Why Do The British Insist On Confusing Cannabis With Tobacco?
Why Do The British Insist On Confusing Cannabis With Tobacco?
The views expressed in this article solely belong to the author and do not necessarily represent those of The Fresh Toast.
When I became the National Director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) back in the early 90s I felt that it was my duty to go to the High Times Cannabis Cup, which was held annually in Amsterdam during the American Thanksgiving week. Work, work work.
As part of my research I found out — the hard way — that Europeans almost always smoked a cannabis “joint” with tobacco. Until the late 1980s most of the cannabis in the Netherlands, and in the rest of Europe, was smuggled hashish, which can be really harsh to smoke, and since almost everyone smoked tobacco in those dark days, it was only natural to break up the hash and mix it with tobacco, often from a cigarette.