Photo courtesy of Sebastián León Prado via Unsplash
Experts have been predicting the death of print at least since the internet became a mass phenomenon. And as with so many other trends, the COVID-19 pandemic that emerged in 2020 acted as an accelerant. Some publications cut the number of print issues they produced last year; some, including
Worth magazine, stopped publishing altogether.
Yet print retains an enduring power. Some of that power may derive from the fact that print has been around for so long; it’s as if holding a physical book or magazine ties us into the history of human knowledge. And print has an iconic allure that is unmatched by anything in the digital realm; I know from many years of working in financial media that there is nothing that can be done with a laptop or a phone that holds as much appeal to many a CEO as putting him or her on a magazine cover. In addition, there are advertisers who feel that their products simply look better with the texture and luster that print alone provides.