Bible Study
20 Jul
Many of us remember Amy Grant singing, the powerful worship song, “El Shaddai”. One of the most compelling lines of that song was “age to age you’re still the same by the power of your name.”
As we consider our present culture, what are the implications of God being El Shaddai for us as believers and for the church moving forward?
What Does the Name El Shaddai Mean?
El Shaddai is one of the Hebrew names for God. It is typically translated in English as, “God Almighty.”
El is the Hebrew word translated, “God” and is usually combined with other words that describe a character trait of God. Most Bible scholars say that Shaddai is derived from the Hebrew word, “shaddu” meaning mountain. As a result the most common interpretation of the name El Shaddai is God Almighty or God the “Overpowerer.” It speaks to God’s might over man’s frailty.