The Palace of the Holy Office, which houses the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. / Lalupa via Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 4.0).Vatican City, Feb 15, 2022 / 05:05 am (CNA).Pope Francis issued a document on Monday restructuring the powerful Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF). He announced the changes ahead of the publication of his long-awaited blueprint for the reform of the entire Roman Curia. The pope unveiled the CDF's new structure in a text issued motu proprio, or "on his own impulse." This was the 48th motu proprio since his election in 2013, confirming that this is Pope Francis' preferred mode of instituting change. Shortly after his election, he established a Council of Cardinals to assist him in governing the Church and help him draft a new apostolic constitution redefining the tasks and functions of curial offices.The curia currently operates under the 1988 apostolic constitution Pastor bonus ("The Good Shepherd"). The document issued by Pope ...