In the Moment, May 6, 2021 Show 1043.
SDPB's Jackie Hendry joins us with an recap of the MMIW day of recognition held on Wednesday, May 5 on the steps of the state capitol building.
Windy days and abundant spring tree growth is causing allergy suffers to seek medical advice. Dr. Ben Meyerink is a family medicine physician with Avera. We talk about the season and what you can do to alleviate symptoms.
A new SDSU Poll is providing a more complete picture of the pandemic in South Dakota. The South Dakota COVID Impact Survey explores the far-reaching impact of COVID, the importance of messengers in the vaccination effort, and the pattern of political polarization in nearly every COVID-related policy question. The SDSU Poll is a research group housed in the School of American and Global Studies at South Dakota State University. We're joined by Filip Viskupic, Ph.D., and David Wiltse, Ph.D.