Where does my dis-ease come from?
Many health problems that we have are being treated only based on symptoms and in the wrong way.
We solve the symptoms, but ignore the causes of what makes us feel really sick, that is, the dis-ease always comes from subluxation of the top two vertebras. This is the vision of Dr. Jean-Philippe Marcoux D.C. who with 33 years of experience has already helped many people.
Why do we get sick? It’s a good question and Dr. Jean-Philippe has dedicated his life to apply the concept of upper cervical approach found by Dr B.J.Palmer. Subluxation is the causes of many dis-eases that we have. You are probably wondering what subluxation is, I did the same! It is the term used when the first two bone segments of the spine are slightly displaced from their normal position, which happens very easily, and could be the cause behind many diseases as we will explain ahead.