WKCF opens grant season
WKCF release
As of Feb. 1, 2021, the Western Kansas Community Foundation (WKCF) has resumed accepting applications for urgent needs grants in response to the continuing COVID-19 conditions in southwest Kansas. Grants will be made to eligible nonprofits from the Urgent Needs Fund with the Foundation, which was established by local contributors in 2020 to address the increasing needs of nonprofits during the crisis. Urgent Needs grants will be made on a rolling basis and continue while funds last.
“In 2020, through contributions from generous donors, as well as partnerships with the Finnup Foundation and Finney County United Way, over $97,000 in Urgent Needs funding was granted to area nonprofits,” Stacie Hahn, WKCF’s Program & Marketing Director, said. “Through additional funding, we are excited that the Foundation is able to continue providing relief grants in 2021, while the needs surrounding the virus are still evident in our community.”