to. Tiara. Thank you, thank you. Wow. Thank you. That is cher and tiara. Congratulations to them both, amazing. There are no losers at safi an and rodolph. Our finalist also get engaged today. That is the other couple, she said yes too. Heres our question. It was unusual, yes. But she said yes. She looks like i dont know it is freezing cold. She would say anything to say get back in the store. She doesnt look thrilled. Heres my question for you, karen, ladies in the audience would you be okay with that, the rings free. 5,000 ring for free, yeah. And then you are proposed to at seventh and sansom out in the street. That is your special store. I dont have a problem with that. I dont need some fairy tail setting. Sometimes your life is like serendipity you have a free ring. You are so full of karen hepp would be okay were being proposed to with a free ring. Yes, you would. I am not that person. We did not orchestrate this yes. I know karen very well, a lot of bling there. You would be okay with that i have not orchestrated things back in the day when i gotten gauge now with millennials it is more you want picture perfect moment. You live in the moment and let life happen. Thinks 5,000dollar ring. So you are all right witt. It is great. Great life. I almost started to cry over there. Can you take that two shot real quick, this two shot. Three headed sweater. Yes. Hi. Wait is over, have you seen star wars last jedi. I thought it was amazing, i had best time, and i will not give you any spoilers, but lets take a look. Light the fire. Come on. This is not going to go the way you think. Fulfill your destiny. All right. We will not give anything away we will just give five stars, four stars, three stars, our movie critic Kevin Mccarthey thinks. Look at that you had are bringing it r2d2 reports from d. C. Hi kevin. Good morning mike and karen huge day, most anticipated film. I will say to your audience in philadelphia this will be a very spoiler free review no spoilers, no plot points whatsoever. I will go through things i liked and dislike with no plot points. I loved the force awakens. That was episode seven. Came out two years ago. Direct by jj abrams this film was episode eight direct by ryan johnson who did brick and blooper. Heres positives. I think action in this film was amazing, space battles are mind blowing. Mixtures of practical effect and cgi looks phenomenal as action scenes are taking place also i think there is one of the greatest star wars scenes ever that takes place in this film, the entire theater was geeking out beyond belief this scene which is a fight scene will blow you away. Performance wise, adam driver is phenomenal as kylo ren, i love that conflict of the light and dark side. I enjoyed laura dern character , jon williams score is fantastic. It is a fun ride. Two and a half hours long. Let me get to the negative. Negative side of this movie, in my opinion, at the end of the episode seven we have a scene where ray is handing luke the light saber. Big question is what will happen next in episode eight. I really felt it was a bit of a let down what happens next in the film with the character i also thought they made Luke Skywalker a grumpy unnecessar ily comedic character and in effect complete tone of the move any my opinion. I think first act is too slow, i liked this film, i just didnt love it. I gave it 3. 5 out of five. When you are looking at star wars if i would rang them empires strikes back, then a new hope, then force awakens, return of the jedi, this film, which is last jedi, and then r ogue1 and prequels. Not a bad film. I think star wars fans will enjoy it. I just didnt love movie like i wanted to. At end of the episode seven i could in the wait for episode eight. At episode eight i found myself going do i need a episode nine, that is where i am, at the momenty loved it. I was so sad when it ended. Two things that you talk about is the creatures are, so amazing, in this one. Agreed great new characters with more diversity. I loved it. If you were a kid that grew up in the 80s, some of the humor is flung i but that is star wars, i loved it. Kevin you talk about this being a fun ride. Im sure emotional ride with the passing of carrie fisher. Yes, she play ace very big part in this film and again im curious what they will to have do when episode nine comes around but creature work in the film is fantastic. The porgs are new characters they are phenomenal. I found all of the things ryan johnson did visually incredible. The thing about Movie Reviews nowadays with a film this anticipated when you have a little bit of negative things to say people just automatically assume that you didnt like the film or you hated the film. I liked this film. I gave it a b minus. When it comes to the rating i gave it 3. 5 out of five. It is in the on the level of the force awakens or Empire Strikes back or new hope but i will say this is one of the most polarizing films i have ever seen on social media people either love the movie or they kind of just like it, it is very interesting how this is all going down. Kevin, thanks, have a great weekend. Love the coat. Thanks, guys. Love this suit. What movie is that from. Tell me. Silence of the lambs. My gosh. Love the suit. Well, star wars i just cant wait not to see it. Will smith, will smith is bringing the fresh prince back and he is channeling his past. You remember the grand mom in this. Oh, yeah. Someone played grand mom yesterday and it is a famous person, we will show it to you what does your look like ugly sweater day. Wait, way to bring that one dang. For the love of mercy. Karl, love this one whole family so cute, i love it, they are all michael im thankful that im alive and have a second chance. James im thankful for the help and the opportunity that i received. Darlene im thankful to be able to help people in crisis. Vanessa im thankful that addiction is treatable, and that help is available. Christie new jersey is experiencing a heroin epidemic fueled by opioid painkillers. But if you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, i want you to know we are here for you. This holiday season, choose help. Call 844 reach nj or visit reachnj. Gov. Wait for the grand mom part did that part already go by . It is coming up. Shes making her appearance yes. There she is. Right about here. So yesterday was throw back thursday on ellens shows, ellen degenerous, so watch this. Wow. There we go. All right. Are we ready. Lets see how we did. Okay, all right. That is awesome. Yes. That is so great. Such a good show, isnt it. Well, i didnt realize that will smith, he said to allen he doesnt have an instagram account. They fix it right there on tv they got it set up. They shot this picture and they set up an account with some pointers from, ellen. He got more than a million followers already. Never had an instagram being all these years. I mean his kid do, they are crazy on instagram. So two days he got a million people. Yeah. Yeah. A million people. A gram for the gram. Look at that. Look at that. He went right to throw back thursday, by the way, Justin Timber lake welcomed will to instagram way pick of them, from mtv the video music award from four years ago. Alongside a caption explaining what tbt means, throw back thursday and if you are curious, will got over 500,000 followers in the first 12 hours and then it blew blew up to over 2 million. I dont know what he has right now i will check the account in a little bit. Im so hot right now. Are you hot. Yes. Ive got two sweaters on. Well, you have two sweaters on. I do. Getting steamy. My hand. By the way, another pick from somebody else or not. Jen sent this one pumpkin girl jen, michaels homemade. It lights up. So great. So great. I know these people, look at this maryann vaughn, the ugly sweaters, you got it, dont be jelly. What were you yesterday, mike. Nothing candy kanes arms there. Lets get tout steve keeley, hey, steve. I dont know because flyers won five games in a row but their head coach dave hakstol just dropped off five toys here on the way to flyers practice, how cool is that. Thank you plaintiff hakstol. But if you can, top him feel freel to do so. They are hoping to get to a thousand today in this we need your help, trying to collect, well, by the way, first of all, thats one ugly sweater right there. I like the pointsetias on t oh, this is just a cute, cute baby. Oh, adorable. Onceie. I love a good onesie with the little footies, remember that, when you were a child . I wish these had footies in it, make it even more cozy. Good day people, student and staff over at Sterling High School in somerdale, new jersey, trying to get a thousand toys by the end of the day, steve . Well, mike, it will get snowy later, but last year, it was 14 degrees whether they did this. And they tripled their first year, actually, more than tripled. Rob straws, a fellow graduate, of glassboro state rowan. And you studied communications, unlike me, and youre the teacher and im the communications but i see a rubiks cube there. Wow. By the way a lot of people, know Sterling High School but dont know where it is, how to you get here from 295, 42 . Coming off 42, just take 295 to route 30. Get off warwick road, we will be out here until 4 00 today checking toys. Right off 295 white horse pike, easy to finds, easy to google, get in on google maps. You got pile here. You want this pile a lot bigger . Right now at about 450, half way to last years total, looking for a thousand this year. Maybe even more than a thousand. Look how boarded santa looks, we need him off his did you have and out to the street. You can come off light a drivethru. Look at the kids out here, they have passes all day, they dont have to go to class because they can help out. Here comes somebody bringing two toys here. Now, is this an employee or whats the deal here . One of the teachers here at the school. What are the teachers with the big smiles. A lot participate in this, really great, teachers give extra credit to some of the kids in classes who gray in toys. We didnt plan this. Teacher come over here. So many kids in need, we just want to give back. It made you smile, giving kids a toy, right. Yes, absolutely. Where is the Sterling Knight by the way, where is he . Look, hes got, look, the knight helmet on, so it is the sterling silver nights knight, but look, the senior choir, the silver tones, are going to sing us out. And mr. Silver, you can guide them like this, like it is an opera. Mike, youll be happy to know, this is a senior mike. You like his shorts in this frosty werth. Mike, not all computers. They still use number two pencils. All right . What . Now, if you want to donate toys, pen for mike, actually long pants, feel free to do, that as well. All right, guys. They prepared jazzy jingle bells for us to sing us out. Well let them go at it. Silver tones. Jingle bells that a great high school. Very nice. Help them out. I was in the choir back in the day. I would lip signing. Sure you, you did. Seriously. I can see you, you have somewhat of a, what that do they call that, the cher snub. Cherub. Rube i can face. Somebody told me once i looked like webster. Oh, no. Is that what you even . No. Youre alex rodriguez. I was cents on blind date at the time. Say hello to jlo. Date ended, right there. Ya, how did that go . All right. Im getting very odd, very hot, i have two sweaters on, avenue solution, ill do adjust continue bieber right after the commercial break. Are you really . All of it . He has inspired me. I guess we will. Hanna, thats pretty bad. Oh, our friends, our sue serio. Happy anniversary, sue. Miss you down there in new orleans having a good time. Thats so much fun to go out to a party, i know ton of you will be going out tonight, this weekend this, he won a contest for that nonhideous pairing. Bieber, he bore it all . So is mike. Hey, if i say giants . Hey, youre going outside. But now you all got to go, because were stuck together. laughing . Oh, youre rotten. Weee todays the day wahoo theres the secondmost famous groundhog in pennsylvania. Phew, am i late . nah, just in time. Nice. Holiday scratchoffs from the pennsylvania lottery. Aww. Things just got very merry. Keep on scratchin as i mentioned, im getting very hot now. Carefully watching the placement of my hand. I like to stretch out. So fun. I i dont know what youre doing. Oh. Hello there. Im in love with you all the sudden. Im feeling things i shouldnt. I know. No, theyre here. Okay. Oh, goodness. Anyway. So, im taking a cue from justin bieber. And so after this next commercial, ill be shirtless, actually. Hes been decorating his Christmas Tree, without a shirt on. Common. I appreciate the view. Do you . Yes. I mean, hes sort after man child. Westbounder . Well, i like his songs, sorry, i used to who decorates their Christmas Tree shirtless . Does Scott Williams say i do. Scott williams . I think Scott Williams just said i do. Scott williams decorate his tree naked. Watch out for the hooks. Yes. Do we have to film every moment of information our lives . I think i dont need to see everything do you in your life. I dont mind that if he would have had like a christmas sweater on. Well, ya. Then it wouldnt and story. Still would have, he still would have got the hits. I find it interesting that hes by himself. And it is in a corner. I dont know. Oh, there is a shot for you. Well, what says i feel like hes not really putting anything on the tree. Is this a loop . There are only four decorations going on. He looks like a little boy, doesnt he . He definitely is. Cant take it back, karen, you said he was hot. No, i decided the more i watch it, it is not hot. Should be confiscated by the fbi. You know, you love it, it is a holiday classic, a christmas story and it will be on tv live this weekend watch could go wrong . Three hours. Oh, god. Three hours. So, it is going to be live on fox. And im looking forward to it. No, the reason i watch these things, is to see if they screw up. Because it is live from a sound stage, in burbank, california. Okay, the warner studios. But will be live right here on fox at 7 00 on sunday. Rudolph is in it. Yes. Matthew broderick, who by the way says hes very nervous. Matthew plays the dad. I think it is casino every miss cast. Like i said, he plays grown up ralphy. I think he will de a great job. Song and dance guy. But he admits hes broadway guy, not necessarily translating into live television. He said a newscaster would have been better doing that part, mike. Really . Yes. Is it too late. Not too late. Coy learn my lines. Could be an under stud. I sure. So he plays the grown up ralphy, completely different story. Did they hood wing us . We have to watch sunday, right here on fox 29. I didnt know that twist was in there. All right, jen, are they still as excited as theyve been all morning for our eagles . Reporter it is even better, the choir is singing, listening to engliss err. Merry christmas happy holiday whats wrong with this flow. Sound like car glenn look at this up lifting experience, see the people going up the mountain right there . I do. I want to see them come down. Thats a lot more fun. Hey, hello bm people. Blue Mountain People. The Mountain People of blue mountain. I was wondering where were you going with that. Scott will give us our snowy forecast. Karen . Yes . If you ever have waited for 15 seconds to see a weathe cast, i beg of you. Wait around. Yes, we have snow on the way, Winter Weather advisory 1 00 to 9 00 tonight. Philadelphia county, delaware county, into south jersey, and sections every delaware. It is cold. 26 degrees, right now. Twenty in pottstown, mid 20s in atlantic city, so, going hour by hour, by the lunchtime, watching the snow, blossom and develop across the region. Making for kind of messy afternoon, and evening commute. Holiday shopping, parties across the area, just allow some extra travel times, so heres the bottom line. Looking at cold temperatures, the snow is going to stick instantly. Reduced visibilities, yes, one to 2 inches, locally, guys, looks like, we could have as much as 3 inches of snow. So, kind of festive if you will across the Delaware Valley later on. Look at you, where is your sweater . The sweater, it is right here, snow problem for the Delaware Valley later on, mik mike, so snow problems on this friday. Scott, you got to put that on. Snow problems. That would be a problem, because it is a small childs sweater. It is like what extra small. Scott, youre smart man, because mike likes to set you up. He did that to me two weeks ago. I lost a bet on this one, i thought you werent going to bring it, scott, you surprised me, thank you. Thats good. Snow myfoxphilly. Com, guys. Hey, this weekend is important for the eagles of course. Right . So we decided to go to delco, because we new they would provide a great eagles pep rally. Sharon hill is rocking this morning. Hey, jen . Arc academy park, were on tv, looking good. He goes little old school. Now, you know, nate he got a chance to face time carson wentz. And he said even though he was loopy after surgery he was still carson wentz. He was feeling pretty loopy after the anesthesia, so he was just ordering a burger, he was trying to figure out the new plays, so the first question, so, whats this new may i saw on the emails . I was like uh, sure you want to know right now . So it was pretty funny. The team of eagles as they know what theyll do about winning, your tennis team knows thing or two about winning. Five time repeat champions. Yes . So proud, who is this guy . Mel nelson, plays for my boys team, our girls tennis manager. But youve been bringing this picture every single game. Who is this guy . My friends, he was a great friend of mine. He recently died in the past year, and we kept him as a member, because people always will be part of our tennis team. Youre not letting him go any time soon, all right. Congrats, congrats, congrats, congrats. Big bo clap, i like that high five up top. You guys are the soccer team. Hey, we are talking the soccer team. You guys, i said, people think that playing soccer is easy. It is one of the hardest things, right . Because you literally use your feet and youre scoring with your feet. Yes, yes. Really hard. You guys have medals around your neck, what did you win . Ailette title. What was the key to winning . Key to winning was that i made my father proud because he passed away in august. All right, awesome. Thank you. You think the eagles will win this weekend . Yes. All right. Yes, we good. Okay, wait. Our last team, do we have volleyball . This is volleyball. Who doesnt love volleyball . Your sparkle volleyball. Key to winning. Why are you guys winners . Were winners because we dedicated our undefeated season to our brother jayon smith, live on, jayon. This school is very special school . It is. Whats the best part about being here . The kids and just their dedication to everything, especially the sports teams, they just throw their heart and soul into it and work hard every single day. Do you think i should go say hi, to the principal . Probably. Lets go say hi, to the principal, because it doesnt happen, bamm, lets hear you. Thank you so much. Get over here, for letting me cause a rutkus all morning long. Im sorry, but thank you. Thank you for having us. Thank you for being part of this, awesome opportunity, to show our nation pride, also eagles pride for our local community. Thank you very much. We have the music. Im going to lansdale on monday. Im going to be there 4 00 to 10 00 a. M. , it is a new place, awesome. I am hoping for something to cheer about. Oh, it will be great. Hopefully celebrating eagles win. Hey, it is all about ugly sweaters today, and tomorrow over at sugarhouse. Ugly christmas sweater party, im hosting this thing, okay . So i want you, it will cost 30 bucks, but comedians, music, partying probably until 2 00 in the morning. We want you to bring a toy by, too. Unwrapped toy. Starts at 8 00. Starts at 8 00. Sugarhouse casino, there is a little back room there where we party. I love it, nicely done. And ill be doing stand up, and it might get weird. Oh, by the way. Good news for all of you hamilton fans. Specially ones you dont have ticket here in philly yet. There is new music coming out, because we love the sounds track, probably played it about a billion times in your own house maybe. Hamilton mix tape volume two, it is cents no longer in production, we know the guy behind the whole thing, lynn manual miranda, good news, he posted to twitter saying a series of artistic collaborations and the style of the first hamilton mix tape, will be released track by track, for the whole year. Gift that keeps on giving. Word is working on new production. My kid over at the constitution center, goodness, congratulations to them, all of the kids doing like knock off hamilton numbers right now. Your kid . Trying to rap history. Just happening schools all over. Well show it monday. Your kid did it yesterday . Yes. How did it go . Good job. We have it on tape . I failed at sending it. Thats okay. Thats me. Long day. Well try again. All right. It is time. We play the team up in new york, the eagles and the gmen. Dont say it. Okay . So, lets get pumped up. Just like Doug Pederson, the coach did after the game on sunday. The team is ready. Lets get the fans pumped up. This is going to be good. Come on back, i need your help. Michael im thankful that im alive and have a second chance. James im thankful for the help and the opportunity that i received. Darlene im thankful to be able to help people in crisis. Vanessa im thankful that addiction is treatable, and that help is available. Christie new jersey is experiencing a heroin epidemic fueled by opioid painkillers. But if you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, i want you to know we are here for you. This holiday season, choose help. Call 844 reach nj or visit reachnj. Gov. We love your ugly sweaters, oh, throw back, this is awesome. Thank you for sending this one in, adorable, hands made. Really triplets or the same person three times . Same person three times, just triple trouble. Now, time to get psched up for the game, our eagles are going up to the meadowlands, on sunday, right . Right . Our team is ready, Doug Pederson the coach got his team red which his inspirational speech in the lockerroom. You got three left, playing for something bigger now boys, something bigger. It will take every freaking body in the room, everybody in the room, to dig in, dig in, dig in for these next few weeks. So dig in, dig in, dig in. And roll it incomplete. No, got the football. Going in for a touchdown. Sees everything you ever wanted. One moment. And scores and the eagles win hes got a first down. Hes got four. Hes at the 40. Hes at the 45, the 50. The eagles have the football. He gets a block. He comes down. Hes in for the touchdown. At the 40, at the 30. Losing yardage. He does and he is in for the touchdown. The eagles have pick it up and theyre running the players right now just have that confident mindset when they take the feel on game day, that theyre not going to be denied. Hmm i cant believe how great this tastes i cant believe it comes in. Vegaaaan. And organiiiic. Enjoy i cant believe its not butter in its vegan and its organic announcer its a happy holiday time on the Wendy Williams show announcer now heres wendy. [cheers and applause] wendy thank you for watching. A [cheers and applause] wendy of my cohost. Okay, lets get started. It is

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