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Wiltshire Police officers that stopped human trafficking ring honoured | The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald :
Wiltshire Police officers that stopped human trafficking ring honoured | The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald
BRAVE and long-serving police officers in Wiltshire have been honoured at an awards ceremony.
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United Kingdom
Jane Thomas
Graeme Deeley
Barry Reed
James Purcell
Cheryl Hurren
Sergeant James Rodrigues
Dave Whitby
Sergeant Alex Spargo
Nick Bishop
Andy Moreton
Caroline Mckeaveney
Chris Watson
Christophe Mathers
Veronica Brown
Al Lumley
Sergeant Adrian Bray
Lou Martin
Kier Pritchard
Police Sergeant Jon Fairbairn
Wiltshire Police
Tour Force
Police Sergeant Adrian Giles
Constable Nick Bishop
Operation Gladiator
Detective Constable Bishop
Criminal Activity
Senior Crown Advocate
Chief Constable
Detective Inspector Simon Childe
Outstanding Teamwork Awards
Detective Sergeant James Rodrigues
Investigator James
Constable Christophe Mathers
Sunday February
Special Constable Mathers
Inspector Andy Moreton
Inspector Al Lumley
Detective Sergeant Alex Spargo
Detective Constable Cheryl Hurren
Special Constable Chris Watson
Inspector Dave Whitby
Financial Investigations Manager Lou Martin
Constable Kier Pritchard
Force Awards
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