Gundipora, situated along NH 444, stands out for its aesthetic Kangris and wicker baskets, produced by skilled villagers who travel to nearby areas offering repair services during winter. The village also boasts a rich cultural heritage, nurturing talents like Gulam Hassan Gundpori, a renowned Sufi poet, and various musical sensations such as Yaseen Gundpori and Aijaz Hassan Gundpori.Gundipora's artistic landscape extends beyond Kangri-making, encompassing flute playing, indigenous dance, and Ladakhi song performances by individuals like Nyama Kak. The youth of Gundipora actively engage in preserving their cultural heritage, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding traditions to maintain their unique identity. Recognizing the significance of cultural preservation, the villagers are committed to ensuring the continuity of their artistic legacy. The author, hailing from Qazigund, Kashmir, underscores the imperative of protecting cultural heritage as a means of preserving a nation's identity.