Using drone technology and data collected in the field “the exceptional character of the graphic patterns near the village of Boha” were revealed. The two distinctly tremendous figures, titled Boha 1 and Boha 2, respectively, depict “a giant spiral adjacent to an atypical serpent shaped drawing” connected together “with a cluster of sinuous lines.”
Huge geoglyphs etched into the Thar Desert.
(Carlo Oetheimer and Yohann Oetheimer /
The Thar Desert geoglyphs lines are etched into the ground, 10 centimeters (4 inches) deep, and ranging from 20-50 centimeters (8-20 inches) in width. Boha 1, the giant asymmetrical spiral, is made from a single looping line running for 7.5 miles (12 kilometers), over an area 792 yards (724 meters) long by 220 yards (201 meters) wide.