Music / “Live Classical Music”. Matt Withers. At Wesley Music Centre. February 19. Reviewed by
ANCIENT sounds like the guitar and the lute always take a listener back to another time, and even with contemporary music the guitar still holds that connection to the past, but with Matt Withers playing the guitar the sounds are extraordinary no matter what period the music comes from.
In a sold-out concert, with social distancing, the Wesley Music Centre is the perfect place for a solo classical guitar. The sound that Withers creates on his instrument makes that space come alive.
Beginning with three pieces by Robert Davidson, the first titled “Twenty Twenty”, was not only a world premiere, but it suggested, as Withers said, to offer a sense of hope and joy, and it did. This quite Australian sounding piece reflected a laid back laconic style. The following two works, “Daring to Love” and “Forest”, were flowing and mellow pieces, but also fiery at times. They spoke of a composer who knows the guitar well.