May 27, 2021
Papa Felipe's is a NM Safe Certified Business. Enter below to win $25 gift card and enjoy some great in-person eats.
The NM Department of Health wants all New Mexicans 16+ to get their COVID-19 Vaccine.
We want to hear why you're getting your COVID-19 Vaccination...and we could use your reason on the air on this station and all over the state. Leave us a Vaccine Voicemail telling us why you're getting vaccinated by calling (505) 338-7600 or email us a voice memo at: That voice memo must be less than 10 seconds and include your first name.
Fill out the form below to win. Listen on air for the keyword. You will only hear the keyword on the radio (or online via iHeartRadio). And make sure you enter the keyword exactly as I tell you on air!