WFP Uganda Country Brief, December 2020
USD1.9 m cash transfers made
USD 129 m six months (December 2020 – June 2021) net funding requirements
912,565 people assisted in December 2020
Operational Updates
Nutrition support in Karamoja Region
WFP started implementing its blanket supplementary feeding programme (BSFP) in Moroto and Napak Districts in Karamoja sub-region. The implementation follows results from the Food Security and Nutrition Assessment (FSNA) carried out by WFP and UNICEF in March 2020, which indicates that global acute malnutrition (GAM) prevalence in Moroto has increased beyond the emergency threshold of 15 percent and stands at 17.2 percent, requiring immediate nutrition support and assistance.
At least 29,000 pregnant and lactating women and girls (PLWGs) and children aged 6 to 59 months were enrolled into the BSFP. Distributions started in Moroto and reached a total of 7,054 people in December and will be extended to Napak in January. A ration of 100 grams of SuperCereal Plus per person per day is distributed.