His multistate odyssey came to an end with handcuffs around his wrists, six shot and three of them dead. Its wednesday night. The man police say is responsible for a shooting in maryland and delaware. Chris christie is in wilmington with the full story. Thats right, jim. Its tips from the public that helped Police Capture prince. His car was spotted near Glasgow High School and residents notified police he was seen walking in their neighborhood. Radee prince had nothing to say as he was escorted by cops into the Wilmington Police station after setting off a multistate manhunt. It was tips to police that helped them spot their killer. They were able to apprehend him and recover the gun where he through it. Action news was there when authorities captured him near glassco high. The 37yearold is acoul accusef killing three of his five coworkers and ro driving north to gun down the man on the northeast boulevard in wilmington. Calling the shootings targeted, police say prince knew each of his prey and had a beef with his most recent victim. Prince is not a bad guy. He did a bad thing, but hes not a bad dude. With his checkered past including 42 arrests and 15 felony connections in just delaware, its been asked how was he able to walk the streets in the first play and murder all of those people. Of the three people that survived the shooting, two in maryland are stable. Jim . Thank you, christie. Philadelphia police are on the hunt for a murderer tonight. The suspect shot and killed a 17yearold boy on the 6700 block of north 16th street at 7 30. Detectives havent revealed a motivate. A 47yearold was killed in Bear Delaware when she ran off the road and struck several trees at 6 30. Both speeding and drunk driving were factors in the crash. The driver was not wear ago seatbelt. Philadelphia police are trying to track down the bandit responsible for the recent rash of armed robberies in fairmont. Annie mccormick has more. Police are still working this case at this point, jim. It was in this area at this block that one of the armed robberies happened earlier this week. Police believe there is a pattern. They believe that the description is the same and the way the gunman approaches the victims is similar too. Police are investigating four armed robberies in this fairmont neighborhood this week, the first 8 00 p. M. Sunday on brown street. 40 minutes later the same assailant struck again on the 2500 block of popular. Tuesday, just after midnight a gunman robbed someone on the 800 block of north 25th street and struck again a few blocks away on north 27th street. Its traumatic. I look behind me to see if someone is hiding behind cars or behind me. Merrill mason was attacked march 14th. News of the recent crimes is giving her flash backs. He came up behind me and grabbed me by the neck and threw me down on the sidewalk and cracked my head and broke my jaw. Her assailant took off with her purse and was never caught. While handing out flyers for their missing cat, they heard about the armed robberies. This neighborhood is beautiful, but at the same time, i think you have to use your street smarts. Jim, the description is the same from all four of the recent armed robberies, black male, thin build, late 20s to early 30s, black hair and some facial hair. We asked the woman who was attacked in march if she thought of leaving the area. She said because of the out pouring of the support from the neighborhood, she decided she wants to call it home. Reporting live in fairmont, annie mccormick, channel6 action news. Back to you. Action news has obtained exclusive Video Surveillance of people stealing straight out of a mailbox. You can see the suspects wearing reflective vests. They are all from the bronx. The Postal Service is warning to check mailboxes for sticky substance as this fairly new phenomenon of mail fishing is on the rise in the area. A sixyearold is home safety after a frightening ordeal where he was in the backseat of a carjacking. In claimant delaware. The boys mother left the keys in the car as she ran into the store. How many times does that cause serious trouble. Another woman captured on Surveillance Video jumped in. The youngster realized what was going on and ran for help. Police are looking for the vehicle, plates 245559. A Delaware County man accused of committing war crimes in liberia was found guilty today of immigration fraud. He lied on his immigration application saying he had never engaged in genocide. Witnesses testified he was a rebel commander in the 1990s. Hes lived two decades in Delaware County and faces 30 years in prison. The sixers lose in washington, but it was apparent that this is going to be an exciting resilient team. Ducis rogers is here with the story of the sixer debut. Its an exciting young team. Absolutely, jim. There may not be consolation prizes in the nba, but you would be hard pressed to find a game m you could feel this good about. Second quarter, ben simmon, 18 points, ten rebounds. His family on hand, sixers up three at the break. Markelle fultz, embid, jojo scores 18 points in 26 minutes. Sixers down by five. They tried to come back. Fourth quarter sixers look tired. My goodness. Sixers fall 1201115 in the season opener. We join Jeff Skversky live in d. C. With more. Ducis, sixer head coach brett brown told the team he was proud of them. Down 12 late in the game on the opener against one of the best in the co conference, fight baco take the lead. They feel a few improvements and theyll win the games. You have joel out there that hasnt practiced much. Do you feel this team is close to being really special . I think we have a chance. We are young and learning to play with each other. We have a lot to improve on. For us to do that tonight, well be good. Joel embiid taking it a step further. He believes they can stack up the team. He didnt play a full game, 27 minutes, more than expected, but still, they dont have this guy. There are other players at full strength and playing the first game today. This team is on the rise. Jeff skversky action news. Thank you so much. Well see more sixers friday against boston. Thank you. Two Straight Days of cloudy skies as temperatures bounce back from this chill. Cecily tynan is here with what comes next in the accuweather forecast. What a week. Yesterdays high, 61degrees five below average today 72degrees. We stay above average into the weekend. Temperatures rising for the weekend. The reason why its High Pressure. Satellite and radar showing High Pressure working off the eastern seaboard bringing a return flow out of the south. What this will do is gradually warm us up for the weekend. Also with the southerly wind, not as cool tomorrow morning as it has been the past few mornings. Temperature in the 50s, then rising up to the 70s. Im tracking rain on the way and cooler weather. I have details on that in the sevenday forecast. Jim . Thank you, cecily. Coastal High School Students are taking a stand against racism in the wake of a video. Four students behind pumpkins carved with a swastica and the letters kkk. Hundreds of students left classes early to join parents in a protest march. 21 new surveillance cameras are going up on the schuylkill trail. Installation of the 150,000 project began today. The video feeds will not be monitored live. Theyll be reviewed after incidents are reported. Still to come on action news tonight, he said she said. Its the continuing controversy over the president s phone call to the widow of a soldier killed in action. Also, going long, an eagle is donating his paychecks to charity. Find out what students receive his generosity. Cecily tynan comes back with the sevenday outlook from accuweather when action news continues tonight. Stepping into the unknown. It can be difficult to find the way. But with the compassion and security of independence blue cross, obstacles become openings. As we have for nearly 80 years, well continue to light the way, with the card accepted in all 50 states. Giving you the power to shine forward to whatever awaits tomorrow. Independence blue cross. Live fearless. Independence blue cross. Hows it going down there . Thats good. Lica misses you. Im over it though. laughter thats fine. I miss her more than you anyway. Hey, my window is closing. Yeah thats okay. Alright miles. I love you. phone hangs up yeah i love you too. When youre a doubledipping like steve sweeney, its important to maintain a certain. Lifestyle. Thats why sweeney spent over a hundred grand of his Campaign Funds on highpriced meals and other gifts. Were talking fine cigars, fancy watches, pricey restaurants, and expensive wines all to charm the type of folks who helped him raise your taxes 145 times. Too many in south jersey are struggling. But steve sweeneys looking out for himself, not for us. President trump is embroiled in another controversy involving a gold star family. This was yesterday, a widow leaving in grief across the flag draped coffin at the airport. Sergeant johnson is one of four americans killed two weeks ago. Trump called johnsons widow as they drove to receive the body. Congresswoman wilson was inside the car and heard him on speakerphone. He said everyone knows when you go to war you could possibly not come back alive, but you dont remind a grieving widow of that. Trump insists he was not disrespectful, didnt say what the congresswoman said, department sadidntsay it at al. She knows it. Th commissioner Roger Goodell talked about todays discussion on how to support players and fans. The me too social Media Movement to expose Sexual Harassment is growing. Gymnast Mckayla Moroney is sharing her story of abuse. She took to twitter saying a team doctor began molesting her when she was 13. A consumer alert tonight. Ford is recalling the most popular truck in america. The issue affects 1. 3 million of the 2017 models. Ford believes the problem with a door latch can prevent doors from opening or closing properly. It could open while driving. Ford is not aware of incidents or accidents or injuries because of the defect. Edindeed another milestone day s the dow closed above 23,000 first time ever, a long term up trend over the past nine years up 17 this year alone. The s p 500 hit a high of 2567. There are a lot of professional Football Players that talk the talk. This the story about an eagle who walks the walk. As more people learn what hes doing, chris long will no doubt be a huge fan favorite. Dann cuellar has the story. There was loud applause and cheers as eagle defensive end chris long was introduced at the philadelphia charter school. He has two sacks and six games this season, but its what hes doing off the field garnering himself a welcome. The 32yearold son of howie long is playing his first season as an eagle and the entire season for charity, donating ten checks to support education in philadelphia, boston and new jersey. I feel good that we are spreading positivity. Through his foundation he picked summer search of philadelphia because they help low income students complete their education. Our goal is to make sure this contribution will be matched by fans, players, platforms, business. The director could not be more thrilled. You are on cloud nine right now . If there is any cloud higher than that, thats where i am. He has inspired many children at the charter. I dont know any player that just says im giving back to the community. If i didnt help anyone and had this platform, i would feel i wasted it. Dont be surprised first time his name is announced monday night. There will be an uproar from the crowd. Standing ovation, i would hope. Fine fall weather out there. Sky 6 looking at the center city skyline. Not a cloud in the sky. Second day in a row of cloudless skies. Elisabeth posted this sunset photo on my facebook page. There are light winds, river like glass. The weather continues through the weekend. Its a sunny stretch. Then im tracking a cold front bringing rain tuesday. Behind that a shot of cool air later next week. Tonight, its mild. Temperatures not falling quickly as last night. Last night, temperatures in the 40s. Bethlehem, 51. Cooks town 53. South jersey, winds off the ocean cape may 62degrees. Satellite and radar showing the void of clouds. This is thanks to the strong area of High Pressure. Its beginning to shift offshore bringing southerly winds. Thats why temperatures the next several day in the 70s. The morning rush, temperatures not as cool as the past few mornings. Suburbs, 45degrees. Philadelphia, 53. Loads of sunshine through the day. You like today, you will like tomorrow. Temperatures six degrees above average. Heading into friday, 74degrees. Temperatures bring us the warm flow. That continues for the weekend. The exclusive accuweather forecast, sunny, 72 tomorrow, 74 on friday. Sunday, 11degrees above average for 76degrees. Rain arriving monday night hoping to hold off until after the link. 77 tuesday, rain, likely. Clearing and cooling wednesday with a high of 74. The next several days just beautiful. Enjoy. Thanks, cecily. Coming up, ducis rogers with more on the sixers when we continue in just a minute. Every day, Technology Becomes much more personalized. Like this. And this. ai device welcome home, gary, how was your day. And like this. Introducing specifi, our digital investing platform thats built around you. Just answer a few questions, and specifi will provide a tailored investment portfolio. It continually manages it, so if the market changes, it adjusts accordingly. Ask us how specifi can help you reach your potential. Ask us how specifi can help you reach your potential. Its been on the decline with the closing of the refineries and theres no jobs in the community. If theres no jobs, theres no education, theres no food on the table. Whats important is the children. Steve sweeney. He fought for em. This is where hes from. Steve sweeneys been here since the beginning. Steve spearheaded the whole project and really brought it to fruition. It wouldve never been done without steve. It was a pride in building this port and then knowing that were coming back. Funny when you attack ben, you attack me. Yeah, yeah, i got it. [ sighs ] ugh now, where were we . Honey, i kind of think maybe the moment has passed. [ cellphone rings ] ohh, its my dad. What now . Just ignore it. I cant. What if somethings wrong . Sweet 4k tv, mr. Peterson. Thanks. Im pretty psyched. Did you get fios too . No, was i supposed to get fios . Mr. Peterson. 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Ducis, six sixer players including ben simmons and embid with a double double. Robert covington with a 29 says when they finish the games, theyll be scary. I was proud of them. To come to a building like this playing a veteran team deep in the playoffs, a minute 30 left and be down two, thats a good reason to be happy. One of the best things, we stacked up with them. I thought we did good too. Its our first game and well learn from it. What did mar Markelle Fultz e away . He learned this team will be very, very good. They didnt have joel embiid at full speed. He played 27 minutes, more than he expected, but he felt gassed down the stretch and he says wait until hes a full strength player. Still ahead in sports, we talk football. Hear the teams reaction to that. Thats next. T comes to Cancer Treatment centers of america in philadelphia, shes coming for the multimodal therapy where the specialists form a treatment plan together. 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Brown fought for whats right by taking on trenton special interests and standing up to Chris Christies takeover of atlantic city. He fought to protect jobs in our region and to defeat the north jersey casinos. And now brown is working to keep Atlantic County affordable for families and retirees. Lets keep chris brown fighting for us. Chris brown for state senate, hes on our side. Hey grandpa. Hey, kid. Really good to see you. You too. You tell grandma you were going fishing again . Maybe. vo the best things in life keep going. Thats why i got a subaru, too. Introducing the allnew crosstrek. Love is out there. Find it in a subaru crosstrek. Eagles are set to host washington. At 51 some fans are talking superbowl. The birds hear the chatter. If you win, you are best ever. If you lose, you are no good. We are just focused on this game. 61 is better than 52. Ill give that answer all day. Well said. We are teaming up with wphl17 to bring you football monday night, countdown to kickoff at 8 00, game at 8 30. The nfl draft is not coming back next year. Commissioner goodell announced that the stadium, home of the cowboys will be the site for the 2018 draft. Theyll be sorry. A Philadelphia City Council Woman is doing the kind of work that makes philly proud. Janey blackwell hosts a benefit to help families. The proceeds will be used to support the nonprofit family shelters and other services. Jimmy kimmel live next followed by nightline. Jimmys guest, howard stern. For the entire action news team, im jim gardner. Goodnight. Who hit this ball . Jimmy sorry, mike piazza, guillermo hit that. Impressive power. Jimmy actually, you know what . I i hit the ball. It was me. With the power. Shut the hell up, kimmel. Jimmy thanks. Guillermo nice guy. Dicky from brooklyn its Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight, howard stern, and music from cardi b, brought to you by smirnoff, with cleto and the cletones featuring paul shaffer. And now hit em with the

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