Fine. I want to thank chris pratt and Tracee Ellis Ross and Neil Patrick Harris and Melissa Mccarthy for filling in for us last week. They each gave a full day of their busy lives to give me time off and im grateful to them for doing that. And daddy cries on tv, but billy doesnt. Its unbelievable. [ laughter ] [ applause ] and we also want to thank the very bright and talented doctors and nurses at Childrens Hospital for who treated billy, and not just billy, but many kids with so much caring and compassion. Children from every income level whose health is especially threatened right now because of something youve never heard of, its called c. H. I. P. Its the Childrens Health insurance program. It covers around 9 million American Kids whose parents make too much money to qualify for medicaid but dont have access to coverage, affordable coverage through their jobs, which means it almost certainly covers children you know. About one in eight children are covered only by c. H. I. P. Its not controversial. Its not a partisan thing. The last time funding was authorized was 2015 and passed with a vote of 3927 in the house and overwhelmingly democrats and republicans supported it until now. Now c. H. I. P. Has become a bargaining chip. Its an the back burner while they work out the new tax plans. Children of parents with cancer, diabetes and heart problems are about to get letters saying their coverage could be cut off next month. Merry christmas, right . So this happened because congress, about 72 days ago, failed to approve funding for c. H. I. P. Since the first time it was created two decades ago. This is literally a life and Death Program for American Kids. Its always had bipartisan support. But this year they let the money for it expire while they work on getting tax cuts for their billionaire and millionaire donors. Imagine getting that letter literally not knowing how you will afford to save your childs life. Ive in enough of this. I dont know what could be more disgusting than putting a tax cut that mostly goes to rich people ahead of the lives of children. Why hasnt c. H. I. P. Been funded already . If these were potato chips they were taking away from us, wed be marching on washington with spears right now. Make two phone dacalls. Jam the house and senate phones. Tell them to take a break from tax funds and fully fund c. H. I. P. Immediately. Call your representatives at this number. Leave messages for both of them. They need to fund c. H. I. P. Now. And friday is the day to choose the Affordable Care program. Despite what trump says, people qualify for a reduced rate or totally free plans. If you dont have health n, go to healthcare. Com and get it. You have to do it by december 15th. If you dont do it, youll pay a penalty of at least 695 next year if you dont have insurance. Right, billy, do it. Billy is doing great, by the way. He has one more surgery. [ cheers and applause ] and this is amazing. He had an operation a week ago. They say hes probably on track to win at least a bronze medal in the olympics in 2036. By the way, guillermo, you want to come take billy from me . Guillermo yes, sir. Jimmy okay. Its starting to get a little and change him, too, while youre at it. Dont get him under the arms. Remember, back to front. Okay . All right. There you go. Like two babies. [ cheers and applause ] the two cutest guillermos in the world right there. You werent the only ones at Childrens Hospital last week. Melania trump stopped by the Childrens National hospital in washington, d. C. Its an annual tradition for the first lady to do that around the holidays. This year melania treated the children there to a q a. Whats your favorite thing to eat for christmas dinner . My names olivia. Hi, olivia. Nice to see you. My favorite thing to eat is just some healthy food and you feel very good after. Not too much eating. [ laughter ] jimmy shes a lot of fun. Meanwhile, her husband has a big smear of chocolate cake all over his face and hes licking the inside of a bucket of kfc. Another kid asked the first lady what she wants santa to bring her this year besides an escape tunnel. What did you ask santa for christmas . Ooh, thats a nice one. I ask santa for christmas peace on the world, health, love and kindness. Jimmy peace on the world. [ laughter ] this is not a comedy sketch, by the way. That happened. That happened right there on the world. Speaking of things that really are happening. Tomorrow is a special election for senate in alabama between doug jones a democrat and judge roy moore, a man who is banned from his local mall for alleg allegedly hitting on teenaged girls when he was 30 years old. Hes accused by eight women, most of these women are republicans, for Sexual Harassment when they were young. You can vote for a racist, homophobic pedophile or someone who isnt any of those. A real sophies choice. But maybe to me if you arent allowed to set foot inside a hot topics store, you shouldnt be allowed in the senate of the united states. [ cheers ] so unfortunately, it shouldnt be close, but it is. To make it crazier, a group that backs President Trump sent a 12yearold girl to interview roy moore. Roll . I dont know if the idea was that he could sit next to a young girl without hitting on her. But judge moore was a perfect gentlemen. What are the most important issues to the voters of alabama . I think one is religious liberty. I think weve got to look at that. I think taxes are always a problem. What do you think are the characteristics of a really, really good senator. Following the constitution. I want to thank you very much. Jimmy wow, thats [ laughter ] obviously, obviously, we faked that, but if he had done it, theyd still defend him. [ laughter ] President Trump is supporting the alleged child molester in this race because, of course, he is. Although he wasnt President Trumps first choice for senator of alabama. Then he found out jared from subway was still in jail. So over the weekend, President Trump recorded a robo call to support roy moore. One of those telemarketing things they have. They call you at your home to get voters going. Actually the footage of the robot they use to make these calls. Im impressed by the technology. Hi, this is president donald trump. Im going to make america safer and stronger and better than ever before, but we need that seat. We need roy voting for us. The democrats, they will be met with fire, fury and, frankly, power. The likes of which this world has never seen before. Jimmy President Trump had a rally in pensacola, florida, over the weekend where he voiced support for roy moore and gave shoutouts to some of the folks in the audience, too. Look at these guys. Blacks for trump. I love you. I love you. I love you. By the way jimmy uhoh black Home Ownership just hit the highest level its ever been in the history of our country. Jimmy oh, okay. Congratulations. Jimmy thank goodness. Not racist. Not true, either. But not racist. Trump had a lot of nonsense to share in pensacola. We slowed him down to half speed for tonights pensacola edition of drunk donald trump. Can those people fly or what . [ applause ] jimmy we are going to take a break. We have much to come. But before we do, i have for you three ridiculous questions for mr. George clooney. Jimmy would you take on a moose as a pet if it meant you never had to charge your cell phone again . Id just take on a moose as a pet. Jimmy without even the bonus of the cell phone . Think of all the thing you get from moose. Jimmy what do you get . Its a mobile coat rack. Hey, moose, bring me my coat. Jimmy if you could be any other george, which george would you be . George gershwin. Jimmy gershwin. Dead, though. Bad choice. On my part. Bad choice. Jimmy if every time you sneezed, a condiment came out. You could choose the condiment, which one would you want it to be . Thats a tough call. Jimmy yeah. Because you got to think about what youll be eating as well. Jimmy what your friends are going to be wearing. What your wearing. Obviously if i sneeze, it will go everywhere. Id probably go with a mustard. Jimmy brown . No, no, just a nice yellow mustard. I go old school. I dont mess with that brown. If its gooding to come out of your nose, it might as well be yellow. Jimmy its a mustard. Casamigos tequila. The answer to all of lifes ridiculous questions. Jimmy kimmel live brought to you by aflac. And a gentle wavelike motion. Liberate your spine. Aflac and reach, toes blossoming. Not that great at yoga ya but when i slipped a disc, he paid my claim in just one day. So he had your back . Yup in just one day, we process, approve and pay. One day pay. Only from aflac it all comes down to this. The energizer bunny™ gets the snap hes still going [crowd cheering] nothing outlasts energizer® ultimate lithium™. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy welcome back to the show. Jack black, Kirk Herbstreit, Desmond Howard, lee corso and walk the moon. Christmas is on the way, too. We had santa in the office today for the kids on the staff. Everybody sat on his lap. Guillermo, what does benji want . What happened to billy . Guillermo he took a little break. Theyre changing him. Jimmy what did benji want from santa . Guillermo he wants a playstation and a sister. Jimmy really . Are you going to get him one or both of those . Were trying on the second one. Jimmy youre trying on the second one. My daughter jane is 3 1 2. We asked her what she wants for christmas. She keeps saying and has written it down in a letter, she wants a chopstick with a yellow ball at the end of it. We have no idea why. [ laughter ] so every year to help santa with these unusual requests he gets from children, guillermo and i put on our elf outfits to chat and interrogate children. We talked to a precocious hopeful named cadence. Hello, cadence, how are you . Good. Jimmy do you have a letter for santa . Thank you very much. Nice to meet you. Why dont you have a seat right there. Okay. Your 4 years old. Yeah . Are you good . Mmhmm. Jimmy youve been good this year . Mmhmm. Jimmy have you done any naughty stuff . Nothing. You know, santa is always watching, right . Yes. Jimmy he did make a few notes that he asked me to ask you about. He said that you colored your dog with a marker this year. Is that true . Mmhmm. Jimmy what happened . My mom got mad. Jimmy what color was the marker . Pink. Jimmy and what color is the dog . White. Jimmy and you wanted a ping dog . So you tried to color the dog with the marker . Mmhmm. Jimmy okay. It says here you opened the car door while you were driving. By accident. I didnt know. Jimmy that was an accident. Okay. Ill write accident next to that one. Finally said you told your grandpa it looks like hes having a baby. Yes. Its funny. Jimmy it is pretty funny. Did grandpa think it was funny . Kind of. Jimmy yeah, because what . Hes got a big stomach. It is big. Jimmy its very big, huh . You know who else has a big stomach . Santa. Jimmy and sometimes he gets a little bit sensitive about fat jokes, you know. People says it. Jimmy because one time he said that santa, it looks like youre having a baby and santa punched him in the face like really, really hard. Right in the face. Very hard. Jimmy okay. So what are you thinking youd like santa to bring you this year . Slime wp. Jimmy you want the kind of slime you make or the the slime that farts. Jimmy the slime that farts. What do you want to do with that . Play with it. Jimmy then make it like somebody farted . Yes. And i wish they farted. Because i dont know. Jimmy right. Well, its a reasonable question to ask. One of the things we like to do is find out about some of the other kids in your life, like maybe some of the kids at school, et cetera. Are there any naughty kids at school . Oh, there are. What are their names . Fabian and valerie. Jimmy whats fabian up to . He says my jacket was his, but it wasnt. Jimmy he was claiming your jacket . All right. And how many toys should you get this year . Five. Jimmy five toys. Okay. Very good. Fabian, how many should he get . 12. Jimmy 12 . More than you . Mmhmm. Jimmy even after the jacket incident . That was a long time ago. Jimmy how long ago was it . Five years. Jimmy oh, before you were born. No. Jimmy how old are you . 4. [ laughter ] jimmy were going to get you a calculator, too. Okay. I think its all everything seems to be in order, cadence. Thats a candy cane for you. We look forward to making it a very Merry Christmas for you this year. Say hello to your fat grandpa for us, okay . All right. Take care. [ cheers and applause ] on the show we have music from walk the moon, from Espn College Gameday Kirk Herbstreit, Desmond Howard and lee corso are here. And well be right back with jack black. So stick around. Portions of Jimmy Kimmel Live were brought to you by the 2018 nissan rogue. Innovation that excites. Jimmy are you related . What do you do for work . Airline pilot. Jimmy was he actually flying the plane . I wish. Jimmy i taught my son to drive and it was terrifying. When you have a cold, pain from chest congestion can make this. Feel like this. Allinone cold symptom relief from tylenol®, the 1 doctor recommended pain relief brand. Tylenol®. Jimmy become back to the show. Tonight from Espn College Gameday, Kirk Herbstreit and lee corso are with us. Then this is their album called what if nothing walk the moon from the mercedesbenz outdoor stage. Tomorrow, Duane Johnson, Guillermo Del Toro and music from geazy with halsey and later this week, terry bradshaw, will smith, john legend, and n. E. R. D. Our first guest is an allaround tal nent the Old Fashioned way. He actually sings. His eyebrows are incredible. His new movie is called jumanji welcome to the jungle. Please welcome jack black. No, that aint it [ cheers and applause ] jimmy you dont have to fix it. In fact, it might be funnier if you just sit on the thing, yeah. No, i want to have my full height. I need a booster cushion. Jimmy another great entrance. Like youve been on the show probably seven times. Probably four of them are among the greatest entrances weve ever had here on the program. Was this one of them . Jimmy that was one of them, yeah. I came out, no special entrance this time. Im going to come out very professional, a little bit angry, and then i flipped the switch. [ cheers ] jimmy i know this is a big night for you. It better be because all of hollywood boulevard is closed for the premiere. For the premiere of jumanji, they shut down hollywood boulevard. I was feeling pretty good because they were taking over because only once in a while do they shut down the whole hollywood boulevard for an event. Thats when you know you hit the big time. But then i was going to pick up my boys from school today. I was like what is all this horrible traffic . I got to get to jimmy kimmel. Then i realized, its because of my stupid my own shutdown. I had to go way around, take a detour over through the 101 up through some thank goodness for waze. Jimmy oh, yeah. Have you been going all over to promote the movie . Can i just say, though jimmy yes. The entrance was awesome. But now im completely ruined. Can i get some help . Jimmy all right. This is nice. Its nice to rearrange the furniture every once in a while. Ill get that. Ill fix that later. Jimmy there you go. Is that right . Jimmy thats so much better. Am i supposed to scooch back here . How are you . Guillermo good. How are you doing . Just cut that out. Jimmy you have a lot going on right now, right . Obviously youre driving the kids to school, but youve got the movie. Are you working on a new album with tenacious d . All of those things you said. [ applause ] most of those people are applauding along with the one dude. But yeah, were kind of expleriencing. I like to call it the jack blackassaince. Ive got a lot of fingers in a lot of pies, projects bubbling up. Jimmy are your sons going to the premiere of jumanji tonight . My boys are here in my special dressing room. Hi, sammy, hi, tommy. Also my niece sonya. Jimmy how old are they now . 9 and 11. Jimmy what were you like at that age, 9 or 11 . I was a rambunctious youth. I was a boy scout. I didnt reach the level of eagle scout. I do plan on doing that. You can go back and get that later, right . Jimmy i dont think so. Its on my bucket list. I just want that one last piece of the puzzle, then ill finally be complete. Jimmy eagle scout, that would suit you beautifully. But you know what i did do . Jimmy what . I went to out ward bound. I did a full semester of outward bound. Like eagle scout level stuff. Jimmy i think thats for troubled youth, though, isnt it . Yep. Well, not just for troubled youth. Jimmy oh, really . I was actually going in just as like a cleansing ritual. I wanted something to like have an experience that was intense. I felt like i was still a boy and i went in as this like soft adolescent and i came out like ripped like 160 pounds of muscle green beret. Jimmy really . How old were you . I think i was 20 years old at the time. Jimmy really . Maybe a little old for outward bound. Jimmy yeah. So then you came out 160pound green beret. 165. In that neighborhood. Jimmy ripped. Ripped. Just looking in the mirror going dang. Jimmy how long did you stay this that rip mode . I started ripping bong loads. And then i got back to 220 within like a week. [ applause ] i was in the deep wilderness for three months carrying canoes for miles just and all of it lost. Jimmy a different kind of green beret you became. Well take a break here. Boy, i hope the kids arent listening to this. They dont know what any of o that means. Jimmy jack black is here. His movie is called jumanji welcome to the jungle. Ill tell the world, ill sing a song its a better place since you came along since you came along your touch is sunlight through the trees your kisses are the ocean breeze everythings alright when youre with me and i hold my favorite thing i hold the love that you bring but it feels like ive opened my eyes again and the colors are golden and bright again theres a song in my heart, i feel like i belong its a better place since you came along [firewor[ ]xploding] hurry in to old navy get gifting with up to 60 off the entire store. 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Jimmy thats Duane Johnson and jack black. Kind of a spoiler alert, right . It seems like youre dead in there. But you have more than one life in this movie. Its inside the game of jumanji, which is like a video game. And you have three lives. Jimmy you play a technically a teenaged girl inside the body of a jack black type, right . Thats right. It starts off Like Breakfast Club where these kids go to detention in high school, and then they stumble upon this old hidden video game thats been hiding in the attic of the school. And dust it off. And they get sucked into a game. And it becomes like avatar. Like a combo of [ laughter ] Breakfast Club and avatar. Youll suck out the long pause. Have you ever noticed whenever they say, and then you guys will edit that out, you never actually. Jimmy no, we never edit it out. People nowadays watch youtube. Things stop unnecessarily all the time. Were used to pauses that shouldnt be there. As we get older, the pauses get longer and the spit gets more intense. Jimmy you brought an interesting video. This is something you cut together yourself . My good friend taylor. Its like the reason why this movie is so crazy for me is like i was meant to do it. My first job in the industry was a commercial for a video game on the atari system called pitfall. Jimmy i loved it. I used to play hours of that game. Months of that game. Back in the 80s there was like a junglethemed game. The commercial i was in it wearing a safari hat exactly like the one im wearing in this movie. My friend taylor made a little mashup of the two. Jimmy well edit the taylor tyler thing. But this is i really think a look at destiny here. Yeah. Can we show my mashup . I think its a masterpiece. Just last night i was trapped in the jungle with pitfall harry. Surrounded by giant scorpions and maneating crocodiles. If you havent met pitfall harry, youre missing the years most incredible video game adventure. It was so intense. Pitfall, designed for activision. Jimmy thats unbelievable. Can you believe that . The way those two dovetailed together. Jimmy its unbelievable. It is. It is. And theres another reason why this movie is like meant to be. My father shortly after we shot that, got remarried, and he went on his honeymoon. They went on this sort of jungle safari in africa, okay . Theyre hiking along the river in africa. Cant remember the name of the african river. And all of a sudden from out of the river comes, guess what . A raging, insane hippopotamus. Comes barreling out. Everybody in the safari is like, run and everyones running. My dad, unlucky, happens to be running on the same path as the hippo. The hippo is the deadliest animal in the jungle. Jimmy thats what they say. Deadlier than lion, tigers, elephants. Because if they bite its over. And they usually bite and its usually over. My dad goes into a tight tuck and roll. And hes like god help me and for some reason the hippo spe spared him, did not bite. Ran over him but didnt squash him. Grazed his rib. My dad went tumbling. And he was sort of dazed. He was sort of concussed. But he survived. Then they put him in the kenyan newspaper as the miracle guy that survived jimmy really . Yes. [ applause ] if you watch that clip you showed from jumanji where im getting eaten by the hippopotamus. You might not hear it because theres sounds and music playing but i let out a, god help me, tribute to my father. Jimmy jack black jumanji opens a week from wednesday. Well be right back with college gameday. Lets get the one with the candy canes. Well, you know, the wrapping paper doesnt make the holidays. Its whats inside that counts. Its a phone for mom. Okay, well, its also whats inside the phone that counts, too. Circuits . No, the network. So the network is inside the phone . Well, no, the networks around the phone. And verizon is the most awarded network ever. 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At 60 million mealsso closto pets in need. Campbells new star wars soups. That definitely feels good this holiday season, buy any bag of dog or cat food at petsmart and well give a meal to a pet in need. Petsmart for the love of pets. Ahh. The new guy. Whoa, he looks he looks exactly like me. No. Separated at birth much . We should switch name tags, and no one would know who was who. Jamie, you seriously think you look like him . Uh, im pretty good with comparisons. Like how progressive helps people save money by comparing rates, even if were not the lowest. Even if were not the lowest. Whoa wow. I mean, the outfit helps, but pretty great. Look at us. Wow. I mean, the outfit helps, but pretty great. You kis always behind the forchristmas tree . Tree well, heres an idea. Hey google, turn on my christmas tree. Brilliant its google home mini, now only 29 jimmy hi there, welcome back to the show. On new years day the top four teams in College Football will pair off and square up to crown a new national champion. Our next guests will be there to boil it down for us. From Espn College Gameday, please welcome Kirk Herbstreit, Desmond Howard and lee corso. [ cheers and applause ] i think it would make more sense if i was jumping around behind you guys. Would that make you feel more at home . Yelling at us. Jimmy do you travel together, come in the same car or arrive separately . We all live in different towns. He has a charter. Oh, is that right . Hes from miami, hes in orlando and im in nashville. Jimmy do you still get excited about this time of the year . Absolutely. Jimmy they just gave out the heisman trophy. Desmond, you won the heisman trophy. Yes, sir. [ applause ] jimmy you had one of the great moments of all time in College Football where you predicted your own heisman win by posing in the pose of the put the trophy in there. Is that something that you knew you were going to do going into the game . No. I did not. I actually thought i was going to do a backflip. And i thought it would be the coolest thing to like break out in the open, then stop around the 2, 2 1 2 yard line and do a backflip into end the zone. Were playing at ohio state. Born and raised in ohio. This is the huge rivalry. This is my opportunity. Punt return. Out by myself. 15 yards, and im starting to doubt myself. Do i really know how to do this backflip . And i get to the 10 yard line. Im like, okay, if i do it and i mess up. Im on sportscenter for the wrong thing. I got to the 5 yard line, chickened out, then did that little pose that has actually taken on a life of its own. And he wont do it. Everybody asks him to do it and he never does. Jimmy i dont blame you. You did it once. Thank you, jimmy. He wont tell you, but he also besides the heisman, he was the most valuable player in the super bowl. Super bowl, right. [ applause ] theres not a handful of people in the world that have done that. Jimmy no, i knew about that, lee. I watched that super bowl, as a matter of fact. You were on the other team. Yeah. Thank you, yeah. Jimmy at that moment were you like, look at this jerk. Hes posing because we were in the same recruiting class. He went up to michigan and i stayed at ohio state. He mentioned the 15 yard line thinking about the back flip. I was at the left 25 getting ready to see if our defense could stop him way back where he received the punt at their own 10. Im watching him, watching him, oh, no. And i was just like that there you go. He just won the heisman trophy. Very fitting that he put the pose out there. Jimmy lee, you started one of the great traditions in Sports Broadcasting which is you, traditionally, will put the mascots head of the team you think will win the game, youll get the mascots head and youll put it on. And thats the big reveal at the end of the broadcast. When did that start . Stiitting with kirk. Do you think hed get me that brutus head. Theyll know who i pick. I wouldnt have to say a word. Before that hed say go get that hat over there. Thats how he would make his pick. That week he just said, can we get the brutus head gear. Jimmy you need a whole head. The next day i go, ohio state and the crowd went crazy. Then the truck went crazy and espn went crazy. I said, i think i got a shtick here. Ive done it over 300 times. Jimmy youre like the first human bobblehead doll. Do you have both heads back there . No, just one. They hide it. His guy puts it in a blanket. Jimmy if one team knows you havent come to borrow the head, they know theyre not the team getting picked. But i dont do that very publicly. Jimmy its a secret operation. Stealth bomber. Jimmy what was your record as a coach when you were a College Football coach. Do you remember . Its hard to remember when you lose so many. [ laughter ] i dont know exactly when it was. Jimmy you have a better record with the heads is what youre saying. Yes, yes. So when you were coach of the team, did you have like unusual ways, like this head thing is an unusual thing to do. Did you come up with ways to motivate your players . One time i was playing a team on thanksgiving day. And so i was thinking about we got beat 50 points the week before by a team this team beat. Wow, got to get motivation. I thought of army navy. Because i was at navy. I said, a turkey. So i got a turkey as a mascot. And we we walked out on the field. The captains got a turkey on a leash. By the way, you ever try to lead a turkey. Jimmy never. You cant. The official comes in and said, coach, whats that . I said, thats our mascot. He said, youre crazy. This is a true story. And got down to where we were going to score. I call timeout. Team, you got to help me. I promise that the coach he can have the turkey and kill him if they beat us. Were winning for the turkey. We stopped them on the 2 yard line. And they carried me and the turkey off. [ laughter ] [ applause ] thats true. Jimmy so weve got for the rose bowl, oklahoma against georgia. Sugar bowl clemson, Number One Team against alabama. Which is the best team of those four . I think ooklahomas the eem o beat going in. The clemson, its the trilogy. Now its the third time around. Who do you like . For you, georgia is a twopoint favorite. Jimmy i see. And auburn is the and alabama is the i go with those two. Jimmy youre reading my mind. A lot of fun watching you guys together. Kirk herbstreit, Desmond Howard and lee corso, everybody. January 1st with the rose bowl on espn. Well be back with walk the moon. The Jimmy Kimmel Live Concert Series is presented b z mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. The Jimmy Kimmel Live Concert Series is presented by mercedesbenz, the best or nothing. Jimmy thanks to jack black, thank to kirk, desmond and lee, apologies to matt damon. We did run out of time for him. Walk the moon is next. Here with the song one foot, walk the moon. Oohoohooh hey ooh ooh ooh oohoohooh hey ooh ooh ooh not a soul up ahead and nothing behind theres a desert in my blood and a storm in your eyes am i the king of nothing at all and youre the queen of nothing at all but i remember the fight and i forget the pain i got my hand in your pocket and my key in your chain am i the king of nothing at all and youre the queen of nothing at all ooh through the wilderness you and i will walk into the emptiness ooh and my heart is a mess is it the only defense against the wilderness well cross my heart and hope to die taking this one step at a time i got your back if you got mine one foot in front of the other oohoohoohhey one foot in front of the other oohoohooh hey one foot in front of the other one foot in front of the other ooh all that we have is each other one foot in front of the other not a soul in the road not a star in the sky its a desert in my heart and nowhere to hide im your king of nothing at all and youre my queen of nothing at all well out here in the dust if you dont have trust aint nothing left of us this is the exodus theyre just testing us they cant flex with us they cant mess with us they cant mess with us ooh through the wilderness how come even together there can be loneliness ooh my heart is a mess is it the only defense to brave the wilderness well cross my heart and hope to die taking this one step at a time i got your back if you got mine oh, oh one foot in front of the other oohoohooh hey one foot in front of the other oohoohooh hey one foot in front of the other wilderness one foot in front of the other ooh all that we have is each other one foot in front of the other uh uh uh uh through the wilderness how come even together there can be loneliness cross my heart and hope to die taking this one step at a time got your back if you got mine one foot in front of the other oh oh one foot in front of the other keep walking through the wilderness one foot in front of the other we have each other one foot in front of the other oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ooh in the socalled land of the free one foot in front of the other oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh dont you know that all we have is each other one foot in front of the other [ cheers and applause ] this is nightline. Tonight, all eyes on alabama. This election is for the people of alabama. As the Senate Candidates face off in one of the most heated special elections in history. Some republicans switching sides in the face of roy moores Sexual Misconduct allegations. I hold my party to Higher Standards than roy moore. Others just dont believe it. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. The political battle for the heart of dixie. Plus, terror in new york. The chilling attack in one of the largest commuter hubs in manhattan during rush hour. An alleged isis sympathizer inspired by online propaganda partially detonating a homemade bomb but failing to cause maj

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