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Are giving loans were of dollars away to their workers and many more are coming, i think thats really whats selling this maybe better than anybody could, including myself. But i think come february, when they open their checks and they see, wow, what happened . I have a lot more money in here, i think thats going to be something special. The president said he signed the bill today versus waiting for a big formal ceremonies in january because the media was questioning whether were he would keep the promise. Not a gill democrat supported the bill. They argued against the gop plan saying it benefits corporations and the wealth the president headed out of town spending the Christmas Holiday with his family in palm beach. There are reports the first lady and the son barren were already in florida soaking up the son. When the president arrived in palm beach this afternoon, a big crowd was there as you can see to greet him. The president autographs and positived for pictures. The first family is vaccinating there, some people are in a frenzy over everything that went down, from the u. N. Vote to the gop tax bill and the Government Shutdown being averted. Republican strategist Spencer Sullivan is here and democratic shelly mark. Thanks so much for being here. Spencer ill start with you. Lets talk about the winners and losers. Theres a lot of different r topics but the winners or losers, lets start with the republican, democrats or the American People i think its the American People and the republicans which are what the winner, the tax reform plan, the Nonpartisan Tax Foundation said 80 of americans will get a tax cut. Not only beyond that right, the average family will get 2,000 back. The standard deduction is doubled. The Child Tax Credit doubled. We have seen businesses come o investments, billions of dollars of investments into the economy which will only grow wages. Unfortunately not one single democrat vote the for the bwi but nancy pilosi or Chuck Schumer couldnt get corporations to do anything without mandating them. Let me get your democratic response. Quite frankly i feel like this this tax reform bill is for the wealth . I would say its a win for the wealth . How do you think this will play though . Come february and as people get their pay checks they will see their paychecks are growing, not only that, you see theres a very tight labor market here. In beauing who announced 300 million into investments of middle class families, working class and beauing understanding this they know there will be a bidding war for employees, that will only grow wages, middle class, working families make more money, not only are they going to save more money but with the standard deduction and the Child Tax Credit but the wages will grow because of this. Lets play devil advocate. Realistically a lot of corporations have been sitting on a lot of cash, not hiring more workers, why now all of a sudden because these corporations now under president obama they didnt know whether it would get better or worse, President Trump regulations have been repealed. They have a predictor, stability, where they know they can be competitive on the world stage, for the first time competitive on the world stage these are the same businesses that already had money, so theyre basically keeping amongst theirselves deciding to trickle this down to the same employee, that doesnt mean it will trickle down to the rest of the working class and the low income individuals that are still going to be suffering. Last point here, so for the companies that are going to offer dividends and buy back, the stock market growing, pensions are growing, years ago we heard how these pensions were short funded. We dont hear that anymore because the stock market, fulfilling its pension growth on the back end, even though middle class americans may not be owning stock, their pensions. The 401 ks, police officers, firefighters will feel the benefit because their pensions are now being funded by the stock market. Lets talk and move on to the u. N. Vote to reject for the israeli capitol. Especially what ambassador halley had to say, in a sense threatening the future for the u. N. Saying well remember this day dont bite the hand that feeds you. President trump nikki haley, United States are not going to back down to the u. N. For doing something well within the United States right to do. Only in dc do you have congress or president s to vote to do something but then dont do it. President trump followed through on will be moving the embassy, the u. N. Is famous for voting on nonbinding pieces of resolution, the only thing that really protects the u. N. Is the u. S. Military and that will continue. Shelly i think that it definitely shows the u. N. Showed us that our policies affect the whole world. So its interesting that they decided to not support trump and hopefully the Current White House will see that and kind of look at their decisions differently we dont have much time left but voted to averted the shutdown but it did not address many issues like daca, healthcare, some budgetary issues moving forward. What do you think are going to be the big things that Congress Needs to focus on. They definitely need to focus on daca. Right now, this solution is a fiveweek bandaid theyve put on everything. So i mean, they have to continue to do their jobs. Which they still havent done, they kind of just extended the time by a month. I would also add chip funding has been extended. Even funding enough, Mitch Mcconnell has given did the democrats a fiveyear fully funded chip program they denied for whatever reason. So going away on the holidays they have negotiations to get back to. But i think we need to put partisan politics aside when it comes to childrens funding for Healthy Insurance programs Merry Christmas thanks so much for coming out. The president is celebrating his big victory. Activists democrats to consider impeachment democrats including charles schumer, nancy pilosi are saying something different, lets bring in niles. How are you doing good you wrote a piece on this today, its really quite interesting. What is the leadership really holding out right now . What is sort of their game plan . Why are they not feeling, as you put it as though this is right for impeachment, to push forward for this basically they worry that it will be a distraction and they also simply think they dont have the votes for it. Impeachment is a complicated process. Need a majority in the house of representatives an super majority in the senate if you want to remove a president from office. Right now, democrats dont have either of those things. Their fear is that even liberal twists are outraged, that doesnt mean you have eno some of these liberal activities pub pushing for this include billion air. He spent 20s million in ads to try to push for impeachment. Why or why not . Why isnt this going to work . Thats a lot of money for anybody to spend on this, and you know, doesnt seem like its going anywhere it depends i suppose how you define it. He would point out hes drawn more than 3 million signatures but youre quite right, that doesnt necessarily par lay itself into the political power needed to do this. Hes doing this saying people need a solution that donald trump is a clear and presents danger to the constitution of the United States. That is a view its a view held by a lot of people on the left. But that doesnt necessarily mean it is doable in the halls of congr is sort of taking a lets wait and see approach . Especially since the investigation, special counsel mueller still investigating, theres still a lot of he information we think that could come out. Do you think theyre playing that hand . Yeah. I think they are. I think its a combination of waiting for the outcome of the miller probe and also quite frankly waiting until around this time next year, mid term elections in november, 2018, that would be the opportunity for democrats to potentially, potentially get the majority in congress that could make impeachment more r a viable prospect they still got to get through the senate. Niles, it is great to see you, its been awhile since youve been on the show, at least since ive been here. Merry christmas to you lets talk about the weather. Its starting to feel a lot like christmas lets get the latest on the holiday forecast. It will not look so much like the holidays tomorrow. No, it moving in, sarah, were definitely talking increasing clouds and rain going to really impact us in the overnight hours, now, as we start out tomorrow, well have rainfall, heres your planner, 51, take a look at the temperature, huge warmup coming our way, we get a break by midday, then the rain comes back in again in the afternoon hours, starting late in the overnight hours tonight, and this is what youre dealing with as we get into saturday. If youre plan anything Holiday Shopping tomorrow, keep that in mind, the umbrella make sure you have it handy, 43 for christmas day, however, a chance of seeing a little bit of predawn mix early hours of the morning, but then it will become mostly sunny skies, were not talking a white christmas. Heating up tomorrow and then cooling right down for the rest of the week. Back to you. Thank you. Well, the trumps, the first family, are in maralago but it is still looking like christmas at the white house decked out. 5 630 will be right ck z2m7ez z16fz y2m7ey y16fy Donna Edwards joining us tonight shes joining us to talk about congress and what has been going on. A long list of from the gop tax plan, lets talk about Sexual Harassment, the Government Shutdown, as you look at everything thats happened, whats your overall talk of whats going on . Are the democrats wining or the republicans its not about winning or losing. Its about the American People. I look at the tax plan, for example and i think about Prince Georges County where i live, with the cap on state, local income taxes and property taxes, people in our region and particularly in Prince Georges County are really going to feel increased premiums for healthcare because of the removal of the individual mandate and so i mean, theres some real consequences in this tack plan, frankly was much more heavily waited to higher income individuals, to the wealthy and super wealthy and not to people who you dont have the get up and go to work every day. Id alive to get your take, all of these Sexual Harassment cases coming out, and people like senator franken resigning, giver us your take on is this something perhaps when you were on the hill you saw as a problem but nobody wanted to talk about it . Was it a carefully guarded secret what id like to say about congress is congress is no different workplace than any other workplace. Weve seen these circumstances emerge in the media be weve seen them in hollywood. Weve seen them in Ford Motor Company and congress is no different i would say its different because we elect members of congress. Just the taxpayer money. I just mean in terms of the relationship individuals in the workplace and i do think there should be a higher standard of performance in and accountability, its why ive been calling for a more vigorous kind of ethics process thats not the traditional ethics process, because you know, that can be very, you know, sort of closed door, we need much more transparency, we need to stop payment of taxpayer dollars for who are not settlements and we need to do a lot of education of the young staff, and members of congress to just, you know, nip this in the but when you were in congress or right now, do you know, i mean, you know, weve heard some names come out. Weve heard this astronomical amount of taxpayer dollars paid out for some of these harassment lawsuits but the names are kept secret. Do you know anyone . Is there anyone you can share during your time what i can say is whats been said publicly. Heres the problem is that you have this nondisclosure agreements, and sometimes theres good reason for that for the protection of the victim and privacy. Theres no good reason to protect members and senior staff and their privacy, especially because its taxpayer dollars that has been used and i think we have to stop that entirely and we look at whats going on in the senate side. Weve seen i think it was something leak 600,000 in settlements paid out over the last 20 years. Its a lot of money and its taxpayer money and its wrong. I also think we got individual accounts they have for the running of their own offices. They should not be allowed to pay these settlements out of its taxpayer money. E again, our producer is asking us to wrap it up but i have to ask you one more, does it frustrate to see the democrats called for conyers, al franken and republican and then we have the president has similar and the republicans have been silent. I think the American People want to investigate the allegations against the president of the United States. I dont think that you can have a president of the United States who goes unscathed with these allegations, but everybody else is touched and looking every single workplace, state, federal and local government. We have an obligation to make sure that were doing the peoples business and not our own. Republican or democrat, this is a nonpartisan issue well take your experience and i know youll be running for Prince Georges County executive. So busy lady. I am but its great to take that experience and apply it local. Thank you. Thank you, Donna Edwards for coming in. Coming up on 5 630. Details are deadly amtrak crash in washington state. Back after this. What if more of the energy we used came from Renewable Resources . What if the electric grid could detect, fix and even prevent Power Outages . What if our grid were less vulnerable and more secure . What if all these what ifs became a reality . Well, they are. At dominion energy, were completely transforming our power grid and the way we think of energy. To move from what if to whats next. Dominion energy. There are new details emerging about the crews actions moments before the train went off the tracks. The ntsb is ramping up its investigation into the amtrak derailment that left at least three people dead. Investigators say the train barrelled into a curve at more than 18 miles an hour in a 30 miles an hour zone. And now were learning more about the crews actions in the moments before the derailment. Crew members were not using cell phones or other electronic devices. But only mentioned the excessive speed about six seconds before the train went off the tracks. The emergency brake was automatically activated instead of being initiated by the engineer, r about whether he may have been distracted by a second person. Local crews are being hard at work clearing away the wreckage, getting the highway fully back open in time for the holiday rush this is beyond anything in my experience as far as the scale, the nor tea of the event in the nearby city of dupont vigils are being held and honor the First Responders who saved so many lives we were the loss, we mourn their loss and we thank our lord that we had the opportunity to be the ones here to serve them. Reporter the ntsb said its investigation will take 12 to 24 months. Meanwhile, six people injured in the crash hired an attorney, the first step toward a likely class action lawsuit. In los angeles, jonathan hunts, fox news. The passenger whose died after a bus crashed during an excursion returned home to fort lauderdale. Four americans have been identified. Cruise ship passengers described that gruesome scene we didnts the bus flip. We saw the bodies laying down with blood. It was not like in the United States where they have ambulance everywhere, i feel sorry for the people. There was no helicopters or anything a gofundme page has been sets for the local family. A total of 12 Cruise Ship Passengers were killed in tuesdays crash. Thanks for joinings us. We will be right back with more on the other side of the break. We are the tv doctors of america, and we may not know much about medicine, but we know a lot about drama. We also know that you can avoid drama by getting an annual checkup. So go, know, and take control of your health. It could save your life. Cigna. Together, all the way. It all starts with a wish. The final days of wish list are here. Hurry in and sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down and a complimentary first months payment. President trump sent a huge Christmas Card two congress. People on twitter were going crazy about the exaggerated size. Look at the obamas Christmas Card from last year. He like to say make a statement its huge. I wouldnt expect anything less. Lets be honest all right, this might be much a do about nothing, but twitter trolls are saying milania trump is trying to snub former first ladys Michelle Obama eating healthy. She decade out the red room with sweet treats, candy canes, lolly pops, i think people get caught up in trying to say whatever. If i remember correctly. C they have plenty of sweet treats. I think the first lady is just celebrating. Are you baking anything for the holidays . Making me feel like i have to or something. I was just curious i havent yet. When you grew up was there a baking tradition yes, a pepper minute pin wheel cookies, english toffee. J i do my cran berry oatmeal White Chocolate cookies, well be making those and delivering them tomorrow and sunday. You do what you got to do. Its the holiday season. And well have plenty of cupcakes downstairs. How much do you have a lot. Well be mixing up more Holiday Cheer tonight on torresdale avenue news at 8 00 on fox 5 plus, make sure you that. We went black there. Well see you later. Have a good night Merry Christmas everybody. Happy new year. Announcer today on tmz harvey there is something that beyonce and jayz do not want you to see, and its them doing the electric slide. Tina lawson posted a video on her instagram and then she deleted it. She took it down. Harvey my theory is beyonce is such an accomplished dancer, she didnt like her version of it. Theres one person out of the group whos the best electric slider. There was one person in the group who calls out the direction for everybody else. The leader . My boy geno is like, all right, were going left, yall. [laughter] meghan markle, she attended the queens Christmas Luncheon but princess michael was seen wearing a black brooch and its considered to be very racist. Princess michael, she has a history of racist remarks. She said it hurts me when people think im racist because when i travel to africa, i found those people so adorable

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