The Broncos’ 13th general manager won’t race into the end zone stands and fight fans to retrieve footballs, buy uniforms and clown socks from a defunct college football bowl and draft from a magazine. He personally won’t paint logos on the helmets. He won’t be a lawyer from The Netherlands, with Dutch as his first language, who never had seen an NFL game a year before his appointment. He won’t stage a bonfire rally in the stadium parking lot, and he will not name himself the coach, too. He won’t be “The X Man,’’ and he won’t be a Pro Football Hall of Fame quarterback or a Canadian Football Hall of Fame linebacker. He won’t have coached high school baseball or coached as an assistant in the Super Bowl. He won’t utter “Half a loaf is better than none’’ after his team settles for a tie, and he will not experience a players’ Mutiny on the Broncos that results in his resignation. He won’t be an Air Force Academy graduate and member of the U.S. bobsled team. He won’t be a CPA and an original Viking.