The state of alabama had a special election to decide whether or not an alleged sexual predator of young girls would be their senator. Remember when we used to find out politicians were dirtbags after we elected them . [ laughter ] i dont know the results yet. The polls just closed. I do know that roy moore, he shouldnt even be in im not talking about the senate race. I mean the human race. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] its mind boggling. Today he rode a horse named sassy to his polling place. [ laughter ] young girls love ponies, i guess. I dont know. [ laughter ] theres been plenty of opposition to roy moore even from within his own party. The other republican senator from alabama spoke out against him and said he did not vote for him. He would not vote for him. President trumps daughter ivanka spoke out against him. She said theres a special place in hell for people who prey on children. And their dad was like, yes, but before that, theres a special place for him in the senat by me. [ laughter ] so there are rumblings, if he wins, Republican Leaders might not even put roy moore on any committees. Which would be roy moore could become the first person to be banned from the Senate Budget committee and the mall. Both of those things. [ laughter ] they held a rally last night [ cheers and applause ] the Moore Campaign had a rally. In midland city. Where roys wife kayla moore, who weve not seen much of, made it very clear that contrary to what you see on the fake news, she and her husband are not bigots. In fact, quite the contrary. Fake news would tell that you we dont care for jews. I tell you all this because ive seen it all so i want to set the record straight while theyre here. One of our attorneys is a jew. Jimmy well, i know i have to keep saying this but those arent actors. That really happened, those are people. One of their attorneys is a jew its like usually when she says that word, she whispers it. Now all of a sudden she has a mike in her hand and it comes blasting out. The only time you should be hitting the word jew that hard when is its followed by manji, right . [ cheers and applause ] and take a look at this. Maybe the most remarkable part of this very remarkable speech is that she has notes. Shes got that jew line is something she wrote down. Can you imagine what she might have said if she were winging it . Im going to take the word dirty out before jew. I think it would go down a little bit smoother. [ applause ] and by the way she didnt stop there. Now that she had the jews in her pocket, mrs. Moore took time to highlight her husbands support of the africanamerican community. When he first took office as chie brought with him three people, two were black. And one of them is here tonight. Jimmy flavor flav that clock is about to get set way back. Then roy himself got up there to say a few words about his wife and somehow managed to make the night even more awkward. I appreciate her so much. Shes been a good mother. She has closer contact with the kids than i do. Jimmy well, i dont know. According to the security guards at the mall, you and the kids were pretty close. Then, and i know it is almost impossible to believe theres more but there is. Then one of roys old buddies who served with him in vietnam told the story about a night one of their fellow soldiers took them to a brothel. Im guessing this guy didnt run this anecdote by anyone before sharing it. He took us to this place which turned out to be a brothel. We walked inside. I can tell you what i saw but i dont want to. It was clear to us what kind of place it was. And roy turned to me, in less time than it took for someone to come up to us. And there were certainly pretty girls, and they were girls. They were young. Some were probably very young. I dont know. I dont remember. I wasnt there long enough. Roy said to me, we shouldnt be here, im leaving. Or words to that effect. In fact, i think those were his exact words. Jimmy wow, so he as hero, it turns out. [ applause ] hey, bill, got any good stories about roy you can share . [ laughter ] got one about some child prostitutes he didnt have sex with. Thats positive. Right . Thats like defending o. J. By saying i was in a room with him once and he didnt kill anyone. What a group this is. And there is the capper. A spokes man for the Moore Campaign was on cnn with jake tapper. You know when they call someone a mouth breather . This man has not made use of his nostrils since probably 1984. Judge moore has also said that he doesnt think a muslim member of congress should be allowed to be in congress. Why . Under what because you have to swear on the bible. When you are before i had to do it. Im an elected official. Three terms. I had to swear on a bible. You have to swear on a bible to be an elected official in the United States of america. He alleges that a muslim cannot do that ethically, swearing on the bible. You dont have to actually swear on a christian bible. You can swear on anything really. I dont know if you knew. That you can swear on a jewish bible. Bible oh, no, i swore on the bible. Ive double it three times. Im sure you have. Im sure youve picked a bible. But the law is not that you have to swear on a christian bible. Thats not the law. [ laughter ] you dont know that . All right. I dont know i know that donald trump did it when we made him president. Because hes christian and he picked it. Thats what he wanted to swear in on. Ted crockett with the Moore Campaign, thank you very much for being here. Thank you, sir, merry christmas. Jimmy merry christmas. By the way, merry christmas, jake tapper happens to be jewish. So thats the spokesman for the Moore Campaign. They called themselves morons. Did you know that . [ laughter ] we have a great show for you tonight. We have music from geazy and halsey are here with us tonight. [ cheers and applause ] the director of a really great new movie called the shape of water. Guillermo del toro is here tonight. [ cheers and applause ] and Dwayne Johnson is here with us, too. And ill tell you something. Im glad [ cheers and applause ] in times like these, sometimes you just want someone to hold you in your arms and sing the moana soundtrack. [ laughter ] by the way, we have something fun planned for later. They did a study at Cambridge University that said sheep are smart enough to recognize celebrity faces. So they show a sheep a picture of a famous person, thats president obama. And then at the sheep eight out of times will go to the celebrity. So tonight well find out if it works on a reallife celebrity. [ laughter ] Dwayne Johnson has agreed to participate in this experiment, and so has the sheep, so were all set. [ cheers and applause ] that will be later on in the show. Christmas is less than two weeks away. Tonight is the first night of hanukkah. For those who dont know, the story is judah macabees cell phone only had enough charge for it was down to one bar but it ended up staying charged for eight nights. He was able to check instagram and everything and hanukkah was born. Sorry about that i dont have a jew lawyer to teach me this stuff. [ laughter ] [ applause ] shelf . Elf on a shelf is tearing our family apart right now. We forget to move it almost every night. We have to sneak in in the morning and try we convinced our daughter that the elf is spying on her, reporting back to santa. So she has this little rat staring at her all night. Its a Destructive Force in the home. It really is. But fortunately there is a new little sentry for children of all religions based on a Popular Series on hbo. This Holiday Season, say goodbye to elf on a shelf. Start an exciting new christmas tradition with lanister on the banister. He will see to it that your children behave. Winter is coming. No one can escape the king slayers watchful eye. You steal that candy and ill chop your hand off. Like this forget milk and cookies. Thats not the lanister way. O mutton jamie will teach your kids so many valuable lessons. I once knew a man who broke his promise. Soon after, him and his entire family were invited to a wedding. At that wedding all the doors were locked so no one could escape. Then they were all slaughtered. Their bodies scored by arrows, sliced open by daggers, throats slit. That great hall became an ocean of blood. Now give your sister back her hatchimal. Youll notice the difference almost immediately. Thanks, lanister on the banister. Well, hello you know, you remind me of my sister. Your complete satisfaction is guaranteed. Call today to order lanister on the banister, four easy install manies of 19. 99. Lannister installment. If you order now, get targaryen in the aquarium for free. Available at walgreens jimmy thank you for that. Well take a break. When we come back from the break, weve gone through many of them and well sing aloud the best clip, the 2017 clip of the year. It will be awarded when we come back so stick around. [ cheers and applause ] give joy, get joy at kohls and get kohls cash for you give joy with fine fragrances an American Girl doll or Diamond Jewelry and youll get kohls cash presents for them, kohls cash for you and starting thursday, stores are open 24 hours. Give joy, get joy at kohls you are a city city wall, city wall were turning heads, were turning heads, were turning heads, oh yeah and nothing can stop us now what are we doinget for thwith our lives . Nd o. You got fired . No, i quit. Its fine. [ sigh ] aw, come on. I would do anything to sing with you guys again. One last show together. [ all cheering ] lets accafinish this. [ vocalizing ] what a beautiful group. Everyone of them going nowhere. Pitch perfect 3. Rated pg13. Where you get the best price for unlimited. vo switch and get four lines of unlimited for 25 per month per line with the fifth line free. Thats 50 off verizon, at t, and tmobile. And this Holiday Season get 50 off samsungs newest phones. For people with hearing loss, sprint. Works for me. Visit sprintrelay. Com. It all starts with a wish. The final days of wish list are here. Ro down and a complementary first months payment. Jimmy welcome back to the show. Dwayne johnson, Guillermo Del Toro, geazy and halsey are here. Fondly on the greatest clips weve collected over the year. Clips checked by four selfless tv watchers. These guys sacrifice everything. Their hyme, their personal hygiene, any hope of a meaningful relationship is gone because they watch television 12 hours a day, seven days a week. Tonight, thanks to these filthy and determined individuals, we will name one of the diamonds they uncovered clip of the year for 2017. Thats right. [ cheers and applause ] and the nominees are not so smart device. Play ticker ticker. Bobby, can you talk do you want to hear a station for porn detected. Hot chick and the chick girl no, no, no [ bleep ] alexa, stop master gator. [ speaking spanish ] jimmy team playa i always wish to be in one of this, and i got it. So thank you very much for this. For giving me this. And i appreciate my fans, also. My wife and my girlfriend. I mean my wife. Sorry to say. Im so sorry. My wife. I love you so much. Jimmy hurricane donald. Puerto rico. We love puerto rico. Jimmy on the nose jimmy and this just in i would argue this is a triumph of democracy. Scandals happen all the time. The question is how do we as democracies respond to those scandals. And what will it mean for the wider region . I think one of your children has just walked in. I mean, Shifting Sands in the region, do you think relations with the north may change . I would be surprised if they do. Pardon me. My apologies. What will it do for the region . My apologies. Sorry. North korea south korea severely limited jimmy wow so many wonderful clips. Its so hard to make a decision like this. But ladies and gentlemen, the clip of the year for 2017 is can i get a drumroll, please. Oh, my goodness. On the nose [ cheers and applause ] wow and here to accept the award for clip of the year, all the way from grand rapids, michigan, mary crenwinkle, everyone [ cheers and applause ] jimmy i guess well just mail this to her home. Congratulations to mary and all of our finest. Tonight on the show, geazy and halsey is here, Guillermo Del Toro and well be back with Dwayne Johnson dicky portions of Jimmy Kimmel Live are brought to you by the makers of glade limited Edition Fragrances. Visit glade. Com. Asts crowd [laughing, cheering] to presents a mi familia que lo es todo. To being right here, right now, with you. Sfx dog bark. And you. Toasting dad i guess what im trying to say is, heres to family. Were proud to bring your family amazing value every day. T. J. Maxx. Marshalls. Homegoods. Family is the greatest gift. Sourced entirely in france, for a character all its own. Grey goose. Give the worlds best tasting vodka. Something inside me has always been there. But now its awake. The force is yours. The last jedi ar stickers only on the google pixel camera. Im joy bauer, and as a nutritionist i know probiotics can often help. Try digestive advantage. It is tougher than your stomachs harsh environment, so it surivies a hundred times better than the leading probiotic. Get the digestive advantage. Jimmy hello there. Welcome back to the show. Tonight on the show, one of my top two favorite guillermos. He is director and writer of a terrific new movie called the shape of water. Guillermo del toro is here. Then, this album is called the beautiful and damned. Geazy with halsey from the mercedesbenz outdoor stage. Tomorrow night, Terry Bradshaw will join us. Yvette nicole brown will be here. Well have music from john legend. Sheila e. Will be sitting in with the cletones. And on thursday, will smith, pharrell williams, and music from n. E. R. D. So please join us. [ cheers and applause ] our first guest could beat up every member of the Screen Actors Guild and their agents too. He is an internationally beloved superstar with a new movie called jumanji welcome to the jungle. It opens in theaters a week from tomorrow. Please welcome Dwayne Johnson. [ cheers and applause ] thank you, thank you. Thank you. Jimmy i have to say when i see you walk out here, i think why dont we work out together . Why dont we get in the gym [ laughter ] you never return my texts. Im constantly saying, jimmy, lets work out, lets do this. Jimmy i feel we could do it. You, you could learn some things from me. Yeah, we just make it work, just me you. Jimmy what times do you work out . Generally around 5 00 a. M. 5 30. Jimmy oh, forget it. Never mind. Forget it, yeah. Jimmy is there a cot in the gym . I could take a little nap while youre working out. A little tanning booth in there. You can tan. Jimmy congratulations, by the way. You mentioned on social media that you and your girlfriend are expecting a second daughter. We are, thank you, my friend. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy congratulations. Thank you. Very excited. Very excited. Jimmy very exciting news. Ive got some strong swimmers, jimmy. Jimmy i would expect nothing less. Thats right. Jimmy i wouldnt even get in a pool with you for fear. The first pregnant man, yes, jimmy kimmel. Jimmy somehow. But do you, before you announce something on social media, something personal like this, do you contact every member of your family to make sure they know from you before they know from everyone else . Well, family is so important to me. So naturally, i contact no one. Not at all. Jimmy nobody . No. Maybe five people knew. That was it. It was tightly locked down. Jimmy wow and we sent out the post announcing the pregnancy, and it was actually, it was the day of the premiere. The jumanji premiere. All afternoon, all night, the phone was blowing up. You get a mix of, congratulations, were so excited for you and the other 50 is, why didnt i know . Jimmy who was most upset in your family . My mom. [ laughter ] jimmy your mom im only kidding. Im only kidding im kidding. Im not that heartless, no. It was everyone but my mom. Jimmy thats very exciting. Were very, very excited. Jimmy are you ready for this . Do you feel prepared . I feel good. I was raised by women all my life basically. And this is my third daughter. Jimmy and now youre raising more women. Surrounded by women. Surrounded by the estrogen. Bring on the estrogen, more. Jimmy youre also, another major life event. Youre getting a star on the hollywood walk of fame, which is right outside the theater. [ cheers and applause ] thats a big deal, right . Its a huge deal. So this is a good week and im really, really grateful this week. With the walk of fame, i got into this business 17 years ago. This will be my 18th year coming up in 2018. Had no clue what i was doing. The only thing i knew was what i was willing to do, put in my work with my own two hands. So i feel like this ceremony is a full circle thing. I cant wait to do and it i think it is right out here. Jimmy do you know what stars your star is near . I do. So the committee was excited to tell me on one side is Vince Mcmahon jimmy oh, really. Yes, who is my mentor and a father figure to me for many, many years. And on the other side, bruno mars. Jimmy who is also a father figure. Who is also like my son. [ laughter ] so it worked out to be a family affair. Jimmy oh, how about that, yeah. If you dont like where your thing is, you could probably just reach into the cement and rip it out and put it over mine if you wanted to. Oh, you have one. [ laughter ] i didnt know thats great. Jimmy lets ask that question again in a less insulting way. [ laughter ] got it. Okay, selfaction. Action. Hey you have a jimmy yeah, i have one. Oh, dude, great jimmy you know that. Thats right, yes i walk by it all the time. Jimmy i dont want to start trouble with you but we did have a little bit of a beef, as they call it. Thats what we call it in the streets, yes. The news that said fanny pack sales had spiked. It became a new popular accessory. The most popular accessory for 2017. Absolutely. Jimmy and they attributed this spike to this photograph of you. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy from the old days. You said Vince Mcmahon was like a father figure to you. When you came out dressed like that, vince didnt say go back in your room and change . No he said, thats a good look jimmy i happened to in september wear a fanny pack to the emmys, and i felt that i was responsible for the spike in fanny packiness. Well, i mean, therein lies the issue that we have, right . Jimmy right. And then you posted this which got me a little nervous. It looks like when i come to your show next month well have ourselves an packer contest, wait, that sounds wrong, never mind, you know what im saying. Bring it fanny pack heres what im saying to you. I brought it, wheres yours . [ cheers and applause ] you know what . I now humbly give the crown to you. Jimmy thank you very much. [ cheers and applause ] and i will store that crown in my fanny pack. Dwayne johnson is here. His movie is ju mmanji welcom to the jungle. Well be right back. Dicky portions of Jimmy Kimmel Live brought to you by duracell. Quires for a true kentucky straight bourbon. So, four long years from now, ill be back for this one. Thats how jim beam makes history. How will you make yours . Subtly sweet vanilla balanced with smooth jim beam bourbon. Mix with cola for a cocktail thats completely in sync. Its raining men the weather girls its almost christmas dad. How do they make starburst taste so juicy . They use wicked small fighter jets to shoot the juiciness into every starburst. [ pilot ] its about to get juicy. Whoo i feel so aliii. It takes guts. [ female announcer ] starburst. Unexplainably juicy. And roomba from irobot gets to work using two multisurface brushes and powerlifting suction to grab and remove everything from fine dust to large debris. Daily dirt doesnt stand a chance. You and roomba from irobot. Better together. Lets go mom slow down for the ones who keep pushing. Always unstoppable. At tmobile when you holiday twogether, great things come in twos. Like tmobile and netflix. Family plan, netflix is included. Wow tmobile covers your netflix subscription, so you can catch the hottest new movies and shows all year long on us. Amazing and its your last chance to buy any of these hot new Samsung Galaxy phones and get a 2nd one free. Thats one samsung for you and one to gift. Just in time to finish off your list. Tmobile. Holiday twogether. Cilantro. Parsley. Spinach. Basil. Toothpicks . Campbells slow kettle chef crafted soups. Mm can i get some more spinach . Made for real, real life. Hey, guys theres no way thats good news. Rhinos theyre indigenous to jumanji. Theyre huge, white, scary and stupid, and they eat people. No theyre getting close my stomachs starting to bother me a little bit. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy that is jumanji welcome to the jungle. Opens in theaters a week from tomorrow. Those are cgi rhinos. They are. Jimmy any real animals on the set . I have real animal magnetism as it is, so i attracted a bunch of animals from the jungles of hawaii. Jimmy well test that. I dont know if you saw. There was a study done at Cambridge University. They brought these sheep out, showed them a picture of a famous person and a nonfamous person. 80 of the time, 8 out of 10 times the sheep would go to the famous person. Yes. Jimmy which is very interesting. It is, im well aware of the study, yes. Jimmy we would like to try this. Live with you. Since you are a famous person. Yes. Jimmy first we need a control subject, if you want to pick someone from our studio audience. [ cheers and applause ] i select the lovely lady in pink. Jimmy lady in pink, come on out. Youll go over here. Grab a microphone. What is your name . Jane. Jimmy my daughters name is jane. This is jane. Dwayne. Jane. Dwayne. Hi, jane. Jimmy im right over here. Jane . [ laughter ] are you ready for this study . You consent to be a part of this study . Yes. Jimmy stand in this box right here. Okay. Inside the box. Yeah, okay. And dwayne, youre inside the box. Are you going to be insulted if the sheep doesnt recognize you . If the sheep picks jane instead of you . Will this be a blow to your ego . It will be a massive blow to the ego, yes. But i have all the confidence. I do have a question though. Is the sheep she has a pink shirt on, is it color blind at all . I want to make sure the sheep is not influenced. Jimmy oh, lets ask our scientist. Guillermo . Bring in the sheep. Here comes guillermo with the sheep. [ cheers and applause ] guillermo, dwayne had a question for you. My question is, is the sheep color blind at all . Will the sheep be influenced by the pink shirt . Guillermo shes not blind. And the color doesnt matter. [ laughter ] the color doesnt matter. Jimmy the color doesnt matter and shes not blind. Great. Jimmy why may i ask are you wearing a stethoscope . Will you be doing a physical on the sheep . Guillermo i want to check shes healthy. Jimmy all right. What is the sheeps name . Guillermo daisy. Jimmy guillermo, you didnt tip the sheep off and tell her whats going on. Guillermo no, nothing. Jimmy okay, all right. So here we go. Daisy the sheep is about to be released. And where should i go . Should i move . I dont want to affect the sheep. Im screwing the experiment up. Now its not scientific. Im going to go home. [ laughter ] dwayne, finish the show no. Ill go stand over here. Daisy, dont look at me. Look over at them. Thank you, a jimmy yes, we are ready. Guillermo all right, go, daysry. Jimmy let the science begin. Unbelievable [ cheers and applause ] wow well, congratulations. And the part i didnt mention is, since you are the winner, you get to keep the sheep. Hey [ cheers and applause ] jimmy keep the sheep and thank you very much, jane. Thank you, jane. Jimmy jane, you have no idea what the hells going on, do you . All right, thank you. Dwayne johnson, everybody jumanji welcome to the jungl opens a week from tomorrow. Well be right back with Guillermo Del Toro. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy welcome back to the show. Still to come, geazy with halsey. First the Holiday Season can be hectic. The gifts, the decorations, the window while youre changing clothes, its absolutely exhausting. The good people at glade created limited Edition Fragrances to help all of is rediscover the magic of the holidays. The holidays again and i have so many presents to wrap. I have to Cook Christmas dinner, its all such a hassle. You forgot the spirit of christmas who are you . Guillermo the Magical Christmas elf. Im here to remind you of the true spirit of christmas. With this. A candle . This, a candle, but not just any candle. Wow awesome stockings, presents yes its christmas, its christmas aww because now you know the true spirit of christmas is inside you. You really reminded us of the joy of the season. Its very meaningful, now light the candle or well sic buster on you. Dicky magic, glade has a fragrance for that. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy be back with Guillermo Del Toro i remember the warmth and the wonder. Twinkling lights mixed with the scent of spruce. Apple cider and stocking surprises. And now, a new chance to relive it all. Magic. We have a fragrance for that. Glade limited Edition Fragrances. Sc johnson. A family company. Ladies and gentleman this is a robbery. What are you doing after this . St. Jude helps save kids wiim from florida. Ere. Im from illinois. Where are you from . I dont remember i was a baby when i was born. Visit stjude. Org or shop where you see the st jude logo. amanda von a fluke. D scrappy and he totally has a superpower. Didnt know i was allergic to ibuprofen. And i had fallen asleep. scrappy barks amanda he was totally freaked out, digging and pawing at me. And when i woke up i realized that i was in anaphylaxis and went to the emergency room. 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Ever us one diamond for your best friend. One for your true love. For the one woman in your life whos both. Ever us. Available at kay, jared and zales. Grey goose. Give the worlds best tasting vodka. Lines . An develop fine lines what lines . The chapstick total hydration collection. Our advanced skin care formulas instantly smooth and transform your lips. Chapstick. Put your lips first. There must some kind of way out of here said the joker to the thief theres too much confusion i cant get no relief business men, they. You are forever becoming who you are. Drink my wine Bleu De Chanel at macys. It feels good to be back. Jimmy welcome back to the show. Still to come, geazy with halsey. Our next guest is an exceptionally imaginative maker of movies and monsters with a great new one called the shape of water, which was just nominated for seven golden globes, including best picture, best director, please welcome Guillermo Del Toro [ cheers and applause ] jimmy how are you . Hey, congratulations, first of all on all the nominations. You got more nominations than any movie. Thats exciting. [ cheers and applause ] did you wake up nominations came out yesterday. Did you wake up early to see what would happen . Were you ready for it . Ive been traveling a lot. I said to my manager, will you call me when everything happens . And well see. It is not really glamorous. I sleep with a cpap machine. Jimmy oh, one of those big oh, really. Yeah, very sexy. Very sexy. I take off my glasses to increase the effect. Im sleeping. I cant find my glasses. I have the cpap machine like darth vader. And i cant find. Im like, hey, if its important, he calls again. Im looking and i grab the cell phone and i put it right next to my eye. Nominated for this. Thats great. It took four nominations for me to find the glasses. So its good that it was seven. Jimmy when you get nominated for all the golden globes, in mexico, your homeland, is there a celebration . Are they proud of you . Is it big news there . It is. Im hoping i get to be a pinata. Jimmy is that an honor . To be a pinata . Because theyre making a lot of pinatas of donald trump. [ laughter ] it doesnt seem like theyre honoring him. It depends on what the pinata is full of. Jimmy what are they candy. Jimmy i love the movie. I was watching i saw the movie last night. After watching it, i thought this is not just a good movie. It is a classic. And i know the audience hasnt seen the movie before. But explain what the plot is. The plot on paper sounds ridiculous. It is. Insanely simple and insane. Its a fairy tale for troubled times. An adult fairytale. Its about a night shift in a supersecret government facility. This mute woman, cleaning lady, discovers there is a creature they keep there. Every night she has a little lunch next to the creature and they form a bond and its a beautiful, beautiful, moving love story. Jimmy it really is. Youve got your two main characters, dont speak. Which is a big challenge. It is. Jimmy the creature itself is kind of grotesque but also, there is a beauty to it. Did you create the creature . It took three years. We knew we were creating an elemental river god so it needed to be beautiful. It took two years to design, one year to execute. And i must say its perhaps one of the most beautiful creatures ever committed to film. Jimmy i agree with you. When did you think of this idea for this movie . Was it a recent thing . No. It started when i was 6. Every sunday we would go to church and then watch movies. At 6 i was watching creature from the black lagoon on tv. Jimmy there is a similarity. Yes. The creature swims underneath. And i thought what a great love story. I was 6. I thought, im sure its going to end well. The creature will come out well. This is a Home Invasion movie. They kill the creature at the end of the movie. Jimmy yeah, right. Its a creature. Yeah. Exactly. I said, im going to correct that. It took 46 years but i corrected it. Jimmy you did. I would assume youre happy with the way it came out. How do you compare to it your other movies . Its a movie that i like the most, that ive ever made. I think it is the best movie. It was a movie that was really difficult to make and we opened in the venice film festival, first time we show it. It won the golden lion. I cried. I genuinely cried like miss universe. [ laughter ] except different measurements. [ laughter ] 808080. Jimmy Michael Shannon is the bad guy in the movie and hes fantastic. I dont want to single him out specifically because all the acting is Sally Hawkins. Jimmy Sally Hawkins is you have i dont think im running this because i think this is something thats out there. You have a love scene between a human woman and a yes, yes. Jimmy sea creature. Were you worried that it would be completely ridiculous . Always. Every day. Failure and success live next door to each other, and they have no numbers at the door. [ laughter ] you just knock. The thing that is the most sublime is the thing that can be the most ridiculous. Always. Youre risking it. Jimmy you had no idea whether it was working or not . You try to ive been doing this 25 years. Its like humor. The joke or the tragedy, you bring your craft, you bring your experience. You think, what am i going to do to ensure that its gorgeous, beautiful, poetic, magical . Sometimes youre right, sometimes youre not. Jimmy the crew, were they on board with it . Yeah. Jimmy or were they looking at this sea monster, river monster no. If you think this is weird, let me describe. Theres a musical number. A musical number, and that was weird. We have an orchestra. 50 instruments and tuxedos. In comes an amphibian man and a woman in a glowing dress. And i say, i bet this is the weirdest gag youve ever been booked on. Jimmy yeah, really. The band was like, when did we get high . [ laughter ] well, it is a beautiful movie. And i encourage everyone to go see it. Its called the shape of water. It is in theaters. Guillermo del toro, everybody thank you. And we shall return with music from geazy and halsey. [ cheers and applause ] dicky the Jimmy Kimmel Live Concert Series is presented by mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. It all starts with a wish. Hurry in and sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down and a complementary first months payment. With twice the crispy caramelized peppered bacon. Dunkin sweet black pepper bacon sandwich is back. Experience a breakfast sandwich made for bacon lovers. America runs on dunkin dicky the Jimmy Kimmel Live Concert Series is presented by mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. Jimmy thanks to Dwayne Johnson, Guillermo Del Toro, and we apologize to matt damon. We ran out of time for him. Nightline is next. But first, this is his album, called the beautiful and damned. Here with the song him and i with help from halsey, geazy cross my heart hope to die to my lover id never lie he said be true i swear ill try in the end its him and i hes out his head im out my mind we got that love the crazy kind i am his and he is mine in the end its him and i him and i my 65 speeding up the pch a hell of a ride they dont wanna see us make it they just wanna divide 2017 bonnie and clyde wouldnt see the point of living on if one of us died yeah got that kind of style everybody try to rip off ysl dress under when she takes the mink off silk on her body pull it down and watch it slip off ever catch me cheating she would try to cut crazy but i love her i could never run from her hit it no rubber never would let no one touch her swear we drive each other mad she be so stubborn but what the is love with no pain no suffer intense this it gets dense she knows when im out of it like she could just sense if i had a Million Dollars or was down to ten cents shed be down for whatever never gotta convince you know cross my heart hope to die to my lover id never lie he said be true i swear ill try in the end its him and i hes out his head im out my mind we got that love the crazy kind i am his and he is mine in the end its him and i him and i him and i woahohohohoh woahohohohoh in the end its him and i him and i woahohohohoh woahohohohoh in the end its him and i we turn up mobbin til the end of time only one who gets me im a crazy gemini remember this for when i die everybody dressed in all black suits and a tie my funeral will be lit if i ever go down or get caught or they identify my was the most solid nothing to solidify she would never cheat youd never see her with a different guy ever tell you different then its a lie see thats my down see thats my soldier she keeps that thang thang if anyone goes there calm and collected she keeps her composure and she gon ride for me until this thing over we do drugs together together up clubs together together and wed both go crazy crazy if we was to sever you know we keep mobbin its just me and my the world we just gon keep getting rich you know cross my heart hope to die to you ive never lied for you id take a life its him and i and i swear ayy til the end ima ride wit you mob and get money get high wit you yeah cross my heart hope to die this is our ride or die you can confide in me there is no hiding i swear stay solid never lie to you swear most likely ima die wit you yeah cross my heart hope to die to my lover id never lie he said be true i swear ill try in the end its him and i hes out his head im out my mind we got that love the crazy kind i am his and he is mine in the end its him and i him and i l. A. Stand up him and i woahohohohoh woahohohohoh in the end its him and i him and i woahohohohoh woahohohohoh in the end its him and i [ cheers and applause ] this is nightline. Tonight, deadly train disaster. An amtrak train near seattle derailing on its inaugural run. Oh my god, that train is derailed over the freeway. Plunging into the interstate below, pinning cars and passengers. Bodies on the freeway at least three dead and 100 hospitalized, what could have caused the accident and were there warning signs . Plus, the greatest show man. Ladies and gents this is the moment hugh zook man is p. D. Barnum, his role as the controversial father of showbiz. Hes definitely a flawed

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