December 18th, 2020 at 5:22am by Pat Rynard
As a very, very long 2020 winds down to a close, I thought it would be good to take a look back at what Iowa Starting Line accomplished in our most successful year yet.
One thing I don’t always do a good job of is publicly touting our successes — I’m always cautious about sounding self-serving or boasting. I think when your journalism work is out in public, it can speak for itself.
However, the impact of Starting Line’s work is often far greater than what you simply see online. There are many times every month where there will be a story that ends up on CNN or in the New York Times or on KCCI that I know was a direct result from our reporting. I know that a producer or an editor who follows us noticed something we tweeted, looked into it more and wrote something about it themselves. But if you don’t follow all these social media connections, you might not know how so many storylines about Iowa politics are directly influenced by Starting Line.