Press Release – NZ Compare
Ever wondered which companies are New Zealand’s favourite broadband and energy providers? Well we will know soon enough. The Broadband Compare Awards will return for a 5th year in November 2021 and will now include the energy sector as the awards expand to become the NZ Compare Awards.
Newly expanded to recognise excellence and achievement in the NZ energy sector as well as continuing to celebrate New Zealand’s world class broadband, the awards will take place in November and be the biggest celebration of the utilities sector in NZ yet.
A lot has changed following the challenges of the COVID pandemic last year, as a nation, Kiwis have all experienced hardship but we have changed and adapted. After four hugely successful years, the Broadband Compare Awards have changed too and in 2021 will become the NZ Compare Awards. The event will continue to be the Broadband industry’s premier gala awards but now, due to popular demand, will also pay respect to the hugely valued energy sector with the addition of a number of power specific awards, celebrating the industry’s ever-growing commitment to consumer needs.