Wiwi Jury — our in-house team of music unprofessionals — is reviewing and rating the 39 competing songs in Eurovision 2021. Next we journey to Iceland where
Daði og Gagnamagnið have
“10 Years”. Did the song make us want to celebrate their anniversary? Read on to find out!
Daði og Gagnamagnið – “10 Years”
“10 Years” reviews
Kristín: After the success of “Think About Things” last year, the pressure Daði was under to bring something similar or better to the table, would have broken us “normal” people within weeks. But the guy is almost unnaturally serene and practically nothing seems to faze him. “10 Years” might not reach the same heights as “Think About Things” but that does not make it a worse song. It has that genuine quality and realness that is Daði’s trademark. The guy