Im glad youre here. Im glad were all here. Very nice. You know, there are a lot of things to dislike about l. A. Traffic, pollution, people. But its important i think its important sometimes to stop and appreciate the fact that, a, we dont have to scrape ice off our windshield every morning. And b, i can wear the same pair of tealcolored dolphin shorts to work every day since 1985. I appreciate it, and i like to think my coworkers appreciate it, i really do. [ cheers and applause ] by the way, i just swal heed a cough drop whole by accident. [ laughter ] what im saying is its a heroic act, me beg here right now. This is from loudoun county, virginia. This is a cautionary tale. It reminds us the importance of always checking for black ice before you go outside. Oooooh i have to say, i respect that hes able to laugh at himself enough to post that video. Or more likely i respected his wife was able to laugh at himself enough to post the video. Speaking of slippery places, at the white house the chief of staff, john kelley, is reportedly asking people who work at the white house whether or not theyre planning to stay on the job through the end of the year. Morale among staffers is reported to be low. Why, i have no idea, seems like everythings going great. [ laughter ] a lot of trump staffers want out. In fact, this video captured outside the white house after an allstaff meeting. [ laughter ] seems to indicate there is some unrest. I think i saw melania in there. [ laughter ] President Trump had his first Cabinet Meeting of the year today where, youre not going to believe this, he took time out to reaction to his bipartisan meeting yesterday with members of congress. Got great reviews by everybody other than two networks who were phenomenal for about two hours. Then after that, they were called by their bosses, oh, wait a minute. And unfortunately a lot of those anchors sent us letters saying that was one of the greatest meetings theyve ever witnessed. Jimmy really. A lot of those anchors sent you letters, saying it was one of the greatest meetings ever . I bet the handwriting on those letters looks a lot like kellyanne conways. [ laughter ] trump also unveiled one of the bigly items of his agenda for the new year. Something this is something every americans concerned about, and that is, strengthening libel laws to punish those who publish unflattering books about you. Our current libel laws are a sham. And a disgrace. And do not represent American Values or american fairness. So were look at that. We want fairness. You cant say things that are false, knowingly false. And be able to smile as money pours into your bank account. Jimmy oh [ laughter ] come on, now saying knowingly false things while the money pours into your bank account . Not only is that trumps Business Plan in its entirety [ laughter ] its literally what theyre going to write on his headstone. He knowingly said false things while money poured into his bank accounts. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i really cant there are parakeets flying into mirrors that have more selfawareness than donald trump. [ laughter ] heres another one. Trump tweeted this this morning. The single greatest witch hunt in American History continues. There was no committee lose, everybody including the dems knows there was no collusion, yet on and on it goes, russia and the world is laughing at the stupidity they are witnessing, republicans should final control. Now first of all, republicans taking control, republicans have control of the senate, the house, and the white house. You cant give zero stars while youre driving the uber. [ laughter ] what more control can you take . [ applause ] secondly, im not a historian, but to me the greatest witch hunt in American History was the one where we were actually hunting witches. [ laughter ] it happened in salem in the 1600s. They executed 14 women, five men, and two dogs. Even if you and everyone who work for you is innocent, which some of them have already admitted theyre not that witch hunt was worse than this one. Unless theyre executing two of your dogs . For being witches . [ laughter ] yours isnt the greatest. Even the bad things that happen to him are the greatest. And as for the part about russia and the world laughing at our stupidity, yeah, well. When youre right, youre right, that one. They definitely are laughing. [ laughter ] heres some of our stupidity. The t directed official government websites to cut any mention of Climate Change or renewable energy. Those phrases are not permitted to appear on government websites. Which is actually a great idea. Instead of solving problems, we just stop talking about them. It could save a lot of money. For example, the National Cancer institute spent about 5 billion a year on research. What if instead of spending that money we changed the name of the thing to the National Institute . No more cancer. [ light laughter ] well then youre not going to like the rest of this. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] well, ill give it a try. What about the bird flu . What about ebola . We dont need to worry about ebola, we just replace the centers for disease control, we call it the centers for ease on down the road. [ laughter ] right . Last year we spent 300 billion on hurricanes . Change the National Weather service to the national nice weather service. [ laughter ] tenday forecast, 7 see, theres no problem that cannot be solved by sticking your head deeply enough in the sand. Its the trump way. The president , by the way, reached a major milestone yesterday. I dont feel like this has gotten enough attention. According to the washington post, which has been keeping track i guess, yesterday trump told his 2,000th lie since taking office. [ laughter ] happy lie2k, everybody. [ laughter ] 2,000 lies in 11 months. Hes averaging 5. 6 false claims a day. Which is impressive considering the fact hes only working about 2. 6 hours a day. [ laughter ] and all the while that hes lying, he is continually imploring us to just believe him. We are just getting started, believe me. Believe me. Believe me. Believe me. Believe me. Believe me. Believe me. Believe me. Believe me. Believe me. Believe me. Believe me. Believe me. Believe me. Believe me. Believe me. Believe me. Believe me. Believe me. Believe me. Believe me. Believe me. Believe me. Believe me. Believe. Jimmy you think abe lincoln ever said, believe me . Believe me, he did not. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] the volume of fiction that comes out of his orange mouth is staggering. Its so brazen i almost cant help but admire it. I watch it and i go, 2,000 lies is an unprecedented achievement. Tonight were going to look back at his many prevarications with the Mini Documentary that shows us how we got to this remarkable moment in misrepresentation. I would say without a doubt it was the greatest achievement in the history of lying. To be honest, i inherited a mess. Its a mess. He is quite simply the babe ruth of [ bleep ]. Obamacare covers very few people. Donald trump makes tricky dick look like honest abe. I never met putin, i dont know who putin is. He said one nice thing about me, he is the greatest liar of alltime. Cspan presents, pants of fire the road to 2,000 lies. I, donald trump, do solemnly swear january 20th, 2017. Donald trump puts his hand on the bible and begins a historic journey to 2,000 lies. God looked down and he said, were not going to let it rain on your speech. And trump comes roaring out of the gate. He lies about the rain. The crowds. His Time Magazine covers. His victory marches. I guess it was the Biggest Electoral College win since ronald reagan. And this is week one. I said, he cannot sustain this pace. But trump was just getting started. By march he had amassed four times as many lies as any president had in two terms. You look at whats happening last night in sweden. Sweden sweden, that was a classic. Only trump could have lied that lie. You know, the cubaamericans, i have 84 of that vote. So many great lies. I mean, obamas wiretap . You saw what happened with surveillance. You stand by that claim . I dont stand by anything, i just you can take it the way you want. He even lied about lying. I think one of the greatest of all terms ive come up with is fake. I guess other people have used it perhaps over the years but ive never noticed it. Then there was twitter. Gamechanger. Twitter proved to be a critical platform as trump continued past 750 lies. Finally hitting 1,000 lies in august of his first year. Weve signed more bills, and im talking about through the legislature, than any president ever. For a while harry truman had us. His politifact numbers were off the charts. This is unheard of it was in the bag. But he didnt let up. If anything, he doubled down. He interviewed me for three hours in the white house, it didnt exist, okay, its in his imagination. After a long, arduous road, trump achieved the impossible. His 2,000th lie in office. We can build the wall in one year, and we can build it for much less money than what theyre talking about. Usa, usa, usa what can you compare it to . Michael phelps in 08 . Roger bannister running the fourminute mile . A young tiger woods . Its unfathomable. Hes got three more years. Or maybe even seven. Or maybe six months, who the hell knows . President trumps miraculous milestone in mendacity seems destined to stand the test of time. Bing Bing Bing Bing bing bing even if it should fall to some futur in the fake history books is forever secure thanks to his total lack of shame, unlimited capacity for [ bleep ], and his pants of fire. The American Dream is dead. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy wow, thank you, mr. President. On behalf of a grateful nation. We have to take a break. When we come back from the break, a special visit from peter and stewie from family guy. Stick around, well be right back resolution 1 binge more. Join the uncarrier, and get four unlimited lines for only rty bucks each. Plus, netflix for the whole family. On us. So, they get their shows. Lets go, girl youre gonna love this bit and you get yours. Watch however you want. On your phone, tablet, or tv. Extra charges. Lets rock this joint all on americas best unlimited network, tmobile. With advils fast relief, youll ask, what pulled muscle . What headache . Nothing works faster to make pain a distant memory. 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Ikea has a special promotion you might be interested in. Allow me to present what is either the most creative or repulsive ad for baby furniture of alltime. Jimmy thats right, youre not seeing things. If youre pregnant, you pee on the ad. [ laughter ] and theyll give you a deal on a crib. Which if youre not pregnant, why would you even buy a crib, you weirdo . [ laughter ] [ applause ] its only available in sweden but its getting a lot of attention. A story here in los angeles is jumping on the bandwagon with the sale that isnt limited to women or cribs. Ikea wants you to pee on an ad and get a discount on a crib . I say, eye sea yeah shmikea. Murrays Home Furniture warehouse, you can pee on any piece of furniture in the store and get it 20 off, any piece of furnitu furniture pee on a sofa, 20 off. Pee on a rug, 20 off. Bunk beds, sealy posture, pee on all of them, get 20 off. Ask one of my satisfied customers. I came in and peed on an ottoman, got 20 off. Easy as one, two, pee come to murrays Home Furniture warehouse where our prices are guaranteed lowest or your purchase is pee announcer this offer is illegal. Jimmy oh, well, forget it, then. Hey, were only i dont know if you know this, if you keep track, were days away from a Major Television milestone. One of americas most beloved and longestrunning comedy shows is hitting a big number this week. In fact, its celebrating its 300th episode on sunday. And tonight were fortunate enough to be joined by two of the stars of the show. Please say hello to Peter Griffin and his son stewie from family guy. Its just family guy, yes. Were about to celebrate our 300th episode on another network. Thats right, im not afraid to say it, another net. Jimmy its okay to say fox. Youre halfway to the simpsons now. How many episodes did the simpsons have . 40,000 . Listen, im sorry they again, thats just the way it goes. Ask seth mcfarland, they almost never ask a host back a second time. Jimmy actually, they did ask me back a second time. Oh, well, god bless you. Yeah, we love jimmy kimmel. Your initials are j. K. i love you, j. K. , youre my favorite latenight talk show host, j. K. , i never miss an episode, j. K. Jimmy i get it. Saying j. K. Like just kidding. I think youre hilarious, just kidding i mean, j. K. Did i do it . You did one. Jimmy i thought you didnt understand the baby. Oh, look who saw the pilot. [ laughter ] jimmy ive actually been watching for a long time, thank you very much. Weve been watching you a long time too. We loved your prem program the man show. Remember that . Girls bouncing around on trampolines and you and some hairy guy saying things that might not play in this day and age. [ laughter ] jimmy i dont remember that at all, i think i was drunk during that period of my life. Lets focus on for episode 300 . Thats what we call a pivot. Its something with a dog and a baby, i dont know. Jimmy its going to be something with a dog and a baby, everybody, i like that. [ applause ] i want did say congratulations. Peter griffin and Stewie Griffin from the family guy. Wait, i have a joke for when you host the oscars. Harvey weinstein is watering his plants jimmy you guys can probably keep that one for yourselves. Thank you, stewie and peter. Tonight on the show, music from Elvis Costello, darren criss is here, be right back with Chris Hemsworth so stick around [ cheers and applause ] dicky portions of Jimmy Kimmel Live are brought to you by zip recruiter, the smartest way to hire. Try it for free at ziprecruiter. Com live. With 33 individual vertebrae and 640 muscles in the human body, no two of us are alike. Life made more effortless through adaptability. The perfect position seat in the lincoln continental. at least your taxes are free. In the lincoln continental. [laughing] intuit turbotax. Directv has been rated number one in Customer Satisfaction over cable for 17 ble. 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Elvis is also going to do a performance of his great song alison that you can watch in its entirety on our Youtube Channel later on tonight. Tomorrow night, Annette Bening will be here, director Paul Thomas Anderson will join us, and well have music from sylvan esso. Please join us for all that. Our first guest tonight has given his heart, soul, and beautiful blonde hair to Marvel Comics as the mighty thor. Next, he tackles a reallife hero, as a green beret in 12 strong. It opens in theaters january 19th. Please welcome Chris Hemsworth. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy whats happening . Thank you very much. Just wrapped avengers a couple of days ago. Jimmy which one . Three and four. Jimmy that could be it, that could be all the avengers . Yeah, we shot most of last year, back to back. It was a long, long shoot. Jimmy has it sunk in this could be the last time you ever see the hulk again . [ laughter ] stop looking at the green tennis ball that represents the hulk . [ laughter ] its funny, we were the last couple of months had just felt like you wanted to get to the end. All of us were like, how many more days left . This last week i was sitting there and as they wrapped me, all of a sudden it hit me, wait a second, i didnt soak this up enough, i didnt maximize, i didnt say goodbye to everyone, whatever. Weve been doing this seven years or something you. Jimmy yeah, and its something that everybody will remember forever, really. It feels like im a fan of that world and what were a part of as much as everybody. Jimmy did you steal a hammer, at least . Take a hammer home . A few. [ laughter ] jimmy a few. How many hammers do you have . About five. [ laughter ] jimmy five hammers. Ones in the toilet. At one house. [ laughter ] jimmy in the toilet . Next to the toilet, if you need some assistance. Jimmy its like a toilet paper holder, a very expensive it is now. [ laughter ] jimmy is it really really in your bathroom . Yeah, one of them. [ laughter ] jimmy that means you have too many of them, i think. Too many bathrooms or hammers . Jimmy too many hammers. You dont have enough bathrooms or too many hammers. Fy went in your bathroom and saw the hammer, i dont think id ever come out. [ laughter ] i really dont. No, often people stay in there a little longer, i think because of the hammer. Jimmy yeah. Or i dont know. [ laughter ] maybe the food was giving them problems or something. Jimmy your kids play with and it want to throw it one of my sons in particular, hes a beefy little kid park pa, look, look, i can do it the hammers got a few dents in it, scratches. Jimmy is this your son you posted an Instagram Video of your son. Yeah. Its that son. Jimmy do you mind if we show that video . Sure, yeah. Jimmy so you shot this . My wife. Jimmy your wife shot this, okay. Do you want me to describe it . Jimmy whats happening here . The lollies are kept above the fridge there. And hes 3 by the way. Jimmy uhhuh. Wow. There hes like, ohoh. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy more of a spiderman than a thor. Yeah, we kept trying to move all the furniture away because he kept trying to push it next to the fridge and climb his way up. Wed turn around, hed have a handful of locallies. Jimmy at this point you might as well give up. If the lollies are above the refrigerator, he can still get them, might as well give up. This is the realization. Jimmy hes a twin. Yeah. Jimmy is his brother like that . No, his brothers much smarter. [ laughter ] doesnt quite have the athletic ability. Like his brother, when he runs, he looks like usain bolt. His brother runs, its like hes got flippers on. [ laughter ] its so cute. Theyll be you know a pair . The wonder twins from down under or Something Like that. Yeah. Its funny, when we were shooting averchgers, that son in particular this is a funny story in the end. [ laughter ] he was in the golf cart. Its a neighborhood you drive golf carts around. Son in the back seat, my other son and daughter and wife and theyre driving. He started looking at the thing. All of a sudden driving along hes like, whoo, and leaps out the side. Jimmy while its moving . Oh, boy. My wife is like, what the hell are you doing . Runs over. Hes like kind of sulking. More embarrassed that he didnt stick the landing. [ laughter ] shes like, are you all right . He wont talk. She comes into work. Im on set. Brings him in. Shes like, im going to take him to the doctor. Im like, hes fine, hes not even crying. I pick him up, are you all right . A little angry still. We get the set nurse to come over. Its not broken, hes fine, hes not even crying, but take him anyway. Im like, oh, great. My wife takes him off to the doctor. And the doctors like, it cant be broken, ill get an xray. He gets the xray, oh my god, its a really bad fracture through his femur and its close to breaking all the way through, we have to rush him to hospital, put him in a cast, and the whole time hes just, as i said, more angry that he didnt land on his feet. [ laughter ] jimmy hes a tough kid. Four weeks go by jimmy you should fire that set nurse, too. [ laughter ] four week got by, he gets the cast off. Im cooking dinner and hes on the bench like, papa, look, my legs better. I went no he leaps off the bench. Perfect landing. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy they have those bubbles. Theyre like a big plastic bubble. I think you can probably put a kid in there and keep him in it till high school. I think his siblingsny reserve need those as protection. Jimmy to be protected from him. Thats unbelievable. Yeah, we didnt have anything like that in our family, nobody was tough, no. [ laughter ] i dont know where it came from. Jimmy im sure you dont. Were you like that when you were a kid, rough and tumble little boy . Yeah, yeah. Jimmy swim with the sharks and stuff like that, right . I mean, we surf. The sharks are there. Jimmy and theres shark in the water, yeah. Yeah. Jimmy its called swimming with sharks. [ laughter ] were not chumming the water with dead fish and then us. Jimmy no, youre not welcoming them, but they are there. They are there. Especially where we live. Jimmy do the kids go out in the water with the sharks . Yeah, they they love swimming on the beach. Jimmy is that why you had twins, in case one of them does [ audience groaning ] its the numbers. Jimmy yeah, right. Give you back . Its a great idea. The kids are like, papa, did you see the sharks . Im like, sure did. Whatd you do . Punch them in the nose. Grab them by the tail. Chucked them out to sea. Theyre like, really . Im like, yeah, i did jimmy this explains a lot. For a few more years. Jimmy Chris Hemsworth, his movie is called 12 strong. 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Ask your dermatologist about humira and go. So kick means go. This is the steering wheel. Thats to go left, right to go right, go back to start. Hes not waiting for us, saddle up. Ill start the supply chain. Schedule a drop. Does he have a name . A name . Does it have a name . Check in every four hes going to test you. Ill test him too. Im not sure thats a good idea. About to find out. Jimmy thats Chris Hemsworth in 12 strong. [ cheers and applause ] it is a true story. True story, yeah. Jimmy tell us a little about the story. So basically, true story that was recently declassified. And after 9 11, the big concern obviously was that there was going to be another attack. So the government wanted boots on the ground in afghanistan. And didnt have time to launch a fullscale, 100,000troop mission. They sent in 12 special forces guys and they had very little intel about what they were walking into, had no idea who they were meeting, just knew they had to link up with one of the local or a local warlord. And the other tribes in afghanistan, the afghan people. And assist and fight alongside them to remove the taliban from afghanistan, to take back the country. Jimmy 12 guys. 12 guys. And they had to do it all on horseback. Jimmy like if they sent the thats right. Jimmy on horseback too. On horseback. If you had to pitch that to somebody, theyd say, ridiculous story, it would never happen. What they achieved in three weeks is one of the biggest military achievements in history. And nobody knew about it until very recently. And every day was, as much as the movie was us going, hang on, they did what . How did they pull it off . Fascinating and an honor to play these guys. Jimmy did you enjoy being on the horse . Yeah, i enjoyed getting off the horse too. [ laughter ] we had four months on the horse. Ive rid ann little but, but movie riding, its like one scene, not intensive riding. Jimmy this was serious riding you were doing. Yeah. It was funny, wed do these big charging into battle scenes, so on. Then you have insurance and producers and stuff saying, whoa, we cant go above a trot, basically. Weve got to be safe about this and that. Jimmy did the actual green berets have that also . [ laughter ] yeah, the exact same. So the first couple of days we were trotting into battle, you know. [ laughter ] charge its like, cut, cut, cut the directors like, you cant go any faster . Im like, winking. Boys, this is silly, lets give the horse one and well move quicker and get to a gallop, youll be comfortable. Theyre like, um, yeah, yeah, okay, cool. One of the actors is the producer of all people. So i kick the horse. We charge off, looking heroic. R after the h this is great, this is a trailer moment, yeah all of a sudden, a couple of horses start overtaking my horse. Im like, this aint good. [ laughter ] the guy next to me hasnt got his foot in the stirrups. [ laughter ] hes like this. Got one hand im like, uh, no. Pull up, pull up, pull up and he just cut, cut, whose idea was that, who did that . Im like, yeah, whose idea was that . [ laughter ] the horse got spooked from the explosions or something, i dont know jimmy always blame the horse. Thats a great lesson. Chris hemsworth. Always blame the horse. The movie is 12 strong which opens january 19th. Thank you, chris. Be right back with darren criss Liberty Mutual stood with me when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. Liberty did what . Yeah, with Liberty Mutual all i needed to do to get an estimate was snap a photo of the damage and voila voila i wish my Insurance Company had that. Wait hold it. Hold it boys. Theres supposed to be three of you. 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Get internet on our gigspeed network and add voice and tv for 34. 90 more per month. Call 18005016000. Jimmy hi there. Still to come, music from Elvis Costello. You know our next guest from five seasons on glee. Starting a week from tonight, he reunites with ryan murphy for a very different project, the assassination of Gianni Versace American Crime story on fx. Please welcome darren criss. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy darren, i know what did you do before glee . Were you on something . I did a few things. I was in school, i went to college, did that whole thing. I did this musical in college that kind of set off my career, at least in subcultural circles, a show called a very potter musical. [ cheers and applause ] that kind of started things for me. Jimmy i wouldnt have guessed this many people in this room had even seen a musical, let alone that. [ laughter ] they turn out. That was the genesis. Jimmy harry potter . Is this the musical you wrote . Yeah, i wrote the music, i played harry. [ cheers and applause ] its a whole thing, you can ask wikipedia. Jimmy does j. K. Rowling know you did this, and has she sued you . Im sure shes very upset. Its a fun thing in college, didnt make a dime off it, a fan thing. Jimmy where are you from originally . Im from San Francisco, the bay area. Yeah, theyre just wooing at anything at this point. Im from the bay area, and i moved to hawaii when i was very young because my dad had a job there. I joke thats where all the halfasian babies go. Jimmy are you a halfasian baby . I am, half filipino. Another woo if youre half filipino. Not as many people. [ laughter ] yeah, half filipino kid. Jimmy your mom is filipino . Yes, from sebu, and my dad is a good Old Fashioned 18ly mutt guy, so i look italian. Jimmy did you grow up with Filipino Food and that sort of thing . Yeah, yeah. Jimmy restaurants here in town that you will go to . Yes, funny story. Just yesterday, we had the premiere for the show well talk about in a second. That was on monday night. So tuesday morning, i said to my mom, lets go get some really fatty, unhealthy Filipino Food. As you do when you want to celebrate and youre half filipino. [ laughter ] theres a restaurant that i love in l. A. , shoutout to l. A. Rose cafe. I go there all the time. Jimmy ive heard of that place. Its very, very in that the guy who runs the place will give you a hard time if you dont finish your food. Like a real filipino uncle. Jimmy he yells at you if you dont finish . Doesnt yell, just gives you grief for it. Jimmy i wouldnt know, ive never actually not finished a meal. [ laughter ] ill take your word for it. Youd fit right in. He continued to give me more grief. I had to shave my beard because we were still shooting this morning. Made a beard and he was saying, you remind me of a guy who comes in here a lot, do you know this actor darren criss . He has a movie coming out. Im like, oh, yeah, tell me about this guy. People try to take pictures of him, hes okay. [ laughter ] on the way out, i didnt want to be untruthful with the guy because im a fan of his work. Im like, i am darren, and i really enjoy your restaurant. He goes, no, youre not darren. Darren, you know, hes big. [ laughter ] so i guess at least it wasnt the other way ar i wasnt the fat guy who looked like him. Jimmy he still doesnt know what happened. Now he does. [ laughter ] jimmy maybe he does now. Youre playing a murderer. A serial killer. Many things. A spree killer, a guy andrew, a very troubled young man who does not follow the typical prerequisites of a killer. He didnt kill small animals as a child or have a history of violence. Jimmy he just took to it naturally. I suppose so. Well, such is the exploration of our show. How a kid with so much promise becomes somebody so destructive. I play him. Jimmy is that fun . That must be a lot of fun, to play a killer. I dont know if fun is the word. Jimmy really. It certainly goes to dark places. We see the good sides of him, the sad sides of him. The fun part truly if i have to be a big star gazer, i got to do the show with this insaneo cast. Jimmy whos in it . Penelope cruz. Jimmy thats good, yeah. Edgar ramirez. Was on our show once. I did not think, yes, penelope cruz. [ laughter ] well, shell prove you wrong. Of course we have International Pop superstar ricky martin as well. You have latin royalty, then the half filipino dude. Jimmy did you hang out with these people . I made sure that that was going to happen. Jimmy i see. For plot reasons, you can do the math, i dont spend a lot of time with their characters at all on screen. Jimmy right, right. So i actually, with all due credit to ricky martin, he was very kind. He had us come over to his house several times. Im sort of the pied piper of karaoke and singalong situations because i usually dont bring booze, food, but ill bring a guitar and have singalong. That was my contribution. One of my favorite medical ease of the show, at Ricky Martins house which is a place setter of, whoa, this is wacky. And im sitting there next to grammys. What ricky thought would be nice as a host was he got pedicures for people. Jimmy what . So theres this it gets better. [ laughter ] so im prlaying guitar, playing let it go. Penelope is singing. I Start Playing one of Ricky Martins songs and Edgar Ramirez is singing it to ricky, next to his grammys, all the while theyre getting pedicures. [ laughter ] im like, this all comes from having done a harry potter musical . How did this all happen . Jimmy youre now both living la vida loca, in a way. [ laughter ] truly the locoist possible. Jimmy thats some life youre having. Its been fun, here we are now. Jimmy its great to meet you. Likewise, man. Jimmy the assassination of Gianni Versace American Crime story premieres one week from tonight, 10 00 on fx. Its a miniseries. Be right back with Elvis Costello mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. Before we start, i just want to say if anyone still doesnt have fios, please stay out of the way so your lag doesnt get us all killed, ben. Whats so good about fios anyway . Uh. Whats so great about a 100 fiberoptic network hey. Did you take out the trash . Haha, garbage boy dad, i already took out ben. Its not funny. Gaming is best on a 100 fiberoptic network. So get fios. Now, just 79. 99 per month with a 2year price guarantee with a 2year agreement. Dicky the Jimmy Kimmel Live Concert Series is presented by mercedesbenz. Jimmy id like to thank Chris Hemsworth, darren criss, and apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time for him. Nightline is next, but first this is the soundtrack film stars dont die in liverpool. Here with the song you shouldnt look at me that way, Elvis Costello [ cheers and applause ] am i fine am i pleasing are you pitying are you teasing you shouldnt look at me you shouldnt look at me that way shoot a glance from you just shoot through me if a glimpse of you couldnt do me you shouldnt look at me you shouldnt look at me that way time among all of your enemies leaves you nothing but bitter memories from the first splash of affection to avoiding your own reflection you shouldnt look at me you shouldnt look at me that way now the flashbulbs bedazzle while youre figuring out the spasm you shouldnt look at me you shouldnt look at me that way dont take more than i offer all my love or ill make you suffer you shouldnt look a you shouldnt look at me that way time among all of your enemies makes disguises from drastic melodies from the first brush with perfection to avoiding your own reflection you shouldnt look at me you shouldnt look at me that way you shouldnt look at me that way [ cheers and applause ] this is nightline. Tonight, paradise lost. Oh my god mom the devastating mudslides in california dropping boulders, engulfing homes, killing at least 17. The search for survivors and rescues still under way. Fighting with all my heart to find her, but shes most likely dead. How this idyllic town was flattened, seemingly in an instant. Plus confessions of a cartel killer. A former hitman for a rival of the notorious el chapo coming clean about decades of brutal murder. Hes

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