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Deep freeze . Gwen i have been looking forward to maybe 30s some time soon. You know, at this point, 30s would be extremely welcomed. But not happening right now. At least not over the weekend. Lauren actually well get colder tomorrow then we were today and im talking dangerous cold. That arctic air once again giving up another reenforcely shot and making itself straight at home across our area. So no relief on the extreme cold is what we have as we move into this weekend. Right now, take a look at the number, its currently 17 degrees in the nations capitol but feels like its only four. Gusty winds once again producing very significant windchills and its the windchills that will continue to be dangerous once we get into the next 24, 48 hours. Our highs today, well, barely making it to 20 at reagan national, 19 in dulles, 19 at bwi, i want to remind you with the cold weather, we should really have been into the low 40s. No such break. Elsewhere in our neighborhoods, frederick. Ten at westminster, 16 at manassas. The wind gusting from 18 to 26. And at cold wind moving in from the north northwest. So heres what the windchill factors are. This is what it feels like when you actually step outside. Take a look at the minuses on my map. Thats going to be the trend well head into into this weekend. With temperatures feeling like it is below zero. Thats why there are currently weather alerts in place, windchill warnings and advisories. Its going to feel like, its anywhere from ten below freezing to colder and in the windchill warning it will feel like minus 25 and colder. Dangerous i want to remind you it only takes 30 minutes from skin being exposed for you to suffer from frost bite. Were talking 11 degrees only, once again, windchills will be below zero, the winds will be kicking in from the west at 15 grace will come a little bit into the beginning of the week when we start to warm up. However, we get another factor thrown in to see active icy weather by the time we get non. Back to you. Thank you, gwen, the bone chilling temperatures responsible for the surge that we have been seeing in water main breaks. Another one pops up early this morning on 27th and i streets, northwest. It forced crews to shut down the roads hour, public works be officials expect repairs to be complete some time tonight. You can always track the cold on fox5dc. Com, get a look whats coming up. And get weather updates on the fox 5 mobile ap as well. A substitute teacher in field hockey coach was fired from the academy of the holy cross after students at the all girl school discovered via social media that he was involved in the White Nationalist movement. The schools president said the teacher is a member of the alri tisha lewis joins us from kensington with the story. Tisha . Reporter and tony, i just checked my phone and the fired teacher, greg conte continues to post under greg ritter and posting messages that can be considered racist, extremist and also antisymmetric, message that is students were told discovered and brought to the administrations attention, now, the schools president said prior to contes firing, he was successfully using this alternate identity in his work with the National Policy institute, which is based in alexandria. Several organizations consider it a white supremist group. Students tell fox 5 theyre shocked i knew him quite well because i was on the feel hockey team. It was shocking for me and for everyone to see that. But im know that he had this double life but its also shocking because i wouldnt think that in this century that theres people still like that out there. Its pretty shocked to hear the news. But like we always knew, that something was kind of a little wrong with him in a way. But like, yeah, but like he was all the like, we never thought this was what it was. Like his personality, always kind of like awkward, he wouldnt really go out of his way to talk to us. And like but like i mean, we didnt know this was what it was. Reporter the president at holy cross said the information students gathered on social media about conte is accurate. Including contes admission that he was fired from the school immediately after his affiliation with the altright changed the administrations attention, school reportedly learned about the Connection Movement in october. Even though parents we spoke with say they learned about his firing late last night. I think she did exactly the right thing. Alert, the parents, and accepting the firing basically, the person. In a letter to parents, holy cross president kathleen said, in part, as for his potential impact on our girls, i conducted an investigation at the time of his firing, and determined there was no reason to think that he negatively influenced any of our girls with his philosophy. It appears that at the time he was focused on maintaining an appropriate persona for our school environment. Greg conte under the alias greg ritter actually hosts what appears to be a podcast, Richard Spencer who actually led those violent and ultimately deadly protests in charlottesville. Conte were told work here at holy cross dating back to august, 2014, i did speak with the president of the school just moments ago, we do know that she and faculty met with students to address their concerns. Tisha lewis fox 5 local news. A former School Assistant accused of sexual abusing dozens of students in Charles County plead guilty. He abused the victims between 2015 and 2017. And hes hiv positive. Krysten leon was at the press conference and joins us with the details. Kristen . Lauren 30yearold carlos bell plead guilty to 27 counts of sexual abuse o top of other serious charges here. And were told that he will more likely be sentenced to 190 years in prison. According to the States Attorneys Office here, the reason why they didnt go to trial and instead struck had a plea agreement was based on the children, they may not have the children testify in court and relive that pain all over again. Keep in mind here, you guys, investigators say this is a man who, again, has had sexual abused several minors in this case, in the county here, and like you mentioned, tested positive for hiv. Now, investigators say this happened between may of 2015 and june of 2017. Again, as we mentioned he was an instructional assistant and track coach at the Charles County Public School district. Were told 42 victims both identified and unidentified all between the ages of 11 according investigators. As they say, the victims did not test positive for hiv. They also say the plea agreement in this case is the best possible outcome for all parties involved. The other goal just as important, probably more important, quite frankly, was maintaining the privacy and frankly the an nim tea of the young victims. Every criminal trial is open to the public, we have any trial, one of the youngsters will have to get on the stand in front of the whole world and testify. None of you would want to do it. They wouldnt want to do it either. Im not saying nobody was cooperative because they were. But we try to fashion an agreement that alleviate that day and were able to so. This past june we learned of a horrific details what, if any, carlos bell was doing to young be people in our School System. And hurts our heart, community and hurt this county. In fact, ive been an officer in this county 25 years. And this perhaps one of the most horrendous crimes ive ever seen. Carlos bell was in a position of trust of our young people. That he misuse that day trust to violate the most Vulnerable People in our community, our children we are thankful that a plea agreement has been reached between Charles County States Attorneys Office and carlos bell a former Charles County Public Schools employee. Plea agreement holds mr. Bell accountable for his actions without a trial, which could have caused further trauma to the victims of many of whom are our students. Reporter bell also faces federal charges as well and were told will plead guilty those. We will let you know what happens in that case. Reporting county Sheriffs Office tonight, krysten leon fox 5 local news two Northern Virginia now, Fairfax County police are investigating an incident at a a Fair Oaks Shopping Center restaurant. Charges are pending against a red robin employee who allegedly filmed a minor in the bathroom. The suspect is also a minor. Matt ackland is live there tonight. Matt . Police say this happened well over a week ago on december 26. Ill tell you what police are telling us tonight that it happened here inside this restaurant apparently a 15yearold went to use the bathroom when he was standing at the urinal he noticed someone next to him with a cell phone camera and he believes a picture was being taken of him. Lets take you to video now. Apparently after that incident took place, he noticed that it was an employee of the restaurant, so he went and told his mother, his mother then told Restaurant Managers and then she contacted police. So police came here and really employees here identifying the suspect. So they went and got a search warrant thats when they were able to identify a suspect a minor, were told hes only 17 years old from the herndon area. He was charged with unlawful filming of a minor and possession of marijuana. Within the last half hour, we got a statement from red robin. It says, red robin worked with the investigating Police Department and will continue to fully cooperate in any manner in which it asked to. Also tony, we should tell you that red robin is also place where many people come and thats why police are saying tonight if theyve come to this particular location, that and they believe that maybe a camera w was used while they were in the bathroom. Fairfax county police would like to hear from them tonight. Live in Fairfax County matt ackland fox 5 local headed to court. Why a woman who accused roy moore of molesting her is suing the former candidate. The author of the new explosive book about the Trump White House responds to claims that it is full of lies. After the break. An alabama woman is now suing the former judge for defamation. Cites negative tacks by moore and his Campaign Including repeated calling her a liar and questioning her motivation for disclosing the allegations. She also is seeking a publics apology and reimbursing it for all legal fees. Moore repeatedly denied the allegations. The explosive new book by michael wolf about the Trump White House is on sale. Fire and fury. Allegedly details everything from the president s campaign to what life is like for the Trump Administration inside the white house. President trump claims the book is, quote, full of lies. He also sent a cease and desist order threatening legal action, wolf indicated he has audio recordings and notes to back up his statements in the book. Book characterizes the president as being unfit for office, and ununable to focused his attention. Wolf questions his mental stability. Earlieri today show to defend the book. Not only is he helping me sell books but hes helping me prove the point of the book. I mean, this is extraordinary that a president of the United States would try to stop the publication of a book. The book at takes a look at other topics including the russia investigation, first lady milania trump and the president s love of fast food selling out getting a lot of attention. Its extraordinary. Brody logan joins us, what are you working on a former nfl player is bringing awareness to a heating problem in baltimore schools, but what hes doing to help the kid while the School System sets them free. Ahead. Them free. It is bitter cold outside and this is just unacceptable. Apparently many classrooms in Baltimore City Public Schools dont have adequate heat. Former nfl player and maryland native aaron maybin is trying to help. Fox 5 brody logan joins us with more. Brody, this sounds rather incredible its one of those things you dont think it would be a problem or shouldnt be a problem. A lot of these buildings are older and dealing with old infrastructures, kids are have the to bundle up freezing temperatures inside, while we deal with this freezing cold snap. Kids are huddled together with no heat. Older buildings heaters. Hes a teacher and tired of these kids having to deal with freezing temperatures. He posted this video to draw attention to the problem. Im very, very, very, vcold. Super cold. You had frost bite yesterday he posted this video and others followed with their own videos. Thermometer readings in the 30s inside, today, Governor Hogan responded im outraged at the failures in Baltimore City. This is something obviously weve been trying to address at the board of public works and the bipartisan way. Theyre one of the few jurisdictions in the state that hasnt addressed these problems. In spite of the fact that i believe they may be the most highly funded school s america. Maybin launched a gofundme page. We need help in our Public Schools, just search aaron m maybin. Hes asking people to donate coats, gloves, scarfs, anything to keep the kids warm. As you heard the governor, local politicians are blaming the state. State is blaming local politicians. Just needs to be fixed this picture is extraordinary. This is inside a classroom. That is so upsetting. I know im pregnant and emotional but it really upsetting to me as Public Schools isnt private school with a problem. And heres the thing, studies have shown that if kids cant focus and you cant focus under those circumstances youre not learn maybin has done something, under two days, theyve raise over 55,000, they will buy space heaters, blankets, coats, until it gets fixed so the kids can stay warm the governor is involve as well. I think the picture itself. Now, we want to find out, you know, these weather conditions arent helping. Extraordinarily cold outside unfortunately, over this weekend, it will be colder, we have a slight warmup coming next week, and i say flight relatively speaking. We should really be into the low 40s and today, we were hitting into like 20, 21, 19 degrees for daytime highs, those winds playing a major factor in our weather. And these cold conditions because theyre producing some really significant windchills across our area, in fact, those windchills are actually very, very, very dangerous. And thats one of the things i want to make sure youre aware of. Seeing on a few concludes here and there, 70 in dc, speaking of windchills. Just so you understanding we take the air temperature and we factor in the winds and thats how we get the feels like temperature in terms of the windchill, and thats what its going to be like if you step outside so you accordingly. Elsewhere, only 17 at culpeper, 11 at gaithersburg, 10 at westminster, 18 quantico. Heres the winds gusting from 18 up to 29 miles per hour. So the windchill factor in these neighborhoods look at the minuses. Feels like its minus two in frederick. Minus three at dulles, minus three at gaithersburg and minus four at baltimore. Pretty good indication that this is really dangerous weather. We do have Winter Weather alerts, windchill warnings areas far west, allegheny, mineral, pen dell ton, here, the windchill warning means that the actual windchill factor is going to be as low as 25 below zero. Where the windchill advisories in effect, all the other areas shaded in blue, it could go as low as ten degrees below, dangerous and only takes 30 minutes for exposed skin to freeze and you get frost bite. The arctic air stays in place once we get into the weekend. Not getting sunday, nothing significant. It will be significant considering where weve been, still remaining very cold, that arctic air express, heres your planner, by midday, 18 degrees is your air temperature, and 20 degrees by the 4 00 hour. And im telling you once again, to take it seriously. Because hypothermia and frost bite are real. If you notice a lack of feeling or anything in the areas you got to check for frost bite, shivering and numbness, do be safe out there. Warm front moving to the north monday, could bring us winter precipitation, we have to watch that closely. Might be in the form of rain or freezing rain. Look at your fox 5 sevenday forecast. Warmup coming by the time we get to monday and tuesday. It will be welcome. Back to you. I think i saw 41 days till countdown is on billion dollar bow in an is a. The two chances youll have become a multimillionaire. A multimillionaire. Lottery fever continues to heat up. Tonight and tomorrow, lottery playerses will get two chances in the Mega Millions and the pub jackpot. Tonights mega million is 450 million, saturday is 570 million. Combined, the jackpots totally Third Largest in lottery history, no one hit either jackpot thats crazy. I was wonder will it keep going. Sometimes they go on forever. At some point someone will win if it comes over this way doing weather, i want you to know my car has mall radar. All right. Too dry in the studio. Thats it for us. We dont have time for any more weather coming up. Keep it here, 5 630 coming up after the break. Stay warm. Jape. Fire and fury, the bombshell new book already a best seller. We have to wait because it is already sold out and that is despite a legal threat from the president himself who is still in a war of words with former advisory steve bannon the bombshell book about the Trump Campaign and the administration, out a couple days early, the attorney issued a cease and desist to try to stop a book from going on sale. Again it came out early. On sale at midnight were told people were linin

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