By Premiere Networks
May 18, 2021
BRETT: I want you to hear a little bit from Rush and his trip to Israel.
RUSH: Now, let's make no mistake about it. There are a whole lot of Islamic nations in the Middle East who want there to be no Israel, and they want to accomplish this by forcing all citizens of Israel to march into the Mediterranean Sea and drown. I guess if you oppose being murdered, it might make you an Islamophobe to these people.
BRETT: And that's gonna be coming up here in the next hour.
BRETT: We are going to get into a tremendous discussion that Rush led on a visit to Israel, an unforgettable visit to the nation of Israel. It's incredible to see the viciousness of the anti-Semitism that is being thrown around from people who are stepping up and stepping out when it comes to challenging what's going between Israel and Gaza.