The technology group Wärtsilä will supply the Inert Gas Generator (IGG) systems, as well as the latest technology in radio and integrated navigation systems for six new LNG carrier vessels being built to serve the Arctic LNG 2 project in Russia’s Arctic waters. The orders were placed with Wärtsilä by Daewoo Shipbuilding Marine Engineering (DSME) in April. There are options for an additional two plus two vessels.
Wärtsilä Gas Solutions will deliver the Inert Gas Systems, which are vitally important to the safe operation of liquefied gas and oil tankers. The contract with Wärtsilä Voyage includes the installation of a multifunction display system consisting of workstations with a full set of applications, including the Wärtsilä Navi-Sailor Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS), Navi-Radar, the Navi-Conning navigation information display system, a Bridge Alert Management System (BAMS), and the Wärtsilä Navi-Planner for advanced route planning. The scope also includes IRIDIUM satellite communication systems. The workstations are fully integrated into a unified system, which allows the main operational functions to be duplicated, thereby improving the safety of ice navigation.