Why are white-winged crossbills drawn to yellow snow?
April 8th 11:52 am |
Ned Rozell, University of Alaska
While out on a springtime snow trail, I recently saw a dozen white-winged crossbills pecking at snow on the side of the trail. When I reached the spot, I saw a yellow stain from where a team of dogs had paused.
Last spring, I saw a bunch of crossbills gathered near an outhouse. They were congregated at a communal pee spot in the snow. The birds were poking at it.
Why might songbirds have a thing for yellow snow?
I put that question up on a forum used by bird lovers who live here in the boreal forest - the immense swath of spruce, birch, aspen, poplar and willow that stretches from the shores of the Bering Sea to the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.