Welcome to a new. Defse news. A new novel that hints at the next world war might look like. Israel aerospacece industries was founded in 1953 to build the aircraft and missiles needed to defend the new jewish state traded as knowing nearly or milliondollar company with unmanned aircraft, satellite rockets, and just. Jets. The chairman is driving efficiency moves t to increase profitability as t governmentt moves to privati to 49 of the company. He grew in Digital Printing busiss but sold to hp for 1 billion. We met wh him at the Paris Air Show and i asksked how he planned to grow thu. S. Defense business. That is a big challenenge for us. I was aually y hoping toarket where we had added value. We havehe asipacific market well as latino america, and other places. In the u. S. , we a a b limited because momost of our activities are military. A military come any we have proxoxy loans and othther things that we must do t requi local companies as an engine forr growth. Were focusing g on o our work with boei which is assblies,s, and ave identifd mississippi as very y attractive p placeoo thoperion because t the local geograph area, which is a b area f for bing. We are building capapacity y to d all of the aemblies of boeieing in mississippi witith nicece support fromom the governonor. Are aystem. Oubiggt advavantage is s taking ve sopsticated sysystem isis and actually tailorinthem t together to get a very imimpresve and effective sosolution. In the u. S. Whwhat we e are doing today is established the local managemement based opeople tha you know that arare retable people. We aretarting ousecondnd sta , acquirincacompananies. Bringiging technologies from isel that will be managed with thee dod iorder to make surure that we e can erate e as aocal American Company iorder t buil a nice base. What is nice about the usa it is definitely a territoryryhat we can continue to proeduce for a nicece group but will a assist us in our Business Plans going forward. Vago whenen you look at that activity incncludi what youre progmming,g, whaare the specific market areas and oductsts that are going to have particular appeaeal to the peagon . . E are very strong with the sensor part of the busess. Radars and her technologies that we are leaeaving in the stateoftheart solututions in thworld. We a focusing o u uav and bt solulutions. My philosophy is thatnything that can be on grant will be unmannnned ithe future. Cilian and comommercial a aviatioion is n not excxcluded fromhis finition. I thinwe a are presently working onon this edition, a we see ourselves as the greater player in this area moving forward. Vago tell l us abo your globa grow plan. You hahave a builtin handicap in that there is a lot of arab countries you cannot do siness with great talk to us about your globobal Growth Strategy given ththat the Global Growth market is a highly competitive place. You u have the sth koreans being active now, the chinese are very active and the turks as well. All of the other big players are aggresessively fighting g or eh piece of fooood further and rther down the food change. Chchain. In e last 10 ars we hav grown by 100 . Only from organic growth. So potentily, if we look on the scalability, we undstand at we mus invol nonorgani or ima gwth. We need to have the structure of the company, and i am pushing veryard to bringng the compa publ. We have already been approved to go for an o. It wilill ben tel aviv and itit will be much more thahan 49 initially we will do about 20 and t then we still need to find a quarter with the governnt but we are working intensively on that. We wl adnew role of sourceces that can be injected into ththe company after ththis ipo. This will be used for substantial m a to allow us to ve growth on all of our targets. Another tng is that we are presently operatg in teterritorories whehere we have an added value. We can offer them sutionshat are tatailor to their own needs great as allolows us cree orgaganic owth now we are also going for an m a d veryry developed areas that would allow w us this. S. Vago have you identify the arareas you want to improve with a . I will ve youou some potential areas. Will n not g too specifific. Robotic. Any technolo which relateses to this wld be veryelevant for us. Thother thing that i thk would eat a bibig buness for uss is c cyberwe have a very strong cyber cability. I nnot talk aut it in ts inteterview, but we are gointo leverage this s by acquiring bac i ca share with you that we are opened our First Company off cybern singapore under the nameme of custodial. Vago onef the e areas you are veryry strong in his missile defense. The United States was in a papartnein developing mass. That. T. I know therere hasas been n some seitivity to thiover the years buthere are ththose t the way th the charactcteristitics of the row are very suited for u. S. S. Applilications. Ishere a possibility that the stem could someday be part of the u. Missile fense architecture, inour view . Naturally, i cannonot talk about it. And im not decisionmaker i this. The e arrow w fleet is one of e best systems that t exists today fo in specialization. Were develing these s solutions for the statend we have struck a strtrategic agreeeemen with boeing g that they would be our agentnt or partner to ll these worldwide. Ase talklk we have some very serious discussion withth other countries regardining the arro everything under u u. S. Approv because it is their chnology to b be regulated. Vago f for more of our interview go to fense news. Com. Coming up how the u. S. Can i stood outside, assessing the situation. I knew it could rough in there but how rough . There was no way to know for sure. Hey guys. Daddy, its pink but hey. A new house its a blank canvas. And we got a great one thanks to a really low Mortgage Rate from Navy Federal Credit union. Pink so shes a princess. You got a problem with that . Oorah oorah open to the armed forces and their families for over 80 years. Navy federal credit union. Va over the past four decades the United States has developed an unprecedented a ability to detect, track, targe and strike rgets worldwide. But World Leaders w worry about that advanta may diminish in the fufuture. Welcomee back tohe program. I want to start with y. You picked a fairly straightforward title for your piece. Yourur premise is that the united date is states is that risk for losing g this advantage. Why . We have talked about other capalities. We have pointed out that we have become accustomed over the last 25 years to fighting enemimies that have e not had the kind of capabilities thaweve been able to bring to the fight. That is no longer r true. You look at chin russia, theyy have all developed g guide weapapons, some very good precision. More importantly they are developing capabilities to counter our precision strike operations to intercept our decision strike reference weapons. There is precision on both side offenses anand defenses weapons pable ofntercepting our weapons dramatically change how you do opetions in the futurere. Vago audio jacks to this new future w do you adadapt to this future . We have to think abobout two major things. One increasingly survivability of oureapons. Makingng our precision guided weapons more likely to reach the target once they leaves the platform. Being able to launch more weapons that the tart because we might need to be able to ercome the defensive capacity of the air to enemy. We might need smaller and less expensive weapons that can be launched in smaller volumes. Vago that is the solvent i youre t talking about in your arment you have to think about two opponents who also have position weapon and precision defenses. They are both working to improve those capabilitieies. The one who does it will successfully has the advantage. Vago you were an airorce pilot and you were navy submariner. As you look at the precision weapons the span of your career, right would you change it fundamentally . Vago we have a report of the weapons we bought since 2001. The majority of them are direct attack weapons. About 96 of the weapons to actuallyuy bought have a range of 15 miles or less. That requires a strike what form to get very close to a target. If these targets are defended by surface to air missiles that are effectivee againsthe aircraft, that is going to ba very challenging prosition. What were saying is we need to ineasehe standoff ranges of our stke platforms b by buying a different mix of wpons. We coululd by striike weapons that have rang of 400 miles and that will last have strike platforms that were survivivable. The weapon would not get so largrge th it would take up so much room thatou wld not be able to launch very many of them. Vago a delicate balance. There are those that say if youre looking at an antiaxis area denial, you need something that has even greater ran to be able to reach through there. Is 100400 the answer . 1004 hundred is the answer. You haveve to think of the platform weans pairing. We might have a platform like an aircraft or a shift be ableo approach the target close enough so it is able to use a weapon that has a range of 100400 les because that would allow them to use enough of th to overcome the defense capacity. If the rangege becomes too large you cannot carry very many of them. Ththey can be highly survivable or i have to launch more of them whicich means anymore strike platforms. Vago that does not mean that we do not need longerrange weapons in the future. Today the next is way over one side of the range trectrum. Wewe need to barry bonds it. Rebalance it. Strike plananers need to think differently about strike operations in the future. What you mean by both of those terms . What were saying is this iis not a matter of buying more aircraft to do strike operatns and d a lot more weapons. You need to take a look at your operational concecept and change them to increase the survivability of our position strike position strike weapons. Tununneling hisere because the atmosphere hasome defenses in place i would launch a lot of cheap weapons or decoyoys athe target first. That would consume the air missile capacity. Immediately following that i have a window in which he does not have a lot of defenses and i canaunch strike weapons inn that w window and tunnel ththrough did the targrget after i have launched these waves ochief weapons cheap weapons. E collaboration is that i have to launch weapons ery potential pinpoint because i do not knowow whichch ones willet shot down. If my weapapons couldollaborate and talk to one anotother as they are making theirir way to the target, if all of the weapons that were going to target were lost in the course of the defenses, i could redirect weapons and allow em go to go to that target. Vago talk to us abt hypersonic energy. What is the e potential role o these are systems . We are talking about individual aircraft sorties being abable to strike will target for sorting. What if the warheadsf the future, each one can strike scores of target, such as a Cruise Missile wita highpowerered microwave warhead that is a counter electronics capability . Go through contested territory have great effecon the sysystems pow. Vago how do the platforms change the equation . What wereaying is if youre going to increase the standoff from an enemies Operational Area and a out of the region, then you need more range from your platforms. You need bger play loads to offset active toto fly a longer distance. It does not mean they do not need fhters, but you need to disperse them clos to the enemy. Vago thank you. Up next, a new novel with a vago in the spirit of tom clancy a a novel ofhe next world war by peter s singerr and august cole serves up a highly realistic portrayal of what a future war between the United States and rsia and china would look like. Singer is a leading defense analystith new america and he joins us now. Welcomome to the program. Tremendous spoke to my a lot of buzz around. Almost every military gogood guy is excitedbout what you have done here. What inspired you . We wanted to combine the kind of books we word in. It envisions when a future war might look like b it is backed by nonfiction research. Everything are technology and trend is drawn from the real worlrld. Think of it as a fun summer read. 400 in not to document how rule. Vago is a great thing about the clcy books in n the mid80s and we were hitting them, was the reasm. This is a broader thing. Tells about the plot thout spoiling it. It is quite the plot. That is be smash up a fiion and nonfiction. Basically he takes thehe real worltren right now of this ruin cold waretween the u. S. D cha and russia, dials it forward a lilittle bit and says what if turned hot . In the style of a red storm rising rather than following single character, it plays it out followg numbers of charactersut ia military domain we see how the workplace out and ththe land, air, and sea, but als space e and cycyberspace. Vago in Silicon Valley ecutives mobobilizining to the national defense. Youure strping away potential misunderstandings of what it future war might look like. Talko us about how tt war is likely to of all in one of t the elements it is likely to include that p people will not think of. And looks at how a great power war in the 21st centntury would be different on the wawars of tod butlso with nuances from t great power wars of 1985. It looks at it in terms of the tech advantage that American Forces have gone into battle with the l last several generations might not be there. We might be fighting against fo with comparable weapons systems. We can see thahat with the Generation Fighters were not just us but chi and russi have the we also look at the potential vulnerilities that might be babaked into ourur systems. That is the essenence of cyber warfare. Va what you think a are the folderer abities that are there that willave to be overcome, and what kind of casualty effect does that half . For me thehe concern is that there are ctain assumptions in thway that we fighand what we build, what we bubuy, that cod risk setting us up for an epic fail l of both deterrence andd also diplomacy. One example, we b buy a number of systems that are related to the pontiac aztec great a sports car inin the front overpriced, overengineer, not actually good for whatever the scenario is. We can identify a loof things lilike that t mae a potentially set us up for a a bad situatn. Another part of it is s our mentality. Looking at difffferent conflilicts and saying t world way t the wods todaday, it is always going to be that way. Vago paying attention to the notion of great power polics which is what the russians and chinese and United States e dog. I do not think a war beten the e u. S. Nd china is inevitable, but we are in a world where it is inin kabul. Chinaas regime newspaper recently Article Group that war is inevitable if the u. S. Does not change his policies anthe south china sea. A war could ststart by accident, or could be a deliberate choice that plalays o. Vago in the 30 seconds at we have left, let me ask you, we e now in a very different infoformation eironnt. How doeses thaimpactct whafuture wars will look like . Wars first batattle, somebodody taping in a cell phone and putting it online befofore the president even knonows. Vago best of luck to y. How to protect against identity thef the best defense against Identity Theft are the best offense. Safeguguard your infnformation and be proactive agast about protecting your identy. If youre actctive duty deploy put alert on your use. He also want to shorup your wireless connection. Never conducted t transactions on an open network or publi computer. Bebe crafty about your password. It is temptingo use thehe same password eveverywhere but a small change can be different in protececting your information from being hackcked. Lastlyand fishing. Trust your instincts the d deal seems to good to be true e or the email comes from m your bank saying your account will not be close wl be closed. Ver choose a link in a email. If y you ever suspectraud contactor Financial Institution right away. Your knowledge and beth fast action and fast action will keep you safe. Vago vago amid barbecues, fireworkrks and r a july 4 is the day americans come tother to reflect on the birthth of this great nati 3years ago 239 years ago. The successes ofhose who gave their livesnd 14 the country. This is also a great time to remeer all america who over the cecenturies s did there are large ansmall to build a dense u united ststateses. From settlers,s, to revolutionar patriots, two captains of industry to workers. Two lawmwmakers, civil rigights leaders, as the soldiers who have sexife their lives for the nation. Today tens of thouousands troops remain in harms way. On, over, and d underhe s seas andd on watch at ho. America about us all age doing our part eveday day to keep building thgreatest nation in history at each yeaear it is worth taki thehe time to marvel at what we have a all accomplished togethe thank you for watching. Visit us line foror more. Impunity questio or comments please email me. I will be back next weweekt the same time. Until en, have a great week. [music] dr. Charles stanley today on in touch whave two very special guests that im sure you will enjoy. Twin brothers, david and jason bebenham. They play professional baseball and are now succccessful entrepreneurs who faithfully represent jesus wherever they go. The first time i heard them speak i was struck by their unwavering courage and faithn god, which was instilled in them by their godly father. As the benham brothers discovered, its not easy when you take a stand for christ and live what you believe with conviction. All sorts of resistance and adversity arises to oppose youou. But when you are raised stand for jesus and are faithful to his word there is absolutely nothing that can defeat you. U. So i know youll be encouraged todaand see, first of all,ow

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