When Two People Miss Each Other a Lot
Jamey Smith seems to be making a habit out of building Friday crossword puzzles.
E. H. Shaughnessy, the assistant engineer-in-chief at the General Post Office, made a telephone call in 1926. He is still on hold.Credit...Kirby/Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
FRIDAY PUZZLE — Some constructors love to make themed puzzles and some like to build themeless ones.
This is only his third crossword for The New York Times, but so far, Jamey Smith falls into the latter category. All three of his puzzles have run on a Friday.
I’d say he’s doing pretty well so far. In just this puzzle, Mr. Smith debuts eight entries, and most of them are very lively. I especially liked TAKE THE HIGH ROAD, SPECIAL SAUCE, ON THE REBOUND, WHAT ABOUT BOB and GROUP THERAPY.